places to visit > uk and eire

West Coast of Ireland

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SA Chris:
Just come to the East Coast of Scotland, you know it makes sense.

Dave Flanagan:

--- Quote from: Bradders on June 20, 2023, 11:23:30 am --- The area of the Black Valley where White Lightning is is banned apparently (I'm told) because the landowner wasn't asked before it was featured in the Bouldering in Ireland guide and the farmer took exception to this.

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First I have heard of this.

Dave Flanagan:

--- Quote from: Nigel on June 20, 2023, 12:36:06 pm ---Thanks everyone for the replies so far, really appreciate all the replies, they're all very helpful. At work atm without much time so will reply properly later, but quickly the m-word has been mentioned: how bad are they? Wales / Lakes level? Or full on Torridon midge tornados?

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Going from some of the videos I have seen of Scottish midge they aren't nearly as bad. I think you just need to be sensible about this. But if you bouldering on a still evening near water or vegetation during the summer there are going to be midge.

Dave Flanagan:

--- Quote from: Johnny Brown on June 20, 2023, 08:58:04 am ---Not only that but there was some sort of legal decision made making landowners liable for accidents on their land.

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My understanding is that the opposite is the case, but it has been hard to convince farmers.


--- Quote from: Dave Flanagan on June 19, 2023, 10:28:25 pm ---I wrote a book called Exploring Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way that might be of some use. Feel free to PM with any questions.

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Love that you ask a speculative question on here and get a reply from someone who literally wrote the book on it! Thanks for the kind offer Dave, if I have any direct questions I will ask. If we decide to come I will obvs buy your book!

Remus, folk festival sounds great! Would be the sort of thing I'd be into if timings worked out.

Fultonius, RE van spots were you using Park4Night? Looks to be loads on there but obvs they aren't always what they seem.

JB / Bradders / (and Dave I guess) - I didn't know this about access. So is it the case that if I see a hill and fancy walking up it it may not be possible? Also is there any Irish mapping equivalent of the OS?

SA Chris - E Scotland is always a distinct possibility tbh!


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