the shizzle > get involved: access, environment, BMC

Potential Anston Stones access issue

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This sign has been seen at the front gate of Anston Stones

Posting for awareness, does anyone else have knowledge of this?

Looks like there was also a small mention of this on UKC but not any really concrete info there either

This shit again.  ::)

The local Parish Council have been trying to pull this for years. I'm assuming it's the same thing. IIRC the woods are owned by Natural England, who have always been totally fine with climbing there.

For some reason the Council aren't, and have repeatedly put up signs saying climbing is banned, when they have absolutely no right to take any such action.

That was the situation as far as I know but maybe something has changed? Seems unlikely to me.

Here's the last thread on it:,26885.0.html

SA Chris:
I bet it's that Jackie Weaver, she has no authority here.

The outcome of the previous thread was keep calm and carry on and be polite.
But there was discussion with the BMC at the time.
Is it worth involving them again?
Do we have a rep for that area? There didn't seem to be one in the last thread or it wasn't clear.


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