the shizzle > shootin' the shit

'Buy the Dip, Sell the Rip'.. The Investor's Thread

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--- Quote from: petejh on January 14, 2021, 11:57:48 am ---Any interest in starting an investing thread?

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Pete’s big tips?


--- Quote from: 36chambers on January 14, 2021, 12:34:23 pm ---buy high, sell low.

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this. Lemme just get my referral links ready  :alien:


--- Quote from: petejh on January 14, 2021, 11:57:48 am ---Any interest in starting an investing thread?

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But yeah, I would be interested in this. Although I wouldn't have much to contribute.


--- Quote from: petejh on January 14, 2021, 11:57:48 am ---Any interest in starting an investing thread?

--- End quote ---

Yes interested, although my investing is based much more around macro trends than looking at individual stocks, and my risk profile is considerably lower(!) than yours. 

Will Hunt:
Can we book out a big lecture theatre somewhere? Get Pete to stand at the front and get us all whipped up and then we'll all start shouting "SEIZE EVERY SALE, CLOSE EVERY DEAL" etc. Then we'll each get handed a hundred copies of "North Wales Limestone" to flog with the promise that we'll be making $2000 a day.


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