Power Club 556 2-8 Nov (Read 6376 times)


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Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 08, 2020, 10:11:03 pm
11.5-6 Average 159.6 (up 0.5lbs )


T. Didn’t sleep well. Too much gin.
AM FB warm up. Headed out early with Ewa. Checked out crag x. A bit streaky and Moffatrocity looked dryable but with more effort than I was prepared to invest. Moved on to Tor. Just us there but not for long. Nice in morning but turned grizzly in afternoon. Various hangs. THFMLx3. Did the cross thru move in isolation. Tried the crux move several times but only latched the crimp twice. Tried from start 3x. Moved on to Tin Of. Led it clean with unforecasted rain blowing and numb fingers. Nearly stripped it. Went on to lead it cleanly three more times. Felt like could have done it at least once more but starting to get dark. Hardcore day. Need to get a bigger flask.


T. AM FB warm up then out early to Tor with Ewa. Same routine. Did better on the hard moves of Bens doing the throw move most times. Had to rework the next move and then linked them a couple of times failing on dropping the toe hook out onto the pinch. Then tried from the start 3x. Less successful on Tin Of. Led it clean putting draws in then TRed it clean with some effort but on 3rd go fell once due to fingers running out of steam on the crux.


S. PM FB Weighted deadhangs. Getting back into it session. Not too shoddy but a long way off freak PB in January

S. PM FB Progressively longer hangs on ego edge up to 20 secs HC and 28 secs drag. Recruitment HC hangs on ergo then speed pulls chiselled on 20mm edge.
Eve. Leaf shovelling warm up. Systems board as per last Sunday. Some improvements. 3 decent goes at old AnCap circuit. Made AeroCap 20/10’s a bit harder by timing 2 secs between moves for first 30 moves of each set. Ground to a halt on move 103 of third set.

Making some progress on Bens without but still on catch up. Stamina improving. Restarted max hang finger boarding.


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#1 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 08, 2020, 10:34:51 pm
M: Saw PT. Confirmed lumbrical strain, suggested density hangs and OK to climb as long as pain-free. Found limited external rotation mobility so working to address that

T: Density pickups up to 40lb R, 30lb L. Legs. Squats up to 185lb. Leg curl and extension 100lb. Leg press 190lb. Single leg squats (up only)

W: Density pickups up to 40lb both sides. Push. Bench press up to 185lb (BW). Incline press, shoulder press (strict to assist with external rotation), lateral and front raise. Eccentric bicep curls to finish

T: Spot Denver. Climbed various problems up to 4 spots. Finger / LH feeling a bit odd, sometimes felt strong, occasional pain. Fingerboarded 18mm adding weight 10s hangs up to +40lb, happy with this. Deadlift up to 225lb. Pull-ups EMOM 10 mins total 60 and three sets of ten dips to finish

S: Three Sisters Park with T and pup. Warmed up then got sunk into The Captain V5, knacky but good. Eventually did the sit as well Your Orders V6 (stiff)

S: Carter Lake. Cold warm up then went to Kahuna Roof, used to get V5 and four stars but the boulder is slowly sinking into the ground and the climb is getting steeper. Felt tough today, probably around V7 now. Did all the moves but couldn't quite link. Went and did Beached Whale V5 as a consolation. Tried another classic V5 Sloper Chief but couldn't quite get that. Skin was in a bad way so played around on another boulder then headed home


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#2 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 08:59:04 am
Need to get a bigger flask.

Or a jetboil.

M -  Shoulder conditioning routine (IsYsTs, handstands, side planks, locks).
T - 7.5km run, a long one for me and felt quite good.
W - Down to Weston to see Mum whilst still unequivocally permitted. Met up with csl at Brean, we were not the only ones there! Warmed up on I Dream of Brean and Coral Sea then we tried The Root of Inequity. Conor flashed this but it was too powerful for me. My ticket for a go on Chulilla finally came up but I slipped off the start.  With only one bolt clipped, tactical error, took an awkward fall and stubbed my toe painfully which was game over for me. 
T - Shoulder stuff.
F - Fingerboard: max.hangs. 
S - Shoulder stuff.
S - Walked 10km, lugging boxes of books etc., clearing my desk at work. End of era.

Not as a productive trip as the last one to Brean but the burlier 7s there are not my forte. One of the locals told me there is a London Climber style (good at basic moves on positive holds) but unfortunately I don’t seem to have got the memo. I’ve done no bouldering since January and stopped doing pull-ups 3-4 months ago as they were antagonising my elbows. I can hang on a small hold but don’t have much oomph and a four move roof problem will find this out.

Big toe is now purple and doesn’t fit into rock shoes. This reduces the temptation to test the interpretation of local travel! I’ll be fingerboarding for the next couple of weeks and, cautiously, pulling up on things as well as just hanging from them.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 06:12:18 pm by duncan »

Will Hunt

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#3 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 10:27:46 am
M - ab ripper x. A bit of a poor showing but better than doing nothing.

W - Brimham. I promised myself that I would have a few sessions on an 8A to see how it felt. I plumped for The Fonze on the basis that it should be relatively skin friendly and easy to work in sections. It was a lamp session so not sure if connies were all they could be. Started off by doing Bilge Pump (the "6B+" going on 6C+ finish) which I found quite hard and didn't really succeed in getting wired over the course of the session. Then started working the moves from the big hold on the lip. Wasn't getting on with the RH move to the good pocket-crimp until I figured out the body position to hang the high pebbley-sloper and then did that move. Started trying to work the heel-bump and drop down move and was slightly dismayed at how hard that felt. Didn't manage it. I'll come back and have a session in the daytime, just to see how it feels, but I'm not going to get my hope up. The thought of coming out from the back and then doing all that to just fall off Bilge Pump is harrowing!
Went down to the Green Nose at the end and got fairly close but was too shot from the Fonze.

T - another not-very-good ab ripper x performance.

Sa - Headed out later than normal to try and beat the mist and found Yeadon Crag sitting nicely above it. Didn't have much in mind for the day but I did want to have a look at a project wall that I've had a brief look at before. When the sun hits the Prune at a certain time of day you can see this mono sitting in the middle of the wall. I've tried the moves to it before and thought it might go but wasn't sure if there were any holds above. Abbed down and brushed some stuff up and tried to do some moves on a rope but the moves above the mono are hard - and it's not especially easy to even get the mono.
Moved on to try Dom's Problem which, while not a king line, I've always fancied doing. My excuses are that the rock was a bit warm and my skin was a bit shot, so making anything of the crucial sloper felt very hard. I did manage to hang it and get my left hand out to the sloping dish and slapped for the sloper above a few times but it's way too far away to get without really pulling up on the right hand hold first.

I think Yeadon is worth another trip this season. It would be good to try Dom's in some proper connies and put some superglue on some holds around the crag. There was someone else there who had done Earl of Burl - which Bradders had done earlier in the week. Nice to see the place getting some attention - though surprised that not so many people get on the Prune.


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#4 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 11:31:21 am
Power Club 556

Mon: Rest

Tues: 1 arm PU day. Creaked up with 5kg assist both sides - sort of managed 4 on the right.

Weds: Last day before lockdown. Went to Curbar hoping to meet Plattsy and Nai. I got there early enough to park - not so for the others :( Aim was to get Jamie and His Magic torch done... 2 hours - no success. Mike C said hello as he was wandering along the edges (hello!). Anyway, frustratingly had one attempt that felt so good - so so solid - until I went to match the top of the arete and it all fell off. Grr. This summed up how I felt :D

Met Plattsy at Burbage bridge and played on some nice traverses..

Thurs: 1 arm PU day 2. got down to 7kg assist...

Fri: Wiltons. Weather too nice to train... but too warm for anything serious... played on Blind Flurry on the Square - and face planted into the rock trying something else. Looked like someone had punched me on the cheek bone :)

Sat: Early - went to Wilton2 - worked out a sequence on Purple Feel SS - tried a couple of other things that used to be out of my paygrade but felt do-able. Gave up as my skin was getting too thin... Went on the board later on that afternoon. Not a bad session considering I'd been out earlier.

Sun: Fingers ached from board session the day before - so decided against another board - and did some more 1arm PU stuff. Got down to 4kg assist on both sides! another best... Maybe one more week of these then a couple of weeks off I think. Elbows are thinking about complaining - though fine...
« Last Edit: November 09, 2020, 11:43:19 am by tomtom »


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#5 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 11:47:23 am
M - rest.

T - Max hangs. 3kg assist, better than previous week as managed a full set but only around 4/5 seconds on each hang. Did the athlean x pressup workout to finish which totally finished me off.

W - rest. Horrific doms from the pressups.

T - still a bit sore but did some anderson hangs in the evening. Nothing extreme but was pleasantly surprised how OK I was on the slopers.

F - rest.

S - looked absolutely mint outside and in the Peak but unfortunately was stuck in a webinar until 1 which was really frustrating. Decided to try and nip to Forest Rock in the afternoon but then van wouldn't start! By the time I got it sorted it was 3pm and not worth it. Deep breaths required....!

S - horrible foggy day but decided to try and go to eatswood anyway. Was fortunately dry but like climbing in a rainforest with the clag around. Had a good sort out on the traverse and basically did it in two but had forgotten kneepad so couldnt really work the middle section around the kneebar properly; couldn't get anything from the knee with trousers. Had a half hearted go at Hats for Clowns but couldn't fathom the jump start; anyone done this? Seems miles even from a few pads, but I hate jump starts normally so maybe no surprise. Also had a look at Ten Inch Zombies which looked good but conditions werent really allowing me to pull on the chicken heads. Day basically finished when I was pulling some bracken out of the finishing break andput an enormous splinter in my thumb which meant I couldn't crimp anymore. Was getting cold and damp anyway so sacked it off.

Another frustrating week where I couldn't get out much. Hopeful of a few good days at the weekend.


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#6 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 12:02:11 pm
W/C 2/11/2020

M - Depot, chest, abs, deadlifts for tension, shoulder stretches
T - Triceps, deadlifts for speed, abs, lower body stretches
W - Deadlifts, core, Depot, back, stretches
T - Ilkley, yoga, abs,shoulders
F - Lindley Moor, biceps, abs, stretching
S - Almscliffe, yoga, abs
S - Abs, yoga

The week when the Lockdown came back.

M - Morning session at the Depot. Have a good session, making short work of a couple of yellows and doing a purple that I’d not done before. Had pretty much written off doing any more purples, so was well chuffed. Rest of session was working on other yellows. Finish on circuit board. I feel knackered but get further than I expected on my first go and a bit further on next go, but call it a draw at that point.
Gym on the way home and decide to just work to plan until Thursday, so is chest day today. Start with GVT and up the weight by 2.5k to 62.5 which feels way harder but good to get me digging deep. Move on to deadlifts god tension and form with 10x5 at 60. Do abs and core floor exercises in between sets. Back to chest and decline bench presses for 4x10. Incline Smith Machine presses at 15° for 4x8. Change angle up to 30°, drop the weight and go for 3 sets of 12. Machine presses for 3x8 at full speed. On to dumbbell presses for 5x5, this time nice and slow. Finish with a sort of superset/drop set on flat bench and inclined bench flys. Start at 10k do 8 reps incline and 8 reps flat bench and then drop 2k without rest and go again down to 2k, with isometric holds at full extension, proper good battle.
Finish at gym with some shoulder flexibility work.

T - Triceps in the gym, start with overhead goblet press for GVT, which gets the long head of tricep, on to GVT on close grip press for lateral head and finally dips for the medial head. Each was okay in itself but felt like a long drag for the set. After that I do my speed deadlifts for 3x8, which feels remarkably hard and then after first set realise I have 100 on the bar and not 80, stick with it though, as not like I’ll be deadlifting much in the next month. In between sets I do 8x8 L raises for abs and core. Back to triceps. 4x8 strict skull crushers followed by single arm Tate presses for 3x10. On to the cable machine. Start with 4 sets of V-grip presses, increasing weight and reducing reps each set. Then 3x10 leaning overhead cable extensions. Finish with single arm tricep cable crossovers for 3x12 with a really light weight, but they are still brutal.
Stretching for hips and hamstrings.
A little bit with the ab roller in the evening.

W - Watching US election, until I can take no more, so go to gym to deadlift. Singles for 10 sets each of 140k. Between sets do core work on the bar of strict leg raises, straddle levers and on the bench dragon flags.
Good weather, but go to Depot to show support before lockdown, which it looks like lots of others have had same idea. Get a couple of long term projects done, a tricky couple of purples and the only wood that I hadn’t done. Very pleased with wood problem as felt very solid on it and it was the problem that I tore my hamstring on when it was first set, which I’d worked the moves on a few weeks ago and didn’t believe I’d be able to do it. Feels like a) complete hamstring recovery b) getting stronger.
Gym afterwards. Start with GVTon wide grip pull ups with leg stretches between each set. On to machine pull downs for 3x10 and then same with single arms. Seated rows for 3x8 next and assisted OAP to finish, with -5 on RH and -10 on LH. Something to work on, although maybe a bad time to try as well........won’t know for four weeks.
Leaving the wall and gym felt a bit sad today, especially after chatting with staff. Fingers crossed we can get back soon.

T - Head up to Ilkley nice and early and have a pretty good session on the Calf. Work through the standard benchmarks and some feel easier than normal others a bit tougher, but it does take me a few visits to remember west footholds area best for which moves. Main objective was to have a go at Ron’s Traverse again as it’s a while since I’ve done it, but there’s a massive wet streak at the start, so another day.
At home do a deep stretch online yoga class from the local gym, which I really enjoy.
Later on do some conditioning training. Start with a core exercise which is effectively a modified but ultra slow dragon flag that Mrs B has taught me and then go on to do the gym’s online abs session.
For weights I do some shoulder work. 3x10 kettlebell single arm presses to start. Follow this with single arm kettlebell stability presses for 3x8. Move on to 4x10 single arm lateral raises with a hold at the top of each rep. Follow this with 3x8 front raises for both arms. On to face pulls with bands for 3x10. Continue withshoulder press using bands for 3x10 and finish with reverse flys using a TRX set up. Best of a bad job really.

F - Misty when I get up, so (over)optimistically I set out to Caley. Mist gets thicker, roads get wetter and the place is grim when I get there. Head home and it’s brighter so drop in to Lindley Moor. Lots of it wet and green but one buttress is dry, so do some easy traversing and pottering to relax a bit, so not completely wasted.
Home gym time again, although supplemented by being leant a dumbbell of 22.5 by the gym I go to. A good weight for lots of things. Biceps today. Start with GVT for chin ups, which feels good. Move on to kettlebell hammer curls for 3x8 for each arm, maintaining big lever and standing kettlebell curls for 3x8 but not maintaining lever. Goblet curls for 3x8 next. Finish biceps off with 2 sets of 21s with a light kettlebell at full leverage......which definitely does finish them off.
Ab roller and stretching later on in the afternoon.

S - Nip up to Almscliffe early on. Fantastic. The crag is in thick mist and there isn’t another soul here. Work my way through some of the eliminates next to Pork Chop Slab, which are always entertaining and a couple a bit gripping.
Online yoga with Mrs B for an hour when I get home, which helps with overall flexibility, whilst being more interesting than stretching alone.
Later on do some work with the ab roller, as I work to being able to use it off my feet rather than my knees.

S - Ab roller in the morning and deep stretch yoga in the evening, otherwise a rest.

Not a bad week. One where I tried as far as possible to keep to my previous plan. Will have a think on what to do in the next few weeks to maintain where I think I am at the moment. Staying off the booze (including weekends) seems to be helping a lot as it’s not three steps forward, two steps back this week.


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#7 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 12:22:41 pm
I think Yeadon is worth another trip this season. It would be good to try Dom's in some proper connies and put some superglue on some holds around the crag. There was someone else there who had done Earl of Burl - which Bradders had done earlier in the week. Nice to see the place getting some attention - though surprised that not so many people get on the Prune.

I'm definitely going to head back soon. I was third day on and pretty tired on Thursday hence just doing a circuit of easier stuff but am well keen for the Prune problems when fresh.

Desperately needs some reinforcement though. Going to take a big bottle of superglue next time.

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#8 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 12:34:51 pm
I think Yeadon is worth another trip this season. It would be good to try Dom's in some proper connies and put some superglue on some holds around the crag. There was someone else there who had done Earl of Burl - which Bradders had done earlier in the week. Nice to see the place getting some attention - though surprised that not so many people get on the Prune.

I'm definitely going to head back soon. I was third day on and pretty tired on Thursday hence just doing a circuit of easier stuff but am well keen for the Prune problems when fresh.

Desperately needs some reinforcement though. Going to take a big bottle of superglue next time.

Giz a shout when you go. Ben reminded me that there's another new thing to do there which I think we were close on at one point - and I reeeeeeally want to have a go at Pruneaux.


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#9 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 12:47:59 pm
Weight - 10st9lbs

M - Nothing

T - Nothing

W - 50 x press ups, pull ups, sit ups + shoulder weights.

T - Not much

F - 15km of MTBing

S - Climbing at Chinesichermauer. Tried an 8a I tried briefly a year ago. Thought I would do it even though I got spanked last time but I was injured then. Got spanked again. This thing is nails for 8a and is now my 8a nemesis. I will grind it down!

S - Long hike to check out a potential new crag I had spotted from a trail run in early spring. The crag had a good size/shape but the rock was crap without any strong lines. Not worth the 2.5 hour walk-in!

A pretty bad week climbing/training-wise. I was still suffering from some kind of allergies/asthma after it getting really bad in the place we stayed in Italy the week before. This lead to a lack of sleep and generally low motivation. Hopefully, this week will be better although I still don't have much motivation for training.


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#10 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 05:07:20 pm
M -  nowt I think

T - Out reasonably early to try to beat the forecast rain. Chose Gardoms, not sure why.
Warmed up and went into Mark's Roof for a play while I waited For Dolly
Did MRLH to the lip where I ran out of padding, dropped off, shifted mat then did the top. Nobody saw.
Tried Neil's but bit scary without a spot
Rain arrived and I started walking out but bumped into Dolly who suggested Perfect Day which seemed a reasonable shout.
Unfortunately it was damp and after an hour of getting lost checking out other stuff we admitted defeat and left again.
But back on top the rain had cleared, the wind had turned and it felt pretty decent.
I fancied Neil's but knowing Dolly had been so close agreed to a look at Kidneystone. I'd pretty much given up on this after many many attempts over many many years and dismissing it as morpho.
For half an hour I went through the motions with little enthusiasm until Dolly pointed out he uses a toe rather than a heel on the start.  I initially dismissed this and even got into the start position to demonstrate how I couldn't reach.
Instead I found that I could reach if I could pull off the floor with just the left foot on, which it turns out isn't that bad, then put the toe on.
But surely I can't reach the flake with my toe on?  Also wrong, stretched yes, but doable.
But I can't move between the start hold and flake. Well, no, but I can use a couple of intermediates on the way.
Keeping my left foot on means even the cutloose isn't as severe and my whole deck of excuses is blowing in the wind.
A quick work of the top, only about 6B won't be a problem, and I start trying.
Drop the top, actually quite problematic after start, a few times before sketching up it.
Happy enough to spray in YYFY about it

W - Bit second hand, warm up at home took an absolute age then headed out to meet TT but found Curbar Gap rammed. Trackside bays all rammed. Checked Gardoms, also full, loads of folk pulling pads out of cars. Couldn't face crowds so just went home and got on with some chores.

Th - Gardoms again. Plan to meet Dolly so he could finish Kidneystone. Unfortunately he was delayed so my warm up kept running on.
Low point of the day was working MRLH backwards as if I was ever planning on doing Full Circle actually quite fun moves though
Another fruitless plod in the woods
Met Dolly back at KS and had a play on Heartland but didn't get very far.
Tried to repeat KS for the camera but too tired.

F Burbage Bridge and West. Nice circuit of problems 4-6B+, amazingly including seven problems I hadn't done previously.

S - bit of a floor bodyweight mobility and movement circuit, few sets of Turkish Getups.

S - nowt


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#11 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 05:39:19 pm
W - .......Checked Gardoms, also full, loads of folk pulling pads out of cars. Couldn't face crowds so just went home and got on with some chores.

That's odd, I was at Gardoms from about half 11 - half 1 on Wednesday (following your beta on Kidneystone; thank you, lovely problem) and it was a) almost all wet (KS only thing there really dry around the north boulders) and b) deserted!

I think Yeadon is worth another trip this season. It would be good to try Dom's in some proper connies and put some superglue on some holds around the crag. There was someone else there who had done Earl of Burl - which Bradders had done earlier in the week. Nice to see the place getting some attention - though surprised that not so many people get on the Prune.

I'm definitely going to head back soon. I was third day on and pretty tired on Thursday hence just doing a circuit of easier stuff but am well keen for the Prune problems when fresh.

Desperately needs some reinforcement though. Going to take a big bottle of superglue next time.

Giz a shout when you go. Ben reminded me that there's another new thing to do there which I think we were close on at one point - and I reeeeeeally want to have a go at Pruneaux.

Definitely will do. Likewise on Pruneaux.


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#12 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 09, 2020, 06:39:17 pm
Deload week and re-assess

W-Assessment, tested max 20mm(R137#, Left145#), max 10mm(R&L 110#), max pull(l-200#, R-190#), mobility, core.  MB after. Garbage Moonboard session, so tired from assessment
F-Boulder at local wall, and DL assessment.  DL tested at 375#.  seemed good since I haven't done any heavy lifting since March. OK Boulder session.  Worked loads of hard things, but didn't really send much.  Was happy just doing all the moves, then moving on.  Worked about 10 problems 7B+ to 7C+ and did all the moves, sent maybe 1/2 of them. 
S-1st day out backcountry splitboard.  I was a shitshow.  Forgot everything twice.  ended up skinning up without poles :) 
S-Boulder at Gym, Better and worse session.  Felt garbage, but performed better than expected.  12 x v7, then worked and sent 7C+.

This week I'll be starting into a new training cycle. 


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#13 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 12:21:24 pm
I’ve not posted on here for a while, mainly due to fluctuating syke, general mental malaise, and a couple of mini missions which didn’t go terribly well.

I have however been following a training plan - very consistently in September, slightly less so in October. Fairly simple, esp the fingerboarding, which has been solely 1/2 crimp and 3 finger drag (and a bit of sloper), 2 arm the first month and 1 arm the second - some max hangs, some density hangs. I was doing ok with weight loss in Sept and dropped to 96kg, but have since put some back on and am hovering around 99. (I’m aiming for 85-82.5kg, dropping to 80 if I can figure out a longer trip option for next year.)

I did a benchmarking session last night and, (having stepped on the scales just before which read a disappointing 102.1kg - this was evening though so various contributing factors) managed to 1 arm hang the BM bottom slot with 10kg assist - i.e. 92.1kg. I did just manage 8kg but too briefly to really count. With 2 arms I managed a total of 168kg.

That’s 10kg less assist than the end of August, and 11kg more on the 2 arms. For comparison, when I thought I was doing quite well last autumn I just about managed -20kg 1 arm at 88kg BW.

I am obviously delighted with this, not least because it demonstrates my growing proficiency in the archetypal London Climber skillset, namely pulling quite hard in a semi-clueless fashion (ref Duncan’s Brean entry). Also, if I can actually sort my life out, get skinnier, and go climbing somewhere for a few weeks, I might actually get up some stuff.

I’m going to celebrate with another chapter of the Güllich Legacy and another edition of LC...


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#14 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 02:05:02 pm
That’s 10kg less assist than the end of August

I am obviously delighted with this, not least because it demonstrates my growing proficiency in the archetypal London Climber skillset, namely pulling quite hard in a semi-clueless fashion

Big GainZ in that length of time, nice one


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#15 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 02:53:11 pm
I did just manage 8kg but too briefly to really count.

Film it in slow motion and you're sorted.

Great effort, amazing progress


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#16 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 03:42:19 pm
This a great effort surely! Not just the improvement, but 92kg total load is massive! For ref I can also hang approx 90% BW from that edge, and your climbing targets are well within my limits, so it's likely not finger strength holding you back.
Out of interest do you benchmark one arm pull ups too?


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#17 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 03:44:54 pm
With 2 arms I managed a total of 168kg.

Fucking hell. Over 60kg added?!  :strongbench:


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#18 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 03:49:12 pm
With 2 arms I managed a total of 168kg.

Fucking hell. Over 60kg added?!  :strongbench:

Indded, which holds are you suing for 2 arms


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#19 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 03:53:33 pm
With 2 arms I managed a total of 168kg.

Fucking hell. Over 60kg added?!  :strongbench:

Indded, which holds are you suing for 2 arms

And I hope its well secured! I know my BM creaks ominously when I'm loaded up on it (Still sub 100kg..)!


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#20 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 04:00:02 pm
This a great effort surely! Not just the improvement, but 92kg total load is massive! For ref I can also hang approx 90% BW from that edge, and your climbing targets are well within my limits, so it's likely not finger strength holding you back.
Out of interest do you benchmark one arm pull ups too?

No. I did a 141kg pull-up at 101kg (i.e. +40) in August and will try again in the next few days. I quite like Emil Abrahamsson's YouTube thing and noticed him doing 152kg (+70 at 82) which I imagine I won't be far off now. TBH I quite fancy pushing on with basic strength stuff through the next couple of months and losing weight gradually.

The main problems outside were being technically and tactically inept (having only been outside 4 times since Oct2019) which also led to shitting myself / having a meltdown trying routes again the other w/e at Cheddar. The problem on boulders has been more lack of oomph and poor body positioning - probably due to core struggling to deal with the demands of being too fat. I think I'm going to stick to basic style bouldering for the time being, and worry about routes again when I can get away somewhere for 2-3 weeks.


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#21 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 04:15:36 pm
With 2 arms I managed a total of 168kg.

Fucking hell. Over 60kg added?!  :strongbench:

Indded, which holds are you suing for 2 arms

+66kg. A massive pile of kettlebells plus a Bowflex dumbbell... It's a 23mm campus rung. I thing the BM slot is easier for 1 hand as it's less radiused. I've avoided anything smaller for 2 hands since dry-firing off the little BM edges and nearly crashing through the floor. Edge and BM screwed to 30mm MDF which is quite securely fixed to the wall - it seems quite solid.


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#22 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 10:26:41 pm
It's November, by the way. Don't you people pay attention?

Power Club

Mon - bar work x10. Snatch pulls x5, clean x5, press x5 in between. Rack pull x5 up to 140 kg.
Tue - rest.
Wed - one foot bouldering, weights.
Thu - weights, light one arm session.
Fri - rest.
Sat - loaded carries on stairs.
Sun - sledgehammer and wheel session. Brilliant.


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#23 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 10, 2020, 11:38:05 pm
It's November, by the way. Don't you people pay attention?

 :-[  :spank:



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#24 Re: Power Club 556 2-8 Nov
November 11, 2020, 08:34:08 am
Sun - sledgehammer and wheel session. Brilliant.

...Barrow? Some demolition perhaps? Does sound brilliant anyway.


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