Is having to prove your vaccine status ok? Ethically, not epidemiologically (Read 47108 times)


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Crikey! Can I have ‘all of the above’ 😂😂😂

Tell you what tho Potash, I respect your position, as opposed to the tedious virtue signalling and sincere correctness of some. Peace ✌️

(Mods, does potash need time out to calm down? I’m sure we must be concerned about his sanity..... not)


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LozT account deleted and posts removed. I’ve deleted the other thread as well.

I generally don’t follow non-climbing threads so if anyone Dan-like pops again can you PM me so I can delete their account.


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The latest ultra-bantz from a prominent and farcical anti-vaxx site

On this occasion, analyzing one of the images obtained by Dr. Campra , corresponding to a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, see figure 1, it has been discovered, which with great probability, is a nanorouter or part of its circuitry. In the original image, a well-defined drop can be seen in which crystalline structures of a quadrangular or cubic format appear. If you look closely, you can see some marks on these crystals, with a regular pattern, well defined in some cases, but limited by the microscope optics.

The finding has been made possible by isolating each quadrangular crystal, applying a process of rasterizing, focusing and delineating the edges of the image, in order to further pronounce the observed marks. Once this process was completed, a rough draft was drawn with the lines and patterns inscribed on the glass, creating a clean outline of what actually looked like a circuit. The fact of finding parallel and perpendicular lines with a distribution far from the fractal patterns was very striking, which allowed us to automatically infer the possibility that it had been a product of manufacture. For this reason, similar patterns were searched in the scientific literature, which had a similar scheme, similar to the circuit that had just been drawn. The search result was almost immediate, since the pattern of a quantum dot nanorouter was found, as shown in figure 2.

I'm not sure why I rubberneck these imbeciles / extremely-traumatised-and-damaged-by-the-pandemic-scenario-and-quite-ill-people, but they're not getting any less outrageous with time.... It does support my theory that the rise of ridiculous anti-vaxx / anti-mask conspiracies is a trauma response due to the biggest life-affecting upheaval (even though it's relatively minor compared to world wars etc) that almost all westerners have experienced.


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I got shares in moderna and AZ...

all I see is PROFITS  :tease:


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The latest ultra-bantz from a prominent and farcical anti-vaxx site

So many words. I lost the will to read about halfway down the rather looooong page.

Not been on that site, seems less right wing than most.

On this occasion, analyzing one of the images obtained by Dr. Campra , corresponding to a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, see figure 1, it has been discovered, which with great probability, is a nanorouter or part of its circuitry. In the original image, a well-defined drop can be seen in which crystalline structures of a quadrangular or cubic format appear. If you look closely, you can see some marks on these crystals, with a regular pattern, well defined in some cases, but limited by the microscope optics.

The finding has been made possible by isolating each quadrangular crystal, applying a process of rasterizing, focusing and delineating the edges of the image, in order to further pronounce the observed marks. Once this process was completed, a rough draft was drawn with the lines and patterns inscribed on the glass, creating a clean outline of what actually looked like a circuit. The fact of finding parallel and perpendicular lines with a distribution far from the fractal patterns was very striking, which allowed us to automatically infer the possibility that it had been a product of manufacture. For this reason, similar patterns were searched in the scientific literature, which had a similar scheme, similar to the circuit that had just been drawn. The search result was almost immediate, since the pattern of a quantum dot nanorouter was found, as shown in figure 2.

I'm not sure why I rubberneck these imbeciles / extremely-traumatised-and-damaged-by-the-pandemic-scenario-and-quite-ill-people, but they're not getting any less outrageous with time.... It does support my theory that the rise of ridiculous anti-vaxx / anti-mask conspiracies is a trauma response due to the biggest life-affecting upheaval (even though it's relatively minor compared to world wars etc) that almost all westerners have experienced.


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Nanorouters, pffft, you haven't seen the tentacles:
Summon the kraken!!

"It seemed self-aware"  :lol: that's ace. Love the way they've shoe-horned the obligatory "gene therapy" and " ''vaccine'' " in quotes  ::)

Yeah Kelvin, I struggled to read the introduction, although that was mostly because it's complete bollox. The rest is obviously pseudo-science waffle to fool the stupid / susceptible. As usual.


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Also I got forwarded this for more fun, have corrected the context slightly....

I post this in response to speaking directly with several other climbers who have had concerns about their posts and/or their accounts being censored or removed by UKC UKB.

For those not already in the know, UKC UKB has been routinely censoring the forum posts of any climbers who question the current (and in our opinion), ongoing massive over-reaction to the Covid pandemic. UKC UKB have been deleting or banning anyone who questions whether the increasingly authoritarian measures taken by our Government are proportional to the threat in hand. Some have attempted to re-register but have been quickly banned once again. In short, UKC UKB has been attempting to hide one side of the debate from its forum users, seemingly to promote their own (some would say narrow) agenda.

By doing this, UKC UKB have been stealthily manipulating us all by making those with perfectly valid concerns about the huge societal damage being done by authoritarian Covid policy measures feel marginalised, unpopular amongst their peers, and/or ostracised from the climbing community. UKC UKB have given a free rein to certain ‘approved’ forum users, often self-proclaimed experts, to bully, or label as anti-vax, or to not take seriously and debate in bad faith, any climber who does not side with UKC UKB’s particular view of the world. Unfortunately this means that a sensible debate, where all points of view can be discussed freely, cannot be had on UKC UKB without the ‘bad actors’ shutting it down. This is not acceptable.

If you check outside of the UKC UKB bubble, there are many, many well renowned and very senior scientists, virologists, epidemiologists, doctors etc. who think that lockdown policy, mask mandates, and vaccine passports are some of the worst public health mistakes ever made in the history of medicine. They have serious concerns that the long term damage caused by these policies, and our priority with Covid above all other forms of healthcare will prove to be far worse than the disease itself.

Often these scientists will have been smeared by their colleagues from the ‘popular’ and ‘approved’ camp. Often they are not featured on the BBC or the Guardian, but their scientific credentials are just as valid, often far more valid than those scientists you hear about on the mainstream news or conducting the government briefings. Unfortunately many people and UKC UKB itself seems to have forgotten how science works. Science works through robust debate and by challenging assumptions. It does not work by ridiculing, smearing or censoring those with whom you do not agree.

As a forum user, you should also be aware that our media, the ones promoting ‘the science’ will directly benefit financially from us all being locked down or restricted in some way. In times of crisis, people spend far more time online, on forums, reading the news and such like. Hence advertising revenue, usage and click-through rates will increase. So you wonder whether itmight be in the media’s interest to keep this crisis going? The answer, as ever, is to follow the money. As a commercial media operation, UKC UKB is not immune from this vested interest.

Sadly as a result of UKC UKB censorship, UKC UKB has now seemingly become an echo chamber. If you have the right opinion, you can stay. If you are a climber who wishes to discuss a different point of view then you are no longer welcome it seems. Yet out in the real world, those who have been most directly affected by lockdown policy, find the narrow minded and un-sympathetic views of some of those on UKC UKB selfish, out of touch and often abhorrent.

It is now well understood that lockdown policy and Covid restrictions have impacted the poorest in society the hardest. Restrictions have also been used an umbrella vehicle under which the largest transfer of wealth in human history has occurred. It has made the wealthiest one percent even wealthier at the expense to everyone and everything else.

At the same time, our parliament, once accountable to the people, has run rough-shot over due democratic process. Our government has employed behavioural psychologists to ramp up the fear and manipulate the population. Our rights to protest have been curtailed. Our right to bodily autonomy is under threat. Our population has been left divided and frightened, not sure when the goalposts back to normal life will be moved once again. We are under imminent threat of a technocratic and authoritarian future unless we are careful.

The government (often via the media), has routinely encouraged the population to blame those who are not following the rules hard enough, or the un-vaccinated, or those who won’t wear masks, to distract attention from its own failings. After all, if we are all busy blaming each other, we forget about the thousands of elderly sent back to nursing homes to die last March without proper testing. We forget about the broken promises, the lies and the lucrative PPE contracts awarded to mates. We forget about the government’s mismanagement of the health service for decades which is the real reason why we are in this mess. In short, we are in an abusive relationship with our government.

On top of this the media has been controlled and kept in check by the Ofcom restrictions introduced during the spring of 2020 meaning that the media cannot communicate anything but the official government point of view on Covid. The media will also not bite the hand that feeds it. Convenient isn’t it that the two biggest advertising spenders with the UK media are the UK Government and the Pharmaceutical industry.

Think about it, when was the last time you heard a dissenting question asked at a government press conference?  It never happens. The questions are always “should we do more of this?” or “perhaps sooner?”, or “maybe now is time for Plan B?”.  It is never “show us the scientific evidence for this policy?”, or “what damage will this policy do?”, or “those numbers don’t seem right”, or back in January you said “15 million jabs to freedom” etc.

When cases go down it is seldom reported. As soon as cases rise they are ‘surging’ or exponential’. Even the chief of the NHS Amanda Pritchard was never properly called upon to apologise for her lie on ITV that there were 14 times more Covid patents in hospital than the same time last year, when the actual number was far less. And Prof Neil Fergusson who has never got a single prediction even nearly right since this whole thing started is still rolled out by the BBC as an expert.

To top this off are the ‘fact checkers’ including such schemes used directly to sensor mis-information on YouTube and Facebook. Please do your own research into who these people are, what their qualifications are, and who funds them. You will often be very surprised. The level of censorship going on across the board is epic.

If history proves correct, no doubt UKC UKB will delete this post (and me) as soon as it can, but by doing so it would firstly show you that what I say is correct. Secondly it would be showing it is committed to manipulating you, the forum user, into conforming to their way of thinking by hiding one perfectly valid side of the argument (this used to be called brainwashing). So let’s hope that UKC UKB sees sense at long last.

If the UKC UKB does censor this post then because I think that users need to be aware of what’s been going on, I will just come back again using a different device and a VPN to post this again. There should be no need for this hopefully. Therefore UKC UKB, please finally let the discussion be had without the ‘bad actors’, the censorship and the bullying. By discussing this in good faith we can hopefully reach a better place with more understanding all round.

Maybe a single thread where alternative views can be freely discussed might be a good idea?

In the meantime, here are some links if you do wish to have an alternate non-UKC UKB view of the world. Not all of these links you will agree with and some you might think are a little far-fetched. But that is the point. The aim is to understand both sides of the argument from which you can draw your own conclusions.

Edit: Links redacted because there weren't enough tentacles.


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Also I got forwarded this for more fun, have corrected the context slightly....

I post this in response to speaking directly with several other climbers who have had concerns about their posts and/or their accounts being censored or removed by UKC UKB.

For those not already in the know, UKC UKB has been routinely censoring the forum posts of any climbers who question the current (and in our opinion), ongoing massive over-reaction to the Covid pandemic. UKC UKB have been deleting or banning anyone who questions whether the increasingly authoritarian measures taken by our Government are proportional to the threat in hand. Some have attempted to re-register but have been quickly banned once again. In short, UKC UKB has been attempting to hide one side of the debate from its forum users, seemingly to promote their own (some would say narrow) agenda.

By doing this, UKC UKB have been stealthily manipulating us all by making those with perfectly valid concerns about the huge societal damage being done by authoritarian Covid policy measures feel marginalised, unpopular amongst their peers, and/or ostracised from the climbing community. UKC UKB have given a free rein to certain ‘approved’ forum users, often self-proclaimed experts, to bully, or label as anti-vax, or to not take seriously and debate in bad faith, any climber who does not side with UKC UKB’s particular view of the world. Unfortunately this means that a sensible debate, where all points of view can be discussed freely, cannot be had on UKC UKB without the ‘bad actors’ shutting it down. This is not acceptable.

If you check outside of the UKC UKB bubble, there are many, many well renowned and very senior scientists, virologists, epidemiologists, doctors etc. who think that lockdown policy, mask mandates, and vaccine passports are some of the worst public health mistakes ever made in the history of medicine. They have serious concerns that the long term damage caused by these policies, and our priority with Covid above all other forms of healthcare will prove to be far worse than the disease itself.

Often these scientists will have been smeared by their colleagues from the ‘popular’ and ‘approved’ camp. Often they are not featured on the BBC or the Guardian, but their scientific credentials are just as valid, often far more valid than those scientists you hear about on the mainstream news or conducting the government briefings. Unfortunately many people and UKC UKB itself seems to have forgotten how science works. Science works through robust debate and by challenging assumptions. It does not work by ridiculing, smearing or censoring those with whom you do not agree.

As a forum user, you should also be aware that our media, the ones promoting ‘the science’ will directly benefit financially from us all being locked down or restricted in some way. In times of crisis, people spend far more time online, on forums, reading the news and such like. Hence advertising revenue, usage and click-through rates will increase. So you wonder whether itmight be in the media’s interest to keep this crisis going? The answer, as ever, is to follow the money. As a commercial media operation, UKC UKB is not immune from this vested interest.

Sadly as a result of UKC UKB censorship, UKC UKB has now seemingly become an echo chamber. If you have the right opinion, you can stay. If you are a climber who wishes to discuss a different point of view then you are no longer welcome it seems. Yet out in the real world, those who have been most directly affected by lockdown policy, find the narrow minded and un-sympathetic views of some of those on UKC UKB selfish, out of touch and often abhorrent.

It is now well understood that lockdown policy and Covid restrictions have impacted the poorest in society the hardest. Restrictions have also been used an umbrella vehicle under which the largest transfer of wealth in human history has occurred. It has made the wealthiest one percent even wealthier at the expense to everyone and everything else.

At the same time, our parliament, once accountable to the people, has run rough-shot over due democratic process. Our government has employed behavioural psychologists to ramp up the fear and manipulate the population. Our rights to protest have been curtailed. Our right to bodily autonomy is under threat. Our population has been left divided and frightened, not sure when the goalposts back to normal life will be moved once again. We are under imminent threat of a technocratic and authoritarian future unless we are careful.

The government (often via the media), has routinely encouraged the population to blame those who are not following the rules hard enough, or the un-vaccinated, or those who won’t wear masks, to distract attention from its own failings. After all, if we are all busy blaming each other, we forget about the thousands of elderly sent back to nursing homes to die last March without proper testing. We forget about the broken promises, the lies and the lucrative PPE contracts awarded to mates. We forget about the government’s mismanagement of the health service for decades which is the real reason why we are in this mess. In short, we are in an abusive relationship with our government.

On top of this the media has been controlled and kept in check by the Ofcom restrictions introduced during the spring of 2020 meaning that the media cannot communicate anything but the official government point of view on Covid. The media will also not bite the hand that feeds it. Convenient isn’t it that the two biggest advertising spenders with the UK media are the UK Government and the Pharmaceutical industry.

Think about it, when was the last time you heard a dissenting question asked at a government press conference?  It never happens. The questions are always “should we do more of this?” or “perhaps sooner?”, or “maybe now is time for Plan B?”.  It is never “show us the scientific evidence for this policy?”, or “what damage will this policy do?”, or “those numbers don’t seem right”, or back in January you said “15 million jabs to freedom” etc.

When cases go down it is seldom reported. As soon as cases rise they are ‘surging’ or exponential’. Even the chief of the NHS Amanda Pritchard was never properly called upon to apologise for her lie on ITV that there were 14 times more Covid patents in hospital than the same time last year, when the actual number was far less. And Prof Neil Fergusson who has never got a single prediction even nearly right since this whole thing started is still rolled out by the BBC as an expert.

To top this off are the ‘fact checkers’ including such schemes used directly to sensor mis-information on YouTube and Facebook. Please do your own research into who these people are, what their qualifications are, and who funds them. You will often be very surprised. The level of censorship going on across the board is epic.

If history proves correct, no doubt UKC UKB will delete this post (and me) as soon as it can, but by doing so it would firstly show you that what I say is correct. Secondly it would be showing it is committed to manipulating you, the forum user, into conforming to their way of thinking by hiding one perfectly valid side of the argument (this used to be called brainwashing). So let’s hope that UKC UKB sees sense at long last.

If the UKC UKB does censor this post then because I think that users need to be aware of what’s been going on, I will just come back again using a different device and a VPN to post this again. There should be no need for this hopefully. Therefore UKC UKB, please finally let the discussion be had without the ‘bad actors’, the censorship and the bullying. By discussing this in good faith we can hopefully reach a better place with more understanding all round.

Maybe a single thread where alternative views can be freely discussed might be a good idea?

In the meantime, here are some links if you do wish to have an alternate non-UKC UKB view of the world. Not all of these links you will agree with and some you might think are a little far-fetched. But that is the point. The aim is to understand both sides of the argument from which you can draw your own conclusions.

Edit: Links redacted because there weren't enough tentacles.


But, that’s that fellow that started all the BMC coup shite a couple years back, isn’t it?


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But, that’s that fellow that started all the BMC coup shite a couple years back, isn’t it?

No idea, it was posted anonymously afaik.


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After all, if we are all busy blaming each other, we forget about the thousands of elderly sent back to nursing homes to die last March without proper testing. We forget about the broken promises, the lies and the lucrative PPE contracts awarded to mates. We forget about the government’s mismanagement of the health service for decades which is the real reason why we are in this mess.

Can only speak for myself, but I really, REALLY haven't. I can remember those things and also think that anti-vaxxers are a bunch of tedious, dangerous arseholes, because my brain is capable of containing more than one thought.


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That’s outrageous. Surely the writer knows the idiom is ‘to ride rough-shod’? ‘Rough-shot’ is meaningless gibberish  :no:

PS you know some seriously weird saddos, Fiend. And I don’t just mean on ukb.


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I don't know who posted the original. The person who copied the post for me is legit, they were mostly thinking of keeping me distracted / entertained whilst I'm nursing tweaks, quite thoughtful of them really  ::)

P.S. Isn't "rough-shot" about right in this case??


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'Nanorouter' - someone enthusiastic about climbing on the RH side of the Tor?

SA Chris

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I got shares in moderna and AZ...

I'm just concerned that the nanorouter I was injected with will need upgrades on a monthly basis, is that what the booster shots are for?
I'm also concerned it might not be compatible with my Android device. Is there a list somewhere of which vaccines work on which operating systems?

Will Hunt

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It's a stunning piece of reasoning.
"We had an image from a microscope but it was very poor quality, so we rasterized it [Google 'vector Vs raster' if you don't know what this means] and were horrified to find a pattern of squares."



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I got shares in moderna and AZ...

I'm just concerned that the nanorouter I was injected with will need upgrades on a monthly basis, is that what the booster shots are for?
I'm also concerned it might not be compatible with my Android device. Is there a list somewhere of which vaccines work on which operating systems?

Android and Apple work everywhere.

As for the Haiwei operating system - it's probably not got a bat in hell's chance of working.


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I got shares in moderna and AZ...

I'm just concerned that the nanorouter I was injected with will need upgrades on a monthly basis, is that what the booster shots are for?
I'm also concerned it might not be compatible with my Android device. Is there a list somewhere of which vaccines work on which operating systems?

Given what I'm currently going through with Vodafone, I would like to advertise to any and all vaccine producers that I would be delighted to have nanorouters injected on a monthly basis in return for basic mobile phone functionality.

If it reduces my risk of getting Covid as well, that would be a nice bonus.

SA Chris

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However, unless these nanorouters configure to form a HUD on my retina I'm not bothered.


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Just waiting 15 mins after my booster. Gonna be a total of an hour taken up. Barely noticed the jab.

Quite happy to put up with that utterly tiny bit of inconvenience if it contributes to avoiding lockdowns and keeping the gyms open for knee rehab and the walls open for elbow rehab and eventual training. Meanwhile these knobends are blethering on about fucking nano-circuitry and tentacle-routers, oh just piss off already.

Incidentally I presume that any anti-vaxxers campaigning on the whole "my body my rules" shite that conveniently ignores the fact we've all been part of a communal interactive society for millenia, are also campaigning for hard drug legalisation because after all that's another clear example of the govts ruling over what we can and can't do with our own bodies...


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Incidentally I presume that any anti-vaxxers campaigning on the whole "my body my rules" shite that conveniently ignores the fact we've all been part of a communal interactive society for millenia, are also campaigning for hard drug legalisation because after all that's another clear example of the govts ruling over what we can and can't do with our own bodies...
There's a big difference between being told by the state what you can't put into your body, and what you MUST put into your body (to keep you job/place in society etc, or avoid being routinely fined )


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Arguably true. There's also a big difference in the potential penalties.


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