Climbing during CV-19 (Read 302082 times)


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#1125 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 04:05:35 pm
Come on TT thats not what we are doing at all. We are all aware of the situation and supporting it.

What i am suggesting is we need to have a plan to put forward why climbing should be allowed when things are allowed to ease off. All sports will be doing exactly the same. I personally dont think we are that different to going cycling and walking.

I agree it comes a longway down the list of priorities but i also think it sits right at the bottom of the risk list as well. They are going to have to loosen off the lock down at some time and it should be done based on risk not just priority.


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#1126 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 04:12:30 pm
This is why I pedantically corrected his language; I completely agree and I'm not suggesting it will or should just that people (myself included) can be complete morons at times.

Ah, I get your point now. I thought the "your"/"the" thing was you implying that it was the (i.e. the only) other option, not saying that you didn't necessarily support than option, in which case you're right it's not arbitrary  :oops:

Tomtom - given we just had the CPS guidance that means that driving to the crag to climb might well already be allowed, I don't see why the conversation amazes you. I could replace "climbing" in your post with "walking", "cycling", or any other activity that is not in the house or that economically useful. Or are we only to be allowed to do economically useful things when the lockdown lifts slightly, even if they're safe? F that.

+1 to gav's post


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#1127 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 04:18:09 pm
Fair enough Gav - I’m glad that’s the case.

Reading the posts from newest to oldest - having come to the thread after a few hours - it came across to me a a bit like it was all getting a bit carried away!!

It’s good the BmC are having conversations with the police/govt about when/how it can come back.

Until we can all mix freely as we could before March it’s going to lead to a load of awkward situations at crags (with climbers and non climbers) if the law/interpretation is relaxed...

Maybe things will even be easier and less weekend orientated (with associated crowds at honeypots) with a large percentage of the population not working/furloughed...


Maybe my response is because of how I’ve packaged it. Put climbing outdoors away in a box not to be opened (or thought about opening) for a while. 

Edit: Barrows - just saw your post. I think it’s worth putting the conversation in context - as above it seemed to be running away a bit.


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#1128 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 04:24:05 pm
Until we can all mix freely as we could before March it’s going to lead to a load of awkward situations at crags (with climbers and non climbers) if the law/interpretation is relaxed...

Yes, that's the point right. It's not going to go back to normal until it goes back to normal... which is a fuck long of a way off (2021? 2022?)... so we'll need to work out some solutions that allow us to have as much fun as possible while minimising risk. It will be shitter than normal, but less shit than the alternative. This is what everyone will be trying to work out - airlines, shops, restaurants, etc. How do you make it as unshit as possible while minimising risk. Not having those conversations will only make it more awkward because fewer people will be on the same wavelength when the inevitable does happen and multiple people rock up at the same crags.

Will Hunt

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#1129 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 04:29:52 pm
Almost all of the discussion around this topic (that of leaving home for exercise) has been self-centred. People wondering what it means for them and demanding that others do the same. We've seen that in the climbing discussion where folk like Jim have taken the position that if he can't go climbing then nobody else should be allowed (I'm paraphrasing a bit, I know), and others have very begrudgingly and very disdainfully taken the view that "if you can't control yourself then fill your boots at walking-distance-from-your-house lowball Windy Choss Clough" (paraphrasing again)  - i.e. recognising that there's no harm but making it clear that they think you're a tool for even considering it - because this is a time for national suffering and everyone should suffer as much as possible goddammit.

We're chastising people for making short car journeys to exercise, but what if you're a vulnerable person who has to get out to walk the dog and doesn't have a big back garden? Why not make that short drive to nearby countryside so that you can exercise in the lowest-risk environment possible. If these allowances are to be made, it should be the most at risk who are allowed to take advantage of them first.

You lot are only all worried because for you, climbing takes place at Malham or not at all. For y'all and the other 90% of climbers who would rather not climb than visit Sypeland, I wish you the very best of luck.


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#1130 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 04:33:22 pm
So we are looking at ways that we could get out climbing again and you think that someone would actually lie that they were at a crag to stop others going? Do you think climbers are actually that low?

Yes, totally. I think just have the rule of "if you'd be within X metres of others then go elsewhere". Although obviously I'd still get up at 5am to get to the crag first "to stop others going"... if that makes me a bad person then I'll pray for forgiveness between attempts.

It's around about at this point in the debate that a quick 'I told you so' is warranted, aimed at those who were all for the BMC increasing participation in climbing. More overall participation = more overall dicks.

Anyway back to debating about coughing on all the holds on your proj to stop anyone else hogging it.


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#1131 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 04:57:03 pm
Almost all of the discussion around this topic (that of leaving home for exercise) has been self-centred. People wondering what it means for them and demanding that others do the same. We've seen that in the climbing discussion where folk like Jim have taken the position that if he can't go climbing then nobody else should be allowed (I'm paraphrasing a bit, I know), and others have very begrudgingly and very disdainfully taken the view that "if you can't control yourself then fill your boots at walking-distance-from-your-house lowball Windy Choss Clough" (paraphrasing again)  - i.e. recognising that there's no harm but making it clear that they think you're a tool for even considering it - because this is a time for national suffering and everyone should suffer as much as possible goddammit.

We're chastising people for making short car journeys to exercise, but what if you're a vulnerable person who has to get out to walk the dog and doesn't have a big back garden? Why not make that short drive to nearby countryside so that you can exercise in the lowest-risk environment possible. If these allowances are to be made, it should be the most at risk who are allowed to take advantage of them first.

You lot are only all worried because for you, climbing takes place at Malham or not at all. For y'all and the other 90% of climbers who would rather not climb than visit Sypeland, I wish you the very best of luck.

I'm not sure that's fair on a number of levels, taking into account your admission of paraphrasing. We are talking about a hypothetical future, at least three weeks away and possibly longer, and brainstorming ideas about how things could pan out. The position right now is clearly very different from that.

For the avoidance of all doubt, I think if you can walk to climbing that has no access issues and is pretty quiet then I would crack on. From memory I think I'm on the same page as Stu on that point. If we take a hypothetical person who can walk to a popular crag with access concerns, then no, I don't think they should climb. Others think differently. As we've discussed in another thread, I also think there is a community/solidarity aspect to this, which you disagree with. To a certain extent that is informing my opinion that for the greater good we should all suck it up for now so we can all enjoy it again down the line. I am pretty confident that I would think this even if I lived within walking distance of a crag, popular or not.

You know as well as me that climbing is more than one limestone crag for me and many others!

Anyway, this has all been covered over god knows how many times and everyone has their view on the ethics of climbing right this second. What we're talking about is how things might pan out and a community "policing" concept seems the most logical thus far.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 05:05:53 pm by spidermonkey09 »


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#1132 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 05:01:54 pm
If you cough on the right hold at almscliff, you could baggsy about 10 boulder problems for the day. Got to be tactical about this.

If you are a vulnerable person, you have been told(advised?) to stay in your house for the next 9 weeks anyway and shouldn't be walking your dog.


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#1133 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 05:17:43 pm
For the avoidance of all doubt, I think if you can walk to climbing that has no access issues and is pretty quiet then I would crack on. From memory I think I'm on the same page as Stu on that point. If we take a hypothetical person who can walk to a popular crag with access concerns, then no, I don't think they should climb. Others think differently. As we've discussed in another thread, I also think there is a community/solidarity aspect to this, which you disagree with. To a certain extent that is informing my opinion that for the greater good we should all suck it up for now so we can all enjoy it again down the line. I am pretty confident that I would think this even if I lived within walking distance of a crag, popular or not.

The bit in bold doesn't make any sense, as we've gone around the houses on this thread. If (like me, sorry), you have a quiet lowball crag close to home and no-one sees you climbing there and there are no access issues - indeed the land is open access land, then you are in no way having any impact on us 'all enjoying [climbing] again down the line'. That's a bit of a fallacy based upon consequences that potentially could result, if you climbed in the wrong places.
The feeling solidarity part holds some value but only some. As others have pointed out on here and on the mirror image thread on the other channel, there's little sense in everyone showing solidarity by being needlessly unhappy. I'd rather show solidarity by pushing against naysayers, sensibly and sensitively but pushing nonetheless, to enjoy myself in the countryside doing something I love and which brings me joy, which is harmless to anyone else provided I do it sensibly.


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#1134 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 05:22:30 pm
Yeah, needless self-flagellation as an act of solidarity is a poor argument IMO.


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#1135 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 05:27:41 pm
Fair point, you're a lucky minority! The solidarity/community point is entirely down to personal outlook. Clearly it has no scientific value, but I think knowing everyone else is in the same boat has its own value. It's just intangible, which I know some of you scientists/of a scientific bent might struggle with... :worms: ;D

As you say we've been round the houses on this one. I think the previous discussion was more interesting about climbing in (hopefully ) a few weeks...


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#1136 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 05:31:29 pm
I think the previous discussion was more interesting about climbing in (hopefully ) a few weeks...

Too right. Less depressing anyway!


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#1137 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 05:40:04 pm
I don’t want to discuss the old topic anymore. In my mind we are all pretty much in agreement and 99% of climbers are now not climbing.

We need to turn the whole subject in to one of how we can get back outside as soon as possible and get our official body to support and push those ideas forward.

Will Hunt

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#1138 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 05:57:34 pm
You're right. I was totally unfair in how I presented your argument, if indeed such an illogical premise can be called as such. I did it to try and highlight its bollocksness  :)

If you are a vulnerable person, you have been told(advised?) to stay in your house for the next 9 weeks anyway and shouldn't be walking your dog.

The specific person I'm thinking of is my gran who is old but not shielded (I think) and who has, in the last week, had a home visit from my mum and been round to my parents for beans and egg on toast. The mitigating circumstances are that her house has got damp and she's becoming ill from it and that she has a history of depression and is feeling very low. The interesting point is that my mum is adamant that transmission could not have occurred during these visits because she's always careful about keeping her distance, granny wore a mask when mum was over there, she sat outside to eat when she was at my parents' etc. Most people don't understand how insidious a virus can be and think that a 2m radius around them is the only place that transmission can take place.

How she explains the fact that she drove to my uncle's house to drop off some ladders, I'm not sure.


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#1139 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 06:10:20 pm

If you are a vulnerable person, you have been told(advised?) to stay in your house for the next 9 weeks anyway and shouldn't be walking your dog.

Fuck that shit.
A Vulnerable Person


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#1140 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 06:11:05 pm
Yeah, needless self-flagellation as an act of solidarity is a poor argument IMO.

The behaviour of stuff in physics - atoms, stars, fluids, whatever - doesn't depend on what the stuff thinks about what other stuff is doing or thinking. The behaviour of people depends very strongly on their assessment of others' beliefs and actions. That's the major difference between science and social science!

Spidermonkey's argument is a good one, and has been the consistent elephant in the room throughout this thread - we're not just acting as individuals, but trying to enact a massive social change in a really short space of time.


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#1141 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 06:23:58 pm
Yeah, but if you push hard on measures that actually have an effect then people will bow to pressure on that in the same way, rather than bowing to pressure on arbitrary rules and then feeling ok about being more relaxed within those rules. Same as I was talking about earlier, though maybe that was on one of the other threads.


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#1142 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 07:12:02 pm
I don’t want to discuss the old topic anymore. In my mind we are all pretty much in agreement and 99% of climbers are now not climbing.

We need to turn the whole subject in to one of how we can get back outside as soon as possible and get our official body to support and push those ideas forward.

Climbing is allowed again in Austria now, so long as you are with people from your household and maintain sensible distance from other people. As I understand it, the government asked sports associations to draw up guidelines for a gradual return to normal practice.

I guess the UK is a few weeks or a month behind Austria, so hopefully not too long to wait now.


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#1143 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 08:44:09 pm
This is what I am talking about. The BMC need to be on the ball with this and get guidelines drawn up now. Get ahead of everything.
All the negativity on this and other forums needs to change. We have accepted where we are now let’s plan something to get us back out.

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#1144 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 08:49:02 pm
I don’t want to discuss the old topic anymore. In my mind we are all pretty much in agreement and 99% of climbers are now not climbing.

We need to turn the whole subject in to one of how we can get back outside as soon as possible and get our official body to support and push those ideas forward.

Climbing is allowed again in Austria now, so long as you are with people from your household and maintain sensible distance from other people. As I understand it, the government asked sports associations to draw up guidelines for a gradual return to normal practice.

I guess the UK is a few weeks or a month behind Austria, so hopefully not too long to wait now.

From the look of the ft data the UK is about a week behind Austria, but I suppose it all depends how that week goes and how willing the government is to relax things. 

For the first time in a while I am positive about things,  admissions are dropping and deaths are beginning to decline.


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#1145 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 09:03:55 pm
From the look of the ft data the UK is about a week behind Austria, but I suppose it all depends how that week goes and how willing the government is to relax things. 

For the first time in a while I am positive about things,  admissions are dropping and deaths are beginning to decline.


Yesterday we had more deaths in one day that Austria has had in total...

Today we recorded 100 times more new CV cases than Austria (4600 to 46)...

Our rates have dropped for two days on the bounce which is a really hopeful sign - but I'd have thought we're months more than weeks away - just looking at the numbers.

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#1146 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 09:16:34 pm
From the look of the ft data the UK is about a week behind Austria, but I suppose it all depends how that week goes and how willing the government is to relax things. 

For the first time in a while I am positive about things,  admissions are dropping and deaths are beginning to decline.


Yesterday we had more deaths in one day that Austria has had in total...

Today we recorded 100 times more new CV cases than Austria (4600 to 46)...

Our rates have dropped for two days on the bounce which is a really hopeful sign - but I'd have thought we're months more than weeks away - just looking at the numbers.
I mean in terms of the chronology of the outbreak, sorry,  acceleration,  plateau, decline.  Obviously we had a much bigger outbreak


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#1147 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 20, 2020, 09:22:40 pm

SA Chris

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#1148 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 21, 2020, 12:50:03 pm
Nice edit.


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#1149 Re: Climbing during CV-19
April 21, 2020, 12:56:52 pm
Nice edit.

Me? I thought I'd play slightly more nicely.

Can we stop splitting threads? There are too many that are virtually the same topic already, it makes it a pain in the ass.


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