Fell running (Read 315131 times)


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#925 Re: Fell running
June 06, 2017, 09:26:06 am
Article in Avaunt about Joss Naylor this month:


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#926 Re: Fell running
June 07, 2017, 04:39:44 pm
Anyone doing Calver on Wednesday evening?

Yep, I'll be heading over later on. Not done this one before, normally too far to travel to get to the start in time after work, but gonna make the effort tonight. Look out for a yellow and green Staffordshire Moorlands vest if you see this before the race Mr Cus.


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#927 Re: Fell running
June 08, 2017, 09:58:50 am
Only just seen your reply.  I think i was running just behind a lady in a staffordshire moorlands vest on the way up the first hill. 

It was a good race, found it tough going though.  Ended up finishing in about 40.5minutes.

That top hill just before the decent destroys me everytime!

How did you get on?


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#928 Re: Fell running
June 08, 2017, 06:33:48 pm
That would have been Mrs Lemmy, who was chuffed to take the V40 ladies win (and beer for us!!!). I finished just under 36 mins in 26th place. Must say, it was tougher than I expected for a B class race and agree about the last big climb, seems to go on forever! At least the last half is all down hill, defo pick up some lick down there. Enjoyed it!

Passing Clouds this Sunday if you or anyone else is interested, good route taking in Ramshaw, The Roaches and Hen Cloud - one for the east-siders!


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#929 Re: Fell running
June 08, 2017, 10:34:09 pm
As a wee small plug for another local race. 1st of July is the second running of the Warslow Beer Festival fell race. I didn't get chance to race it last year, but I have run th course, and I can say that it is probably the toughest AS race in the Peak with over 500m of ascent - fair to say there is little or no flat running! Oh, and it's a great appetiser for a few beverages afterwards! Unfortunately it is online entry only (a bit of a bug bear of mine) so if you fancy it, get your name on the list - tis good!

HERE are a few pics I got from last year to give you a flavour for the race at least.


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#930 Re: Fell running
June 19, 2017, 02:40:18 pm
Great Lakes Run - race report

I'd read it described as "The Jura of the Lakes". 21k / 2130m of ascent. When an opportunity presented itself a week ago, I immediately took the chance to try another Lakeland AL. I'd already read about this race and an occasional fell-running mate of mine had done it last year. Off the back of a reasonably big day out in Snowdonia a couple of weeks before and consistent running through May, I decided it was going to be doable. Ed advised "just walk the first half to Scafell as there's good running to be had in the second half". This plan went to sh*t when Race Director, Ben, announced on the start line that the cut off at Scafell Pike was 1245 i.e. 1hr45mins into the race! Oh sh*t. So, without having the gumption to put up my hand and say what I was thinking ("that seems a bit frickin harsh.. does he need to be somewhere?") I set off up The Band to Bowfell much faster than planned, chuntering as I went.

It was hot, and I was going to take the tourist path to the summit on the first of the optional routes, but then I actually used my brain and took the ridge, hoping to get more of a breeze. Indeed, a gentle breeze took the edge off an otherwise cloudless day. At Bowfell I confirmed the cut-off was in fact 1345. Time to re-group and trot down to Esk Pike, over that one and onwards to Great End. Another marra, Jonny, had warned me that even in good vis navigation on this course was tricky. I'd done my homework and had a list of key bearings. I actually got my compass out for the first time on Great End when I saw someone else drift off too far right. I kept it out and an enjoyable feature of such a small field (Great Lakes aint popular on the best of days, the day after a Brit/English Champs race saw just 53 runners start) was having to navigate, as the field became very spread out.

The first tricky bit was coming off Scafell Pike and in the event I got a slightly wrong line into C5 at the base of the scramble to Foxes Tarn. I had to empty my shoes of stones just before the summit of Scafell, losing a precious minute or so. At the top I'd remembered to follow the ridge for 300m before dropping off to the fastest section of the course. The 10 minutes or so running down to Slight Side was pure joy. On the Harvey Map you are warned to avoid the direct descent off Slight side, via Horn Crag. Stuff that, I'm a climber FFS. I felt my way down as a gully turned into steeper and steeper heathery ledges with a sizeable drop below. There was some evidence that others had been that way, but I wasn't 100% sure I was on the right line. This is the Lakes and you forget that on these fell races, the scale is BIG. Anyway, I slowed it down and carefully picked my way around and down before I could scree run to another pit stop (must get some gaiters) and to check out the Sampson stones (not really).

Now for the crossing of Great Moss! I felt reasonable running down into the valley, but the legs started to feel tired as I hit the soggy stuff. After crossing the River Esk on the bend, I followed a bearing again as others ahead were going in a direction I didn't think was optimal. Folk who'd passed me on Scafell now came past again, having not taken the direct route off Slight side. Again, an enjoyable feature of the race was how much route finding made a difference to speed. I had decided to climb very directly out of the base of Lingcove Beck, rather than follow a more diagonal, traversing line further south that most people seemed to be taking.  It was steep. I moved slowly. My watch beeped near the top to signal the last Km took 28 minutes! At the top I kept heading due east until things eventually flattened out and I picked up the path that you take on the Langdale Horseshoe, down to the base of Pike O'Blisco. I'm not sure whether direct was faster, what I was sure of was that my legs had now gone.

I crawled up Blisco, a finish time of sub 4hrs30mins slipping away. From the top of Blisco I made my first real error, heading a bit too far south off the summit before doubling back round for the big descent. After some more tricky ground it was just a case of sucking up the pain in your quads. Eventually it was steep enough to bum slide a bit, finally I was at the bottom and crawling up the final incline to the finish at the farm. A new level of knackeredness? Probably. Baking hot back at the farm, a full-immersion dip in the river was pure bliss. Would I recommend this race? Most definitely. Would I have got round in bad weather? Hmm.

My finish time was 4:38:47 despite going off too fast and paying the price later on. Though I would probably have been just as goosed later on anyway. I was chuffed with 31st out of 53 starters, as that's technically the first time I can really say I've finished 'mid pack' in a race. A big thanks to the organisers and the marshals, who nearly outnumbered the runners!
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 02:52:25 pm by T_B »


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#931 Re: Fell running
June 20, 2017, 09:57:56 pm
As a wee small plug for another local race. 1st of July is the second running of the Warslow Beer Festival fell race. I didn't get chance to race it last year, but I have run th course, and I can say that it is probably the toughest AS race in the Peak with over 500m of ascent - fair to say there is little or no flat running! Oh, and it's a great appetiser for a few beverages afterwards! Unfortunately it is online entry only (a bit of a bug bear of mine) so if you fancy it, get your name on the list - tis good!

HERE are a few pics I got from last year to give you a flavour for the race at least.

This sounds like a brilliant family day out Martin. I'm planning to come over en famille and with some other friends from Sheffield  :2thumbsup:


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#932 Re: Fell running
June 21, 2017, 10:21:20 am
Good write up Tom. Sounds like a monster of a race!


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#933 Re: Fell running
June 25, 2017, 09:37:00 am
So, next weekend I'm running the Fan Dance. I've been training hard. Torn an MCL had to stop, developed arthritis in my right foot had to stop.
Got my time down to 3:46 min for the 24k (780mtr climb), carrying 35lbs + food and 4 ltrs of water and was feeling good about my times etc.

I avoided looking at the league tables, but finally succumbed to temptation.

Bugger me, some of these old gits are good! And this is just the over 45's!
(For ref. The SF selection cut off is 4 hrs).


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#934 Re: Fell running
June 27, 2017, 03:37:27 pm
Great write up Tom and well done! Sounds like one for next year!

Has anybody entered Wasdale this year? I'm going to treat it as a long slow day out (subject to cutoffs) and make a weekend of it.


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#935 Re: Fell running
June 27, 2017, 05:42:55 pm
Late shout but anyone vaguely NW is welcome to come along to our club race tomorrow - Robbie Webster Wobbler on Frodsham Hill - No big hills but enough little sharp ones to leave you feeling obliged to come back battered. And cake.


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#936 Re: Fell running
June 28, 2017, 09:41:05 am
That looks a quality local race Steve and I'd have been there like a shot were it not for existing commitments - best of luck with it! Also reminds me to get back on the Frodsham hill rep scene.


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#937 Re: Fell running
June 28, 2017, 08:44:36 pm

This sounds like a brilliant family day out Martin. I'm planning to come over en famille and with some other friends from Sheffield  :2thumbsup:

Nice one Tom, hopefully see you there. I'll be in my club vest of yellow with a green stripe saying Moorlands on it, say hi if you spot me (not sure how many of my fellow club runners will be there so it may be a lottery!!).


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#938 Re: Fell running
June 29, 2017, 11:26:10 am
Article on BBC Sport about Annie Conway.


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#939 Re: Fell running
June 30, 2017, 05:47:51 pm
Thought I'd pop on and comment about my Lakes 10 Peaks race at the weekend. At just over 32 miles and 12k ft of ascent it was less a run (for me anyway) and more of a long slow plod with occasional jogging on the bits that weren't too steep and rocky. The weather was interesting - 40mph winds, occasional showers and virtually zero visibility - but probably preferable to the heat we'd had the previous weekend.

Training for it had gone relatively well, in that I'd spent a lot of time recce'ing the course and doing long days out on the hill. It did me a lot of good for the race as I didn't have to faff about too much with my map but I was a bit complacent getting onto and off Great End in the fog and almost started descending down towards Sprinking Tarn in error. Turns out bearings are important! I ran where I could but was suffering from sore knees from the descent off High Raise and I struggled to run on anything vaguely steep downhill. The fact that there's no easy escape route without going all the way to Honister (or dropping into a different valley then getting a very expensive taxi!) was probably the only thing that kept me going through the pain. Of course, once you get to Honister there's only Dale Head to go and then it's flat back to Keswick so there's no way I'd have dropped out there!

High point was a beautiful view out to Ullswater from the top of Helvellyn, with rays of light illuminating the fells, while I was still feeling fresh and energetic. Low point was probably the slog up to Great Gable - climbing, cairn to cairn, for what felt like an eternity through the rain and the wind and the clag. Either that or the interminable bog soaked trudge up Wythburn whilst being eaten alive by midges!

Since I'd never done anything like this before (in terms of distance and climb) and I'd been suffering a bit with shin splints in the weeks leading up to it my only aim was to get round in daylight (about 17 hours) and to beat my boyfriend's dad (who, to be fair, is 70). As it happened I got round in 14:25 and ended up 6th out of the women, and 37th overall (and beat Andy's dad)! Maybe my specialist skill is long slow enduro plodding? Though I think the weather also played to my strengths - it meant the recces I'd done were more valuable and I only needed to get my map out 2-3 times. I reckon if my knees hadn't been giving me so much grief I could've knocked an hour off that time, by being able to run more and by not spending 25 mins sitting down at Honister feeling like I might cry or be sick.

Anyway, it was a cracking day out and my knees are starting to forgive me after a week of rest and gentle movement. Very well organised, lovely views (I'm led to believe) and a nice medal and t-shirt at the finish. Not sure I'd rush back to do it again but it was an experience I won't forget anyway.


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#940 Re: Fell running
June 30, 2017, 08:49:35 pm
Thanks for the write up Julie, v interesting to read and good effort! I'm pretty keen to try something like this next year, though maybe Old County Tops or Welsh 3K. Good knowledge on all the recceing, definitely taking that on board.


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#941 Re: Fell running
July 02, 2017, 11:57:03 am
I had some friends doing V3K the same day and they seemed to have a great time, despite the vegan part of the race. Similar length and height gain to the Lakes 10 Peaks but I've no idea how they compare otherwise.

I enjoyed your Great Lakes Run write up above, especially the confusion over the timing cut offs  :lol: Sounds like a great day out and it must have been seriously tough in that heat. I was out around Dale Head/Newlands Valley that day and it was absolutely baking! I ended up turning my run into a walk and going paddling in Derwentwater instead.

I agree about how route finding makes things more enjoyable, especially when you get a better line, but it works the other way too - I was gutted to see a guy I'd been very close to at Angle Tarn coming down from the Bowfell Summit as I approached it, me having taken the BG trod and him going via Ore Gap. I blame the fact that I stopped twice to try to empty my shoes of Wythburn gravel (I also need to get gaitors!) and I stopped at the top to put a layer on, plus the nav from Ore Gap is loads easier as you just follow the path/cairns.


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#942 Re: Fell running
July 02, 2017, 05:30:43 pm
Top work Julie, good read. Not sure on the value of recceing- I did the Old County Tops this year and might not have gone back if I'd known how grim that trudge up Wythburn was! Looks like the 2 routes might share that stretch :)


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#943 Re: Fell running
July 02, 2017, 08:15:03 pm
As I'm knackered from run, followed by 3hr drive home, my write up will be somewhat less eloquent...

Running with 35lbs of pack fucking hurts.

Incredibly iconic to many, just an empty shell now, but back in the day, the kit list included "spare change". The start and finish of the Fan Dance.


Hit the summit of the Fan in 56minutes and felt really strong.

Made the turn around at the railway station in 2hrs and five (cut off was 3hrs, after that the Directing staff pull you, failed), managed the long drag back to Windy gap in 3:15hrs and then hit the Jacobs Ladder.

I'd genuinely forgotten what a Bitch it is. Coming at km 19 after the long drag it floored me. Not a single runner managed to run it today, either load bearing or Clean Fatigue. No wind, 30*C, Pounding sun. It had me down taking 30paces and then pause for four breaths etc.

I hit the summit at exactly 4hrs, so that would have been me failed for selection. Ran like buggery from there down the steep descent and now have blackened and bleeding nails on both feet. I beat out a large portion of the field, but the best of the day had me by 50minutes. I even beat many Clean Fatigue runners back, which was quite a shock.

The kids had run up and escorted me down the last 200mtrs and I finished in 4hrs 44minutes. Frankly it would have been longer, but for the kids, cos I was about to break into a walk for the last km (absolutely shagged) until I heard "There's Daddy!"

Apparently a pass, for my age group. Beaten back by a 62 year old, which sucks...


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#944 Re: Fell running
July 03, 2017, 02:57:30 pm
Solid efforts Julie and Matt! Good to see both of your respective training efforts clearly paying off!

As an aside; I think it's well worth getting to grips with the navigation function if you have a watch such as the Suunto Ambit or similar. I've pre drawn race routes and afternoon out routes on it and learnt how to operate the watch to a competent level.

Whilst I don't rely on it for navigation I have it continually running in view and can quickly cross check whether I'm veering from my line or not. If importing a GPX track of another person, I spend some time cross referencing their actual line with that of the official race route. I might then redraw the whole course or accept that the original import is accurate enough. Dark Peak have a whole library of past tracks here:

The 10 figure grid reference function is also a good one.


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#945 Re: Fell running
July 05, 2017, 08:32:14 am
So, results released today, I placed 16th in my category on the day. By my estimation it puts me at about 118 on the league table.
But, look at number 1! By God, I'd been disappointed to think I was 50 minutes behind him, not 1:26!

I know I can do better. My tactics were too conservative and my access to water too complicated, I could save ten minutes just on water/rehydration admin. My pack was 5lbs heavier than required and I didn't think it made a difference, until I hit Jacobs ladder.

Looks like my "one off" might not be...


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#946 Re: Fell running
July 14, 2017, 10:32:48 am
Anybody entering Kentmere on Sunday? I'm toying with doing it and camping over in Ambleside area Saturday night.


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#947 Re: Fell running
July 14, 2017, 12:10:19 pm
Nope. My next race is a week on Sunday and I'm bl**dy injured  :boohoo:  :'(

Enjoy Kentmere if you get up there, weather looks as though it could be OK for Sunday.


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#948 Re: Fell running
July 14, 2017, 02:03:01 pm
Dang! Sorry to hear that Tom. You've been going well! Hopefully nothing too serious and you're back in action asap!


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#949 Re: Fell running
August 01, 2017, 09:41:30 pm
Delayed Burbage Skyline tonight, good turn out as always. Not done it for a couple of years and as it's been moved to August this year I found it pretty tough as lots move undergrowth to negotiate at the start and the drop off Higgar Tor has got lots of felled tree cuttings on it near the bottom now. Plus the deluge of rain today made the course really muddy in parts. Great fun though I was 7 or 8 minutes off my PB, a lifetime but excusable if nothing else as still recovering from major rib damage four weeks ago.


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