'Respect the Rock'?


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Steve R

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2006
Saw this video this morning and whilst I wasn't sufficiently interested to watch much of it, the bits I did see were enough to motivate me to post it here and complain about it.
Firstly, would like to point out I really respect Pete as a climber (and as a person from the handful of times I've met him) and this isn't meant as a personal criticism. More a general criticism and expression of concern on how increased participation and commercialisation of climbing have/are/will compromise the crags.

Anyway the things which made me wince in the video:
-the whole premise of charging around the plantation in a lame challenge context
-challenging other people/youtubers to do the same
-brushing vigorously (at damp rock for extra squirm factor) and filming it
-making the video on a wettish day, saying the rock's wet, doing it anyway

I've nothing against people making money out of climbing (good on them) but I'd argue a line needs to be drawn where anything commercial involving outdoor climbing on real rock has to first off be about education and a (once well established?) culture of respect. Respect for the environment, rock, other climbers, other poeple there, etc. Pious and boring as that may be.

Also master's edge - just leave it the fuck alone now.
I definitely was surprised to see someone say "ah yeah its wet! Annoying" and then climb loads of stuff. I imagine it was mostly dry but still.
I'm not normally a fan of 'my kind of fun is better than your kind of fun' ...but not my kind of fun. The rock is a playground sure but it's not a flipping playground.

I was just thinking earlier, as a tribe we really do lack imagination. Ah, Plantation! Almost all the offbeat venues I've been to recently have been great days out.
Steve R said:
Anyway the things which made me wince in the video:
-the whole premise of charging around the plantation in a lame challenge context
-challenging other people/youtubers to do the same
-brushing vigorously (at damp rock for extra squirm factor) and filming it
-making the video on a wettish day, saying the rock's wet, doing it anyway

- Dragging the pads all over the place.
- At one point, only cleaning one shoe saying he only needs the one, then using the dirty wet one anyway...

It all seems rather poorly thought out. I blame youtube for hiding dislikes.
36chambers said:
Steve R said:
Anyway the things which made me wince in the video:
-the whole premise of charging around the plantation in a lame challenge context
-challenging other people/youtubers to do the same
-brushing vigorously (at damp rock for extra squirm factor) and filming it
-making the video on a wettish day, saying the rock's wet, doing it anyway

-heels on the Green Traverse

- Dragging the pads all over the place.
- At one point, only cleaning one shoe saying he only needs the one, then using the dirty wet one anyway...

It all seems rather poorly thought out. I blame youtube for hiding dislikes.
- chalking the foothold on Not to be Taken Away.

I don't participate in witch hunts, and the rock didn't look particularly wet, though it was clearly mizzling at one point, but I'm astonished that social media savvy people would put that up with so much in it to rile up the internet mob.
Steve R said:
Anyway the things which made me wince in the video:
-the whole premise of charging around the plantation in a lame challenge context
-challenging other people/youtubers to do the same

Also master's edge - just leave it the fuck alone now.

It's an interesting pont, but at the same time I feel like as more experienced climbers we can be a bit hypocritical when it comes to heavy usage of particular venues. I guess there's plenty of sheffield based climbers on here who enjoy a good solo circuit up on stanage (for the nth time), or a quick hit to plantation.
Ah shit, I just found my pitchfork at the back of the shed, what am I meant to do with these flaming torches now?
Firstly, would like to point out I really respect Pete as a climber (and as a person from the handful of times I've met him) and this isn't meant as a personal criticism.

Pete who?
remus said:
Steve R said:
Anyway the things which made me wince in the video:
-the whole premise of charging around the plantation in a lame challenge context
-challenging other people/youtubers to do the same

Also master's edge - just leave it the fuck alone now.

It's an interesting pont, but at the same time I feel like as more experienced climbers we can be a bit hypocritical when it comes to heavy usage of particular venues. I guess there's plenty of sheffield based climbers on here who enjoy a good solo circuit up on stanage (for the nth time), or a quick hit to plantation.

I don't think there's danger of hypocrisy here. People should climb whatever they want as many times as they want*. It's a question of approach, attitude and having a degree of humility. (and not trashing stuff and setting a bad example for the sake of making money and/or bolstering fame)

* at least up to a point, as permitted by some version of Rawls' equal liberty principle
Respect the....


TBH taking the video down so we can't all rubberneck and froth in irate judgementalism is just as bad....
Johnny Brown said:
Firstly, would like to point out I really respect Pete as a climber (and as a person from the handful of times I've met him) and this isn't meant as a personal criticism.

Pete who?

Not me, no-one would ever respect me as a climber.
remus said:
Steve R said:
Anyway the things which made me wince in the video:
-the whole premise of charging around the plantation in a lame challenge context
-challenging other people/youtubers to do the same

Also master's edge - just leave it the fuck alone now.

It's an interesting pont, but at the same time I feel like as more experienced climbers we can be a bit hypocritical when it comes to heavy usage of particular venues. I guess there's plenty of sheffield based climbers on here who enjoy a good solo circuit up on stanage (for the nth time), or a quick hit to plantation.


Good points raised to be aware of, but I watched the video, and actually thought "good challenge" - as in it would be good to try this, though probably somewhere else.

A lot of the behaviour was at a level somewhat lower than what you'd see any weekend day through the winter - which is not to say "Don't be mindful of your impact". To that end, yes, it could have been presented far differently; a good example could have been set.

However, in terms of impact, the challenge requires being able to climb things relatively well and quickly. In contrast, think about the traffic you'd normally associate with a problem like Zippy's - or The Green Traverse.

My view on pads in general is that they contribute to excessive wear, because you can set nearly any problem up to "session" on it. I did crack a couple of ribs in 2019, landing on my side, trying something new without pads though :slap:

So, in Pete's defence, I can come on to a public forum and be critical in my own way, and yes, I noticed the pads, the wet rock, brushing etc, but what registered with me was "That looks fun" - which is to highlight just how selective we can be when pointing the finger ;D

I notice that no one has said anything about the tick marks on Ryuichi's new problem, amazing though it is.

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