Actually are the finger strength results usually included in the assessment data? I was wondering if poor shoulder engagement strength would negatively impact the one arm with assistance fingerstrength testing?
mooching around the Foundry woodie like a depressed Angle-poise lamp in trackie bottoms, recovering from the rigours of a morning spent dismantling a tumble dryer. ...Given that I look like a village idiot recovered from an Irish peat bog, I cannot blame anyone for underestimating my deviousness: I can turn almost every move into a straight-arm hang, and every route into a stamina plod
like a depressed Angle-poise lamp in trackie bottoms,
YMMV but I think Trowerbridge Wall is desperate; I failed to get up it on a day I got a 7c route there 2nd go!
... perhaps this winter, I should embrace the humiliation and frustration of failing to jump between blobs.
This blob jumping gets a bad wrap a lot of times for being too dissimilar to outdoor climbing to be any use as training, but there's definitely a very strong correlation between the people who climb hard outside, and the people who are good at blob wrestling.