What happened to Summer club? 493 12-18 Aug 2019 (Read 9261 times)


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  • Weight: down to 67.4kg from 67.7kg (woop)
  • BMI: down to 23.3 from 23.7 (woop)
  • Body Fat %: UP to 18.9% from 14.2% (WTF?!)
  • Body Fat Mass: UP to 12.7kg from 9.6kg (WTF?!)
You've lost weight via losing muscle mass. It's a common effect of every "normal" dieting plan.
It goes to show that just watching the weight is highly overrated, especially for sports purposes.


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normalising the ludicrous behaviour of London-based climbers.

At the crag on the day? Or in general?

I was referring to the insane time us Londoners spend travelling versus time on rock. 

At-the-crag behaviour all was very good, although the closest person to a southerner was from Northampton which probably explains this.


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T: Spot Denver. Warmed up then got on the Kilter board. First experience of this and first board climbing since finger injury. Set to 45Deg, finger held up! Did a V3, two V4s and three V5s. Finger starting to complain and skin sore so went to weights. Squat up to 205lb X2 (PB). Also did some lighter squats to lower depth (been using a bench to stop me going low to help knee). Bench up to 185lb. As walking to get water, I stepped on a nail which was lying around at the wall :( Psyche dropped after that...

W: Tetanus Shot...

T: Had planned to get out but Tetanus shot on Wednesday meant my arm was dead

F: Guanella Pass after-work solo session. Warmed up on the usual problems including Far Left V4 (new one for me). Moved onto Love Matters which has been touted at V8/9 since the last break. Sounds like 7B+ to me… Felt stronger on it and did the first few moves I'm not sure I linked before. Had some burns before others who were there left. Managed to send solo, psyched. Hardest boulder of 2019 so far and definitely one of the best.

S: Hiking up Mount Bierstadt 14,065ft. First 14er along with half of the US. Grim amount of people but nice to be out..

S: Lincoln Lake. Back to Powder Keg V7, felt much easier than before which is good. Fell off the top move a few times using whack beta before putting it to bed. Moved on to 8=D V8 which was a bit too awkward to be fun. Finished the day having a play on Tangerine Man V8 an amazing long climb with some funky moves. Definitely need to come back when fresh for this.

Psyched to be able to get out so much and be putting things down. Going to be away in the week the next couple of weeks so will be confined to weekend climbing. Summer still very much around in CO though I am fearful of it ending!


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  • Weight: down to 67.4kg from 67.7kg (woop)
  • BMI: down to 23.3 from 23.7 (woop)
  • Body Fat %: UP to 18.9% from 14.2% (WTF?!)
  • Body Fat Mass: UP to 12.7kg from 9.6kg (WTF?!)
You've lost weight via losing muscle mass. It's a common effect of every "normal" dieting plan.
It goes to show that just watching the weight is highly overrated, especially for sports purposes.

All those measurements will probably be within daily fluctuations and measurement error, e.g. depending on how much salt you've eaten how hydrated you are etc. It'll have very little to do with anything real

p.s. muscle mass isn't always good

SA Chris

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I was referring to the insane time us Londoners spend travelling versus time on rock. 

Ah OK. Yep I know how tough it is. I have to walk a full fifteen minutes to the nearest bouldering, trad or sport to my house, but a full extra ten minutes to the DWS.

(shame a lot of it is shite).


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Power Club

Mon - weights. Forearms still tired.
Tue - rest.
Wed - rest.
Thu - weights, bar work.
Fri - light heavy bag, light weights.
Sat - weights.
Sun - rest.

With regards to T2T post, the weights and BMI variations are surely marginal, the other two aren't and seem more related to longer term changes. Given an accurate measurement.
And yes, for general health muscle mass is - to some extent - always good. Metabolism depends on muscle mass and my sports physician always tells me that the most important thing is to always keep or increase muscle mass over the years. This is related to the effects of age, lower testosterone production, physiological loss of lean mass, etc. To fight this process we need to work on muscle mass, not against it.
In any case, I'm not going to embark in a pro-muscles crusade, surely people on here know exactly what they're doing and - especially - why.


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  • Weight: down to 67.4kg from 67.7kg (woop)
  • BMI: down to 23.3 from 23.7 (woop)
  • Body Fat %: UP to 18.9% from 14.2% (WTF?!)
  • Body Fat Mass: UP to 12.7kg from 9.6kg (WTF?!)
You've lost weight via losing muscle mass. It's a common effect of every "normal" dieting plan.
It goes to show that just watching the weight is highly overrated, especially for sports purposes.

All those measurements will probably be within daily fluctuations and measurement error, e.g. depending on how much salt you've eaten how hydrated you are etc. It'll have very little to do with anything real

p.s. muscle mass isn't always good

Aye - I'd assumed as much. The jump in body fat was a bit disappointing as I've been off the ale for a month now - though I have I think been compensating by eating a lot more crap than usual.

Plus - I know we've never met Nibile, but safe to say, if we ever do, I don't think that when you clap eyes on me the word "muscle" will be the one that immediately springs to mind!


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On a side note, by the tone of your post, I wrongly assumed that you were on a caloric deficit of some sort or on a weight-loss plan.
I think I was wrong.
Would be interesting to know how much time passed between the two measurements and what changes happened in muscle mass.


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Rehab Diaries Week Fifty-two

STG- Sub-HVS *** Peak Trad list (11/27 remain), onsighting HVS/ low 6s by end of September.

M- Stoney with my girlfriend who is coincidentally also called Stoney. Target: Sin. It's a 25m VS corner crack, the concensus on which is that it's very good, 4c all the way and has good gear. I reckoned at least two of those statements would need appending with the caveat "for Stoney" but felt confident anyway. Stoney (the woman) laughs at me for making very long-winded ascents of the routes off my list and I was genuinely confident of being able to prove her wrong. After udging up the chimney that leads to the ledge at the start of the route I still felt good but this did not last long- the first 6 or so metres of the route is very goey; bridging on polished holds that weren't as good as I'd like and I found the moves to exit this to what looked like an in-balance point highly inscrutable. Cue much up&downing as my feet got very pumped each time I searched for a solution.

I did not feel warmed-up at all and not even really up for it so decided to have "one last look" before downclimbing, taking the gear out as I went and going home in the daylight for our tea. I then did the move and found myself, not quite in-balance, fiddling a wire into one of those fucking Stoney cracks that wires simultaneously seem to sit in properly but also not be seated in effectively at all and make a weird hollow sound as you rattle them about around in there. It was at this point that I remembered why it's more then seven years since I did trad here- last time I fell almost the height of the crag head-first in a gear-ripping, belayer incompetence-related fall.  :o I thought I heard a helicopter overhead but it was just the sounds of the road being twisted by my fear-addled brain.

Climbing the route actually went alright- the rests come between the hard moves as you'd expect for a VS and although I felt irrationally scared, faffed about and overgripped all the way I thought I would do it. High up I made a tough sequence upward thinking I'd be in balance stood on a spike ready to place gear and figure out what would probably the final challenging bit but once I was up there I plain panicked- the only holds available were shiny thin handjams that wouldn't keep me from hinging backwards and I was committed. I put loads of energy into reversing breathlessly back as far as I could knowing I would fall in the process but somehow didn't and found myself back at the ledge at the start of the sequence, panting. It looked like there was still miles to the top. I was done. It was starting to go dark. I felt sick. Fuck this.

I put an extra runner in and gingerly weighted the rope to be lowered by my fully-briefed (and now freezing cold) belayer. As this happened one of my pieces popped out. Not the top piece but I can do without that sort of thing happening as I lower off, to say the least :blink:. Once I'd gibbered to the floor I went up to set up an ab for the gear (not a quick process at Stoney- it involves going up a big Diff chimney/ mud chute and locating the top of your route via brambly paths. As there's nothing fixed at the top of Sin you have to do this twice to avoid leaving gear) and to my immense displeasure found that right where I'd panicked there's a good sidepull edge in one of the cracks and you're very close to the top. I'd basically done the route.   

T- Lawrencefield with Erm, Sam. Didn't feel up to climbing much but I never refuse an invite to get out. Sam'll hate me for publicising it but he made a smooth ascent of Suspense. I attempted to improve on my previous attempt to second it (Spring 2017) which involved one fall on the headwall.  :no: This time I found every single move tough and some of them impossible- literally had to be winched up a lot of the headwall (on a guide plate- following the knowledge I gained on the multipitch tactics thread and this demonstration I decided to get one myself) and I pulled on the peg at the top. Also felt a bit scared. Not sure how much of this inability was due to being tired from the night before and how much due to just being rubbish but the only positive I came away with was that if/ when I lead the route it will be extra satisfying.

W- Rest.

T- Five Clouds with Sam. Crabbie's Crack is my route here- the first one I tried from my list, , but also one of the hardest- it gets HVS on UKC. The crux involves both bridging and rocking up onto a smeary high left foot to get up into the hanging crack so it's no wonder I couldn't contemplete committing to it way back at the end of March. This time would surely be different!

It took me a while to get some good gear in and make a plan, which necessitated going up and down from a good ledge a fair few times to avoid a flash pump but I was confident and ready to commit. When I did so I got my right jamming-gove hooked on the gate of the crab on my highest cam.  :lol: Sam taking my weight on the rope pinned my hand behind the rope, basically hanging me from it without an easy way to get it unhooked. :ohmy: It took a good few minutes to free it.

Next go up I got through the crux to the bit where you exit the crack onto a little ledge. This involves laybacking. I didn't commit, freaked out and lowered off. Not great. Next go it was going dark but I just needed to commit to getting up onto the ledge. Headtorch on, let's do this. I got way up, very close to getting up there but my timid attmpts to do it without laybacking meant that I'd buried a jam in the crack I was leaving, I hadn't brought my left foot up at all and I was therefore in an impossible position. I slumped onto the the gear but my jamming-gloved hand remained deep in the crack, above my head, above the gear I was hanging from and with most of my weight hanging from it. This was the same hand as before and after 11+ years of climbing without this bullshit happening to me, it was now happening twice in an evening. Much swearing and grunting ensued.

Thanks to Sam for this picture of me after I'd lowered down.  :lol: 

I seconded Sam on the route and found it steady- climbed completely differently with the rope above. Lots to think about on the drive home.

F- Rest. Bought a guide plate.  :geek:

S- Kinder South-eastern edges with Reeve (of this quarter) and fellow debilitating trauma survivor Marie. A big day as we couldn't park where we wanted to so went up and down in a huge loop- up Crowden Clough, down below Ringing Roger if anyone's interested. The sixth time I'm been up Kinder this year but hopefully not the last. I forgot my shoes  :oops: but luckily Reeve had a pair of Scarpas that fitted me fine. Very strong wind on top made it colder as the afternoon went on and I was freezing before seconding Upper Tor Wall (9 years after I led it on the first day I climbed on Kinder) as a warm up.

The main event was Flash Wall, the only route on my list I'd never seen in the flesh. It's a ~20m quarried(!) vertical wall following a crack system that gets very wide at the top. I knew it's reputation as one of those routes that would be a grade higher if it wasn't very well protected but that didn't fully explain how nervous I felt before setting off- rarely have I felt so shaky pre-route :???:. If I hadn't been belayed by an extremely patient psychologist I would probably have backed off in the first 6 metres but Reeve got me back into the midset that I've enjoyed climbing trad in for most of this year :hug:- not fast by any means but with a measured calmness that had completely abandoned me on Monday evening.

This got me to the crux, near the top of the wall, in a great and confident state of mind. Unfortunately every way I attempted to solve it felt improbably tough and I just couldn't make myself commit to a move I felt sure I'd fall off. After a lot of attempts over an incredibly long time I'd completely worn myself out and for the third time in six days I was in a situation where it was going dark and my mates were freezing to death while I fucked about so I came down. There was solid gear so when on the ground I realised that I should have at least taken a little fall off it but hindsight is an fantastic thing.

Seconding the route I discovered that unlike Crabbie's Crack I couldn't even top-rope the crux move! It's quite a route Flash Wall- definitely the toughest on my list that I've been on and one of the best too. I could blame not wearing my own shoes, the extreme wind, getting huge bits of scrittle in my eye, being knackered from climbing four times in a week for the first time post-accident or other stuff (fans of Burnley FC manager Shaun Dyche may appreciate how I just claimed not to be making excuses while making four excuses) but I'm happy to admit that it's just too hard for me. Realistically speaking I won't be back on it this year.  :wavecry:

S- Rest. So sore and knackered. Ate about 3000 calories.

Got out climbing four days this week.  ;D I owe August an apology as I completely slagged it last week but, despite a lot of rain and gales, this week has also had some beautiful evenings and lovely temps consistently. In a few weeks time after-work climbing will be a fantasy so it's great to make the most of it.

As much as I'd love to tick all my list by the end of this year I'm going to chill out on it because it's just got me into a ridiculous situation of trying trad routes that are at my mental limit with little or no warm-up day after day, testing belayers' patience and having an attritional effect on me physically as well as mentally. I'm on my third visit to some of these VSs now which is absurd as it's not meant to be some sort of headpoint project, in fact the original aims were-

-Prevent the “all the routes I can climb are shit or I’ve done them before” malaise that I’ve known to affect other injury-weakened trad climbers.

-Get my trad head/ efficiency/ fluency back

-Get me out to crags I’ve never or seldom visited before (with some leg-strengthening approaches in there too)

-Make me better at the steep crack climbs style that I’ve often avoided

-Have a good time with my mate who I used to do trad with all the time

I ticked all of those months ago but have rolled back on the second one a bit this week. Need to take it steady and just focus on having a good time to regain it.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2019, 04:44:03 pm by cheque »


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M - had spent Sunday's session musing that it was probably a bad idea to do an intensive PE session on what you planned to be the first day on of three. Unsurprisingly it was and rest seemed the sensible option.

T - garage bouldering, finding doing five minute blocks of decreasing intensity quite effective. After warming up I start off working single all out moves, then tryng to link, then 6-8 moves and finally a long problem.


W AnCap, 12 reps, failed 8, 10, 11 & 12 at various points. Love this workout, pull and pull 'til you power out

Th rest

Fri repeat of Tuesday but was feeling tired after 3 hard sessions in 4 days, wasn't completing the problems but still felt like I was working hard

Eve - drove to wife's sisters in Scotland

Sat - big day at Edinburgh Fringe, on feet for hours, saw a couple of shows and took in the street entertainment. Absolutely knackerd, fell asleep on sofa before MOTD had even started.

Sun - rested hard.


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Good post Cheque.

SA Chris

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Sat - big day at Edinburgh Fringe, on feet for hours, saw a couple of shows and took in the street entertainment. Absolutely knackerd, fell asleep on sofa before MOTD had even started.

We did 2 days of Fringe with 2 kids, including walking out to EICC to see Elements of Freestyle. They were wiped.


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We did 2 days of Fringe with 2 kids, including walking out to EICC to see Elements of Freestyle. They were wiped.

We had kids with us, they seemed fine but all four adults flaked out early


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Got angry failing on Sick  :wall: - 6A my arse.

at least it's not a five anymore,16633.msg292932.html#msg292932


Can't even play the short card if Ru thought it was 5+


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Some of the hardest problem's I've ever done have been 5+, especially in font! If I'm correct in thinking that this is referring to the original Vertebrate Peak bouldering guide (the one with Ben Moon on the front), then loads of stuff in that guide is totally sandbagged! Still the best around though.


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Got angry failing on Sick  :wall: - 6A my arse.

at least it's not a five anymore,16633.msg292932.html#msg292932


Can't even play the short card if Ru thought it was 5+

Maybe you're not strong enough? :p

Johnny Brown

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Got angry failing on Sick  :wall: - 6A my arse.

at least it's not a five anymore,16633.msg292932.html#msg292932


Can't even play the short card if Ru thought it was 5+

Might have been my fault that. I have a method which is trivially easy.


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