Fell running (Read 315010 times)


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#900 Re: Fell running
May 10, 2017, 11:04:05 am
How about the Fairfield Horseshoe route? Easy parking and the record's a little over an hour but sure you could fit the route in within the sort of timescale you have?


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#901 Re: Fell running
May 10, 2017, 11:30:05 am
She got to the river. Looked upstream. Spotted a few rocks about 20m away, and hopped across them without even getting soles wet, at the same time watching on in disbelief as people waded through knee deep water!


Good effort from your other half in the heat; sounds like it was a tough day out!

I'm at a training course in Leeds (Elland road) and my wrist is a bit dodgy so can't climb, but was thinking it might be good to stop for a nice 1hr run somewhere be between Leeds and Glasgow. Any recommendations?

There's some lovely running to be had up on Ilkley Moor and everything's really dry underfoot; Round Hill on the other side of the valley is nice too. Should get some cracking views in the weather we're having at the moment. Or detour into the Lakes as Monolith suggested - only 20 minutes off the motorway to go to Keswick, the Coledale Horseshoe route is a stunner; probably take a bit more than an hour but would be well worth it!


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#902 Re: Fell running
May 10, 2017, 11:59:14 am
If you're driving via the A66 something North Pennines stylee could be good. A loop taking in Cross Fell from Kirkland (15 mins off the A66) or similar would be nice, assuming it's good weather (it's grim up there in poor weather).

Some ideas here

SA Chris

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#903 Re: Fell running
May 10, 2017, 12:17:31 pm
Some great options off the A66, could do some cragspotting on the way; Goldsborough etc.


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#904 Re: Fell running
May 10, 2017, 10:20:56 pm
Fairfield Horseshoe he says. One hour he says. ONE HOUR?!?!

Joking aside, stunning route. If you'd have asked me 5 years ago  if I thought I'd not only manage a 15k fell run, but actually enjoy it I would have laughed my face off. Funny how things evolve.

I was really struggling on the first climb from Rydal up to Nab Scar, 38 minutes and 2km in and I was thinking I'd misunderstood and ended up on something much bigger... Told myself I could turn back before Great Rigg if I didn't think I could manage. Everything started going better from there and as I passed Hart Crag and started descending I actually smiled!

Got a bit lost above Rydal House trying to cut back across. Is there a good way to save going right down to Ambleside?

Felt pretty strong until the last 2km when hip flexor and subsequently IT bands started to make themselves known, nothing too though. Didn't quite make may 2 hour target, but wouldn't have been last in last year's race so that's quite pleasing! 2

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#905 Re: Fell running
May 11, 2017, 06:58:07 am
Anyone planning on doing some of local Peak races in the next couple of weeks? cragx Crawl this Saturday (more trail than fell) or Mount Famine next weekend (definitely fell)??


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#906 Re: Fell running
May 11, 2017, 10:14:43 am
I'm looking forward to Totley Moor. It looks as though the course is longer (and better) than in previous years. Been enjoying running up there recently, though a bit worried about how to warm up properly so as not to fill my legs with lactic on Moss rd!


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#907 Re: Fell running
May 11, 2017, 10:53:43 am
I was sweeper on Totley Moor last year T_B, it's a better route this year though enforced on the basis of environmental sensitivities. Marcus (the RO from Totley AC) has done a good job of rerouting though the climb on the track after Moss Road gate isn't that technical compared to the previous one. Think he's added a second sting in the tail too at the end. Should be good.

I'm hoping to do cragx on Saturday too, very much depends on how my legs feel as have had a busy week getting ready for Great North Swim 5km in a month. If not I'll definitely be aiming for the summer classics like Castleton and Bradwell.


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#908 Re: Fell running
May 15, 2017, 08:48:19 pm
To be fair, was mildly disappointed not to do cragx at the weekend. Despite turning up just shy of an hour before the start the race had already sold out the 150 entry limit. You loose. Was nice to run the route widdershins (new word learnt over the weekend!) and watch and support all the runners doing the race.

What I did find strange is that they openly said you were fine to run with the race but with no numbers. So if the limit is 150 for insurance purposes (claimed reason for the limit) surely saying you can run but with no number opens an entirely different can of worms surely??? I've seen people named, shamed and banned from FRA races for doing such things in the past. Thoughts?

As part of my yearning to go longer this year, I've signed up for the Half Tour of Bradwell in August. At 16 mile this will certainly be the longest race yet undertaken and looking forward to it (he says!). Anyone done this?


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#909 Re: Fell running
May 17, 2017, 11:03:47 am
Does anybody have an opinion on whether hill reps on the bike (particularly standing on the pedals at a medium cadence) would have much transfer? Coming back from some inflammation of the knees and conscious that my main race goals are coming up over summer. Time out in the hills is a bit tricky at the moment and a lot of stair rep sessions probably contributed to the inflammation issues. Looking for an action plan before Wasdale basically! Not doing another Langdale off the couch style affair!

SA Chris

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#910 Re: Fell running
May 17, 2017, 01:11:17 pm
I'm no expert, but if it gets your legs pumping and you breathing out your arse it must do some good, and a whole lot better than doing nowt.

I seem to remember DT saying earlier in this thread they would help?


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#911 Re: Fell running
May 17, 2017, 01:25:55 pm
Does anybody have an opinion on whether hill reps on the bike (particularly standing on the pedals at a medium cadence) would have much transfer? Coming back from some inflammation of the knees and conscious that my main race goals are coming up over summer. Time out in the hills is a bit tricky at the moment and a lot of stair rep sessions probably contributed to the inflammation issues. Looking for an action plan before Wasdale basically! Not doing another Langdale off the couch style affair!

Definitely better than doing nothing but you'll need the time on your feet to get used to the impact and rough ground over 21 miles. Maybe do the cycling for a couple more weeks until the end of the month then try and get some solid days out in the Lakes in June?


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#912 Re: Fell running
May 17, 2017, 02:13:19 pm
Hey Tom, just a thought, but maybe bin Wasdale off?! My mate ran last year and came 43rd in 5 hours 48 mins. From talking to him it sounded well nails. It's almost double the ascent (and crucially for your knees, descent) of Langdale.

I've decided to reign in my ambitions a little for this year (mainly due to scare with my ankle and thinking long term). I've since focussed in on improving my running with a view to running faster in more local-based races, or more runnable longer races which are less brutal on the joints. Holme Moss and Exterminator are now my two main goals for the year (and I have times in mind  ;)). OK, so they're not the Lakeland ALs but for yourself that type of terrain is perhaps less risky and more doable semi off the couch?


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#913 Re: Fell running
May 17, 2017, 02:16:23 pm
I'm looking forward to Totley Moor. It looks as though the course is longer (and better) than in previous years. Been enjoying running up there recently, though a bit worried about how to warm up properly so as not to fill my legs with lactic on Moss rd!
I'll be at Totley Moor as well, I'll come and say hello if I see you. Looking forward to trying the new route, but a shame I can't compare back to last year's time. I remember the original sting in the tail being tough last year, so will feel even harder after doing the climb up from the stepping stones.

As part of my yearning to go longer this year, I've signed up for the Half Tour of Bradwell in August. At 16 mile this will certainly be the longest race yet undertaken and looking forward to it (he says!). Anyone done this?
I'm thinking about doing this, although haven't entered yet. We ran the second half of the route from Hope to Bradwell a few weekends ago, but made an error on Win Hill as we dropped down to Ladybower too late. I'll be recceing the full route at some point in the next month or two if you fancy meeting up.


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#914 Re: Fell running
May 17, 2017, 02:26:54 pm
I'm looking forward to Totley Moor. It looks as though the course is longer (and better) than in previous years. Been enjoying running up there recently, though a bit worried about how to warm up properly so as not to fill my legs with lactic on Moss rd!
I'll be at Totley Moor as well, I'll come and say hello if I see you. Looking forward to trying the new route, but a shame I can't compare back to last year's time. I remember the original sting in the tail being tough last year, so will feel even harder after doing the climb up from the stepping stones.

I reckon I'm going to find it quite tough to pace, as it'll be easy to go off too fast and the downhills are really fast, especially down to the stepping stones from where you still have a lot to do. Looking forward to it - see you there!


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#915 Re: Fell running
May 17, 2017, 02:40:59 pm
Thanks all. Tom, that thought has been crossing my mind but I'm perhaps foolishly of the state of mind that I'd sooner lose all my cartilage than drop out. Head down for now and see what the day brings.


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#916 Re: Fell running
May 18, 2017, 10:33:05 am
Does anybody have an opinion on whether hill reps on the bike (particularly standing on the pedals at a medium cadence) would have much transfer? Coming back from some inflammation of the knees and conscious that my main race goals are coming up over summer. Time out in the hills is a bit tricky at the moment and a lot of stair rep sessions probably contributed to the inflammation issues. Looking for an action plan before Wasdale basically! Not doing another Langdale off the couch style affair!
It will improve your overall fitness but it won't be specific enough to feel like it done you any good when trying to run uphill.
Despite all the Cycling I do, I get out of breath walking up hill and to my embarrassment walking up 4 flights of stairs at work.


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#917 Re: Fell running
May 18, 2017, 10:42:33 am
I hear where you're coming from webbo although I must admit a lot of time on the bike last year did help with climbing. Just appeared to do little in the way on the descents. No shortcuts I suppose!


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#918 Re: Fell running
May 22, 2017, 02:59:27 pm
Word to the mortal: if anyone ever suggests doing the Old County Tops, best advice is to pretend you have hearing difficulties, mumble something and walk away. Proper athletes would be fine.

What a beast - about 35 miles and 10,000' - linking Helvellyn, Scafell and Coniston Old Man. Hadn't appreciated how much boggy, rough ground there'd be and the weather was grim for a good few hours. Had a bad day and we limped in not far off DFL, minus the 30% drop-outs. This was meant to be a marker for a kind of on-sight BGR in 3 weeks but it just tells me I'm too far off and I'm shifting to supporting a mate. I don't want to wreck his chances (we did the OCT as a pair). Feeling a little sad now.

In other news, another guy I know finished his Bob this weekend in 23:59:47. How close is that!?


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#919 Re: Fell running
May 23, 2017, 04:24:27 pm
Great effort Steve!!


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#920 Re: Fell running
May 24, 2017, 08:14:14 am
I'm looking for suggestions again. I'm doing a training course in kendal today. Tool the train, so I need something accessible (I could take the train towards windermere or something). Around 10km, doesn't need to be as big as the last one....

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#921 Re: Fell running
May 24, 2017, 09:10:30 am
Cunswick Fell and Scout Scar would probably fit the bill. You can run it from the centre of Kendal.


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#922 Re: Fell running
May 24, 2017, 10:06:44 am
Word to the mortal: if anyone ever suggests doing the Old County Tops, best advice is to pretend you have hearing difficulties, mumble something and walk away. Proper athletes would be fine.

What a beast - about 35 miles and 10,000' - linking Helvellyn, Scafell and Coniston Old Man. Hadn't appreciated how much boggy, rough ground there'd be and the weather was grim for a good few hours. Had a bad day and we limped in not far off DFL, minus the 30% drop-outs. This was meant to be a marker for a kind of on-sight BGR in 3 weeks but it just tells me I'm too far off and I'm shifting to supporting a mate. I don't want to wreck his chances (we did the OCT as a pair). Feeling a little sad now.

In other news, another guy I know finished his Bob this weekend in 23:59:47. How close is that!?

Awesome effort Steve! I'd love to do the OCT some time and I've only ever heard great things about it! Rest well!


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#923 Re: Fell running
May 24, 2017, 07:06:39 pm
Cunswick Fell and Scout Scar would probably fit the bill. You can run it from the centre of Kendal.
Again, thanks for coming up with the goods I'm shirt time! It was hot up there today and I really struggled, but good to make the most of a day away.

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#924 Re: Fell running
June 05, 2017, 08:00:57 pm
Anyone doing Calver on Wednesday evening?


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