the shizzle > shootin' the shit

'Buy the Dip, Sell the Rip'.. The Investor's Thread

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“Pete’s Predictions”
Sagely stock market sureties from UKB’s pivotal contrarian fiscal genius PeteH.


Though Ponzi starts with a P too... ;)


--- Quote from: Will Hunt on January 14, 2021, 02:36:30 pm ---Can we book out a big lecture theatre somewhere? Get Pete to stand at the front and get us all whipped up and then we'll all start shouting "SEIZE EVERY SALE, CLOSE EVERY DEAL" etc. Then we'll each get handed a hundred copies of "North Wales Limestone" to flog with the promise that we'll be making $2000 a day.

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 ;D yeah but we have to buy the books from Pete first and can't flog them on Amazon


--- Quote from: petejh on January 14, 2021, 09:31:20 am ---
--- Quote from: AndyR on January 14, 2021, 07:10:14 am ---Which company was/is it?

--- End quote ---

(Off topic)
Greatland Gold was the biggie.
I’m also doing well with a small British company called Ilika that grew out of Southampton university research, they have patents on their solid state battery technology, and hope to be producing solid state batteries for EVs and other uses like IoT.
If/when solid state batteries can be commercially produced it will be the next evolution for EV and internet of things. The brexit EU trade deal was actually good for this - as a direct result from 2024 vehicle manufacturers must source at least 50% of vehicle parts from within the UK or EU. Because batteries are too heavy to be easy to mass transport it means the UK is rushing to ramp up domestic EV battery production. Ilika has benefitted from a government programme to support production at scale.
Nickel sulfide miners also doing very well out of the EV revolution, due to the increasing amount required for the battery cathodes.
And many believe Tin will be the fastest growing commodity in the coming EV and tech evolution due to the amount required in chip boards. Shortages currently in the US. (off topic)

--- End quote ---
Nice looking 2 year chart for Greatland - good find!

As suggested.. For people to share info, ideas and experiences from the investing world.

Nothing posted on this thread constitutes investment advice!

Don't believe anything you read here, except this bit ;)
Do always do your own research.
And never forget the investment world is full of people whose job is the skilled pumping or shorting of stocks by playing on your fear, greed and FOMO. They don't care if you lose all of your investment.

I'll add stuff later concerning the various topics/sectors that I've focussed on and built up knowledge of over the last twenty years of investing.. some successes and many failures. Hopefully somebody might find something interesting which leads them to research more about it. 

Ah hadn't noticed this.. just started a new thread..

Mods could you either merge this with the new thread, or delete the new one?


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