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Si O'Conor

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October 09, 2004, 02:55:06 am


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#1 ...
October 09, 2004, 08:22:26 am
There is no love in war.

Aye, RIP K. Bigley - although he probably knew there were risks to working in Iraq, being held as a caged pawn in a publicity game, and then having your head cut off with a knife is a terrible way to go out.

let our boys blow them heathen sons of bitches straight to fuckin hell....slowly

It's exactly that attitude that caused his death. "Our boys" have been steadily blowing "them" to pieces since last summer, and continue to do so.

For instance, watch of how the US dished out similar treatment to a group of what apparantly were unarmed civilians without even bothering to check whether they were combatants. They all had families too.

At least 13,000 Iraqui civilians have been killed so far in Bush's war game - people as innocent as Mr Bigley -  are you surpirised there is retaliation?


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#2 Re: Where is the Love?
October 09, 2004, 10:24:02 am
Quote from: "Si O'Conor"

& God, while we're at it....let our boys blow them heathen sons of bitches straight to fuckin hell....slowly

I thought I'd posted for the last time for a while on UKB but I can not let this absurdly inflammatory knee-jerk reaction pass by without comment.
It's a sad fact that violence breeds violence and the only way out of the situation is to break the cycle. That is hard to do in ways we in the more peaceful parts of the world can't even begin to imagine. The only way out of this is through understanding and reconciliation but the hurt and pain goes back so far that it will not happen in a few weeks or months, it will take years, generations even before peace is established. By all means criticise the parties involved but please remember that this only really serves to further inflame the paranoia and hatred. Instead, try to understand why people feel that they have to resort to such violent means.
From terrorism, to the trampling of civil liberties, to the aggressive use of the death penalty, to the ruthless Pentagon and Whitehall war machines, this society is full of violence and horror. Let's not add to it.
Violence is a part of daily life in so many ways in this country--and the blame for this reality lies with those that advocate it. All those that advocate it.

Fingers of a Martyr

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#3 ...
October 09, 2004, 11:46:32 am
harsh as fuck being killed like that. especially after being held in limbo for 2 weeks. i seen the videos of the 2 american dudes being killed and it ain't pretty :cry:

bubba r sure that video is real? i seen that a week or so ago and it looks more like crude propaganda than real footage. i'm not sayin that sort of thing doesn't happen, just that that video looks whack.

the thing to remember is that we all felt a 'personal' involvement with Ken. We've all seen the videos, release plee's etc but the people who murdered him will have seen hundreds of their people murdered in cold blood by the yanks and us.

I don't want to sound callous, but it's a tad pretentious to make all this 'fuss' (not the right word, i know) over one man's suffering when their are 1000's of people in Iraq right now in worse situations. No one's thinking about them. No one's thinking about all the Iraqi mother's who have lost their son's in Iraq due to 'the war on terrorism'. Zawi has played the media and British people incredibley well.

they're not gonna forget easily. people were treated the same way in that prison by the yanks, as Zawi treated Bigley.

To his captor's, Bigley's life meant nothing. He was just another foreign man in their country. A foreign man who's government is responsible for 1000's of innocent Iraqi's deaths.

Si's reaction is perfectly understandable. when i heard the news last night, my immdediate reaction was that they shud now execute the two women prisoners in exactly the same way.

it's just more blood on Blair's hands...

how many prayers do you reckon were said for Ken Bigley? 1000's? millions? 100 million? not one was answered! God is love... yeah right.


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#4 ...
October 09, 2004, 11:56:42 am
Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"

Si's reaction is perfectly understandable. when i heard the news last night, my immdediate reaction was that they shud now execute the two women prisoners in exactly the same way.

And what would that achieve?

Fingers of a Martyr

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#5 ...
October 09, 2004, 11:58:05 am
like i said my immediate reaction. as i'm sure si's last line was his first reaction. considering he was typing this at 3 in the morning :shock: hope you hadn't been on the :alco: again si. :wink:


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#6 ...
October 09, 2004, 05:04:58 pm
Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"
bubba r sure that video is real? i seen that a week or so ago and it looks more like crude propaganda than real footage. i'm not sayin that sort of thing doesn't happen, just that that video looks whack.

It's reported on, a site of the utmost integrity. The footage was shown on Channel 4 news, another pretty worthy source. So yes, imo it's real.
Crude propaganda? Why would somebody need to fake footage from a plane killing civilians? There's more than enough of it going down to need to fake it.
What make you think it's false? When was the last time you were in an F-16 ?

Fingers of a Martyr

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#7 ...
October 09, 2004, 08:15:40 pm
chill man. it's just it looked pure fake to me and the audio sounds like it's been pasted on afterwards. plus i watched it on, which didn't really help in making it look genuine.

:lot's of heavy breathing:
yank A: i've got numerous individuals on the road, you want me to take 'em out?
yank B: take 'em out!
:more heavy breathing:
Yank A: impact
Yank B: ooaaaaaahhhhh dude...

sounds like a bad hollywood war film script.


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#8 ...
October 10, 2004, 08:49:20 am
They showed loads of this sort of footage during the first gulf war sans sound but you'd probably have been about six then so won't remember - it's nothing particularly unusual, it's just normally you'd expect them to shoot combatants.

The US military seem to think it's real as well:

Fingers of a Martyr

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#9 ...
October 10, 2004, 11:08:59 am
oh well fair enough.


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#10 ...
October 10, 2004, 11:16:39 pm
they're killing us because we've been killing them for years.


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