UKB Power Club Week 206 Mon 20th - Sun 26th Jan (Read 6631 times)


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Goals for Month

Climb 3x a week 5/3
25 Problems on Biscuit Comp Wall - 17/25
2x Sessions on a Rope - 2/2
1x Outside 1/1
Lose a Kilo - still just under 75kg. Half a kilo lost.

Goals for Winter

V8/7B indoors/ Get stronger on Boulders - getting there. V7 in a style im fairly weak on this week.
Book a sport climbing trip - hopefully Rodellar, just gotta book it.

Mon - west way. Good session, 9 routes. Managed a 7a on the main steep wall 2nd go, off 2nd last move first try. And put in a good effort on a 7a+ at the end of the session.
Tue rest
Wed - biscuit. Did all moves on a v7. Fell off last move once. Couple of goes on another v6 and v7.
Thu- tried v7 from Wed a couple of times, but was too tired. Did 6c circuit into 6a+ circuit x 5 with 6 mins rest.
Fri - rest
Sat - Onsighted a few of the new hendrix v4-6 circuit. Then spent an hour on the V7. After some anger worthy of top tantrums i finally managed it, having dropped it reaching for the last jug on an early attempt. Did a few more v4-6 after.
Sun - circa 25 of the yellow v2-4 circuit in about an hour.

Good week, feeling like my fingers are getting stronger.


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Monday - Off work and the forecast looked at least vaguely hopeful that something might be dry. I headed off to JA Martin, but I'd forgotten to check the hunting calander and although the forest isn't closed, I tend not to go where people are firing guns.

Everything was soaked too, so I drove off to Cuvier to have a walk up to Reconaissance to look at some stuff and get a bit of exercise. It seemed that some stuff was dry, but nothing I fancied (I'd climbed on Sunday and needed some easy stuff to warm up on). I decided to forget the walk and drive back to Beauvais telegraph and hope it'd be O.K. Bingo, it was dry when I got there, so I started to warm up on some yellows ( first touch of rock since November), Started raining, climb a couple more yellows, it poured. Home.

Tuesday - Antagonistics (30 mins)
Wednesday - Indoor, got to St. lazare, but there was some flash strike and no trains, so I went home and did more antagonistics. (30 mins)
Thursday - Indoor, no strike. Excellent session, felt good, I rarely climb in the evening and I'll do it again, maybe my new healthier diet is kicking in. (3h) inc weights, shoulder stuff.

Friday - Antagonistics (30mins)
Saturday - Indoor, fine. same as above.
Sunday - Antagonistics (30mins)

Weight 75.3kg

Managed to sit again a wall with my leg in front of me at 90° for the first time in two years. I've stopped sitting on public transport now my back doesn'y hurt after 10 mins.


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STG: 1. improve flexibility in both upper and lower body.... really pissed at how many problems I have been dropping due to poor mobility / flexibility.
2. Start to build up some power.
Monday: Rest of OAPs gone to Costa Blanca so gym session. Good HIIT 40 min session on bike, 3x core circuit, bench press and butterfly session, press ups, forearm antagonists 20 mins run and 10 min row then big stretch session to finish. Evening shoulders, antagonists session followed by stretch.

Tues: Resting gym session, 15 mins easy cycle, 15 mins run, 15 mins row. 3x core session. Evening shoulders and antagonists then stretch.

Wed: Board session. Warmed up on 10 degree board climbing sets of 25 moves as quickly as possible. Session of dynos on this board ( pathetic but slight improvement over the session.) 3 sets of climbing slow " locking off and hovvering for 3-5 s before taking next hold. Worked 2/3 crimp problems ... did the easiest. Rested then did session trying to use the holds I can't use. Hung 5/6 pairs and managed hand and opposing foot on best pinches. Evening shoulders, antagonists session followed by stretch.

Thurs: Hard gym session same as Monday but with leg press, toe press and glutes added.  Evening, shoulders, antagonists session followed by stretch.

Friday: Boulder session at Eden Rock.  Good warm up moving into doing easy problems quickly with dynamic movement... then tried black circuit... did a few but spat off many but tried hard so worthwhile. Great problems.

Sat: Stuck indoors with builders for most of the day. Did lots of sets of burpees, squat thrusts, and dynamic press ups then easy jog around the village. Evening, shoulders, antagonists session followed by stretch.

Sunday: Boulder session at Durham Climbing Centre. Warmed up... into movement session and then tried harder problems that either took a few goes or did not get done... a little tired.......  will do .....evening, shoulders, antagonists session followed by stretch... later.

61 kg consistently this week.

Still on track for Sharkathon.


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First indoor V4 - happy with that  ;D

Mon - long day at work and mullered from grit the day before meant I got to the boulder room, did 6 V0s and went home. Too packed and too knackered.
Tue - rest.
Wed - Did all the V0 problems and then attempted a V4. Struggled with a hideous left crimp.
Thu - All the V0s, tried the V4 again and could hold the crimp but just not flexible enough to get the next foothold. Flashed another V3  8)
Fri - 4x4s in the boulder room and then that V4 - managed to get the foot on the hold but then the crimp slipped. Progress.
Sat - Rest, proper rest.
Sun - Loughboro, Climbing Station. First visit. 5hrs. Flashed some V3/4 problems and then flashed a V4/5! Well happy!

Cracking week after a poor start but by Fri, I'd climbed (or something like) 7 days out of 8.

Lessons learnt - need to be way more flexible, must stretch at least now and again. Tried hard this week and it paid off on Sunday as I felt a lot stronger.

Off to Holland working from Wed, so not a lot will get done next week or so but the fingers could do with the rest.


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M. Eve. Fingerboard session. Included 8sec hang crimped on the #10 with +10kg and 10sec hang chisel/drag with +15kg
T. Day. Burbage West. Cold and grippy. Held the 3rd sidehold on West Side Story a couple of times but lost balance. Tomtom got very close getting edge below pocket.
Eve. Foundry with Poppy. A bit of bouldering then on campus board. Managed 1-3-7-9 on small S7 rungs which is something that is a benchmark for when Im light and strong (though Im not light at the mo) also did 1-4-6 on med rungs gave a shout of glee and everyyone turned around just as I adjusted then fell off before doing the match  :-[
W.  PM. Systems board. Fingery endurance interval set. Eve.  Foundry. Autobelayed 7 routes then level one easy bouldering. Felt tired all day and stuffed my face.
T. Noon. Systems board. 2 sets of 20/10's (AeroCap)
F. Eve. Foundry. Bad day at work so straight to the Foundry and spent time working out Oak type sequences on 40 degree board then 20 mins on the Wave
S. YCS at Awesome Walls. Judged the Group D Girls which Poppy is in. During a break did a 40min stint on the autobelay.
S. Shocking weather - couldnt face going to eatswood. PM Couple of hours at Foundry. Everyone there even Dave, Cofe and Jonboy  :o Put in more time on 40deg board and a little bouldering on the Wave and pissed the problem I failed on on Friday.

Another good week and started doing more endurance work. Probably overdue for an easy week but undecided. Bit of a setback on the weight loss front though did rein in the midweek drinking.


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14.8 - 14.12

LTG - fit into the two nice pairs of size L Moon trousers that I own

M - ache from previous day on grit. 10 easy auto belay routes. climbing like Joey Deacon, so anything over 6b was impossible. light dumbbell complexes. jumping off boxes with different amounts of spin and landing on the bad foot - scary, but satisfying - gym staff expressed concern after seeing me bottle the landing on a 270. jogging machine whilst watching other people trying to look good.

T - worn out by the effort of suppressing a warp spasm at work

W - thought about climbing

Th - The Works. did the 2 easiest circuits quickly and smoothly. struggled on the circuit that was 5ish - failed on most of them. managed 3 problems on the black circuit 6A ish. All this pointed out to me a) just what poor physical shape I am in, b) how crap I am on plastic. managed 1-4-5 on the campus jugs. scared myself hanging off the normal rungs, so let go. chatted to various climbing folk

F - spoke to some climbers - mainly about how it would not be possible to climb outside this weekend. 2 x 500ml bottles Peroni

S - up early, made sandwiches for everyone and woke Mrs Starfish up with a cup of tea only to find that it was not a work/school day - felt foolish. spoke to one climber and made him a cup of coffee. 4 pints Easy Rider followed by a curry at The Everest (inc 1 pint Cobra). Very clear, elaborate and realistic dreams about climbing and snowboarding.

Sun - spoke to some climbers. half a bottle of rioja


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STG: Finger recovery then V7 and DWS project.
LTG: V11

Weather changed on Sunday, now 10 degrees cooler every day... This meant no DWS for the week.

M: Work early. Rest day. Light core session in evening.
T: Boulder at Lot 34. Repeated 2 V4s & a V6 to warm up for a couple of new lines. One I'd found and cleaned months ago but barely made any progress, the other I found that day. Only took one pad with me and 2nd line has massively committing moves under a roof on slopey compression pinches with heels up high and a couple metre drop just to the side.... Did not feel secure one bit. About V7 though. 1st line will be about V8/9 from a sitter and V7 from a stand. Made a bunch on progress on the stand but not there yet.
W: AM run on beach. Work late.
T: Golf early with Dad. Work late. Local course has been working on 9 new holes for a while and 5 of them have been opened for the Summer break, so we played 14 holes.
F: Boulder at Lot 34. Repeated one of my V6's as a warm up before working the V7 project next to it. Having abit of a crisis with my grading of late. I put it up back in March (I think) and it took me 4 sessions to get it and definitely felt like V6 then but now, besides a couple pull ups from jugs, it is the first thing I climb as a warm up at this wall... Either I've spent so much time on the line that it no longer feels hard or it should be V5. Fucking existential crisis here... Work late.
S: Swim & surf ski in the AM. Work late.
S: Australia Day. Work until early arvo then drink...

With the cooler temps (low-mid 20s), it felt good to take a break from the dws project and get back to some bouldering. Found a new line that I'm psyched on and its under a big overhang so stays dry.

Finger still feels iffy now (as does the same finger on RH....) but I don't really hesitate when I have to grab a small crimp now. Only occasionally hurting afterwards.

Currently (830am) 18 degrees with a high of 27 today. So I'm sat here just about to head out for dws....... Come on you fucking project!!!!


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STG (January): obtain or build doorway mounting rig for beastmaker.
            Turkish Get-Up w/20kg kettlebell.
MTG (Spring 2014) 7a redpoint. Two hundred practice falls by Easter - currently: 15
LTG (<= 5 years): Big alpine rock routes: Totenkirchl west face (Dülfer), Marmolada south face (Vinatzer-Messner)

RAINING? It's not supposed to rain in Bavaria in January.

M:   Wall, Thalkirchen. Bouldering. Rather than using some perverted version of the already wack V scale, here they grade problems from 1 "easy" to 5 "really hard". I'm currently on 3 "quite hard", and these in turn range from "straightforward flash" to "how on earth do I get off the ground?". So should keep me amused for a few weeks.

T: Knee physio exercises.
W: Knee physio exercises; a few sets of bodyweight & kettlebell core & shoulder stuff.

T: Wall, Thalkirchen. Bouldering. A dozen easyish warm-up problems, then working half a dozen things on "quite hard" circuit, with success on three of them. Enjoying the movement; less enjoying the fact that all the ARCing over the last few weeks has left my skin in a sorry state for pulling on plastic.

F: Wall, Boulderwelt. The plan was an early morning ARC session before work, but I reckoned without the German tendency to pathological early rising. Circuit wall was busy at 7:15. Fallback plan: a dozen attempts at blocs on the around-my-onsight-limit circuit for stamina and movement training, mostly successful

S: 25km bike ride in the woods with M jnr. This is just *wrong* - should be cross country skiing in the woods at this time of year if anything, not bike riding. Might as well take advantage of the heatwave while it lasts though.
   Kettlebell 20kg 3 x 25 swings, tgu training 2x1 shoulder press & hold top position, 2x2 press from lying position and hold locked out for 10 secs. My ability to hold and control the locked out position is improving, but I still feel a long way from actually getting off the floor. Mobility & knee physio exercises as warm-up.   

S: Knee physio stuff, kettlebell swings & tgu progressions etc. again same as yesterday


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M Pilates
T Foundry. Lots of level 2s and I enjoyed it
W Gym lots of core some weights and some aerobic
T nothing. worked late
F As Tuesday
S About10 or so easy routes up to 6c. Fuck I get pumped easily
S Nothing

Knee still not right. One more trip to the physio then its off to the docs
Hardly drinking and low carbing it so the weight is coming off. Went down a belt notch until the curry on Friday night. Bengal kitchen in Woodseats is great BTW


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STG: 7a indoors

Holding pattern week - feeling that Gradualism is my mantra

M - Core101 and 250 press ups / Climbed hard and got a f6c+ at WS without too much trouble, finally matching WS and Climb Newcastle grades.
T - bike commutte 20 miles, gym set and core101 in the evening
W - bike commutte 20 miles, gym set, neds repeaters on Fingerboard
T - bike commutte 20 miles, gym set, neds repeaters on Fingerboard (was wary about repeating repeaters two nights running but felt ok, they're a mentally easy set)
F - planned rest day
S - climbed most of the Climb newcastle new blues and even a white and a few greens - 3 hours of climbing.
S - back at CN and finished a few more blues, a balancy pink that I'd worked before and failed on and then two more whites

Feeling stronger in my hands but my flexibility needs some work, must remember not to forget it when I'm biking, biking knots me up.  All in all feeling positive with a few more harder climbs coming to me, gradualism is working.

p.s. roll on payday when I will order the wood for the woodie!  measured it up, babies coming in May, better crack on. 


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M – CWP deadhangs. Felt hard after big session on Sunday and right elbow a bit sore afterwards. 60 x press ups and 84 x leg-pulls (using training sling).
T – Works. Took a while to get going.. did a few problems, then tried brown 8a on circuit board. 2nd go I did it, then repeated it again (have only done this once, at end of July 2013) Finished off with a few murples. Elbows sore when I went to bed.
W - rest
T – Foundry lunch. 120 leg pulls, 60 press ups.
F - rest
S – Works. CWP deadhangs, then circuit board. 1 x 7a, 1 x 7b, 2 x brown 8a, then worked out all the moves on the green 8b. Sustained crabbing but no desperate moves on it.
S -
Eased back this week as concerned about onset of ‘Font elbow’ and am trying to nip it in the bud early. It’s been caused by powerful bouldering moves, though I need to be careful deadhanging. Three days off helped, with no discomfort following Saturday’s session, but they still feel ‘fragile’, so another week of being careful and only deadhanging, press ups, core and doing circuits (no bouldering).


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Right, I've not posted for a few weeks, as I've been away in Spain so not training. I was of course climbing there, but didn't have reliable internet, and didn't really take notes.

First couple of weeks were pretty bad. I've not climbed outside much this year at all, and my elbow kept locking partially extended, however after the first couple of weeks climbing gently this resolved itself, so I think it's just a case of introducing new things gradually to it.

In the last week I climbed a lovely bouldery steep 6c+, not quite making my goal of 7a. I also did all the moves on a 7a+, but as it was the last day, this is one to go back for (isn't that always the way?).

No bouldering on this trip. Did stop in Font on the way back, but it was wet.

So, this week has been back to work, and back to the wall, with much less enthusiasm...

M - 16 miles cycling to work and back, felt very slow. Evening 10 mins fingerboarding. Felt very weak on pullups, legs wobbling around, core tension is clearly down.
T - 16 miles cycling. Lunchtime 5k run (28 mins).
W - 16 miles cycling. 4 L-sit pullups is my max now, tested in the evening.
T - 16 miles cycling. 3x sets of 6 pullups in the evening.
F - Morning few pushups, planks, squats etc. Evening short bouldering at the wall. Did the easiest V4 in the world, and struggled up some V2s and V3s.
S - Walking 5.5 miles with dog. Did a routes session with a friend where you have to do 19 routes in a row (then the other person does it), so I did 1 at my limit (didn't really manage to do it all, but got pumped trying), then 4x 6b, 6x6a/6a+ then 8x 5/5+. Conclusion: I have plenty of stamina but no power. No surprise after being in Spain for 3 weeks really. Drinking in the evening - friend's birthday.
S - Walking only 3 miles as it was raining loads. Bouldering in the evening, did some warm up traverses. Good sloper moves on them at the moment, good for body positioning warm up. Did a nice V4 after a few goes, failed to do another less nice V4.

SA Chris

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Forgive me for i have sinned, no idea when I had my last confession!

M - Blast on MTB, about an hour on road usual circuit, but got to steepest hill, and did it up and down a few times. Felt OK for first time on bike this year. Core session on monkey bars at park
T- hour repacking garage trying to find skins for my skis, sat on my arse for long drive to Aviemore, especially long as had to turn back at Lecht as turned back by slippery wet snow and make a big detour. Arse.
W - Avalanche course at Glenmore Lodge. Circa half hour uphill travel on skis, then couple of hourse digging holes in heavy wet snow. Fun ski down. Drive home piece of piss by comparison.
T - Half hour beastmaker, felt knackerd after day before, but didn't suck too much.
F - Half hour cardio at home.
S - couple of hours down wall doing routes, got a dozen or so in 6a - 6b range range done. All felt OK. Partner's first time at wall in circa 3 years, she got a few in and enjoyed it. so will hopefully get back into it.
S - swimming with kids in morning, hour or so.


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STG - maintain sanity / activity / be a decent Dad to imminent arrival
LTG - Font 7b (har de har)

M - not much, did some messing about on the pullup bar at home while I was bored in the evening.
T - Depot evening, knocked off remaining Purples (V3-5ish) I hadn't done. Amusingly managed to not fully engage car handbrake and wound up with car rolling backwards down the road and into Stubbs' motor!  :oops:
W - not much again, a bit more messing abouton the pullup bar in the evening.
T - Depot evening, mate was up for doing Purples so went back round them, totally shot at the end and could barely pull on.
F - nowt.
S - down to Sheffield to pick up baby gear from Lagers, then after a bit of faffing about went to The Works.
S - nowt apart from housework / further nesting behaviour.


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STG1 - January Sharkathon
STG2 - Trip to Red River Gorge 1st week of March - OS 5.13a, RP multiple 5.13's. 

M - 1hr conditioning class with Wife, then 45minutes aerocap.
T - FB/Max Hangs, Boulder home wall 20 problems up to 7C, 4x4 set on home wall.
W - Aerocap L3 40minutes wall time. 4 mi run
Th- Yoga, Acctive Recovery Aerocap(L1) 45minutes
F - FB/Max hangs - new PB +76lbs on #10BM2k small crimp.  Then foot on Campusing PE set 5x2:00min. Pullup Pyramid- up to 8.
S - Climbed on rope at wall - Sets of 3 routes back to back: 6c 6b+ 6c, 7b 6c 7b+, 7bx3, 7c+ 7b 7b+, 7b+ 6b+ 7b, 6cx3. Hard day....
S - Skiied 90 minutes, Bouldered 2 problems outside in AK in January :)  FB/PE in evening.  Did OK, considered workload over the last week.

Overall another really Good Week, but I am worked. Today is a rest day :)


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Monday - nowt.
Tuesday - redpoint (birmingham), some easy leading nothing else.
Wednesday - Core.
Thursday - Boulder central (birmingham), bouldering. V5s + V6s on steep ground mostly.
Friday - redpoint (birmingham), leading to start, possibly about 5 routes (one 6b, surprised myself here but it did suit me).
Sat&Sun - Nothing. Got quite drunk!

Looking back at January and times I got outside I am rather disapointed! Twice only! - churnet and stanage. Missed first weekend due to illness then missed another due to a party (weather was pretty shite anyway though so probably didnt miss out).


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STG - get up to speed without reinjuring anything
MTG - keep niggles in check, run regularly, get out more. If I do any hard stuff that'll be nice too.
LTG - 8A, 68kg

M - AM: setting at TCA, 4hrs, tiring. nights
T - nights
W - nights
T -  nights
F - sleep, beer
S - take daughter round zoo
S - sleep, walk dog
68kg  <--  :)

Very poor week, and wrist feels a bit tweaky, but light.


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Mon. Turbo 1hour. Fasting day.
Tue. Board. do project from sat and repeat a few things after working projects.
Wed. Turbo 1 hour.
Thu. Day off work. Board mirror session. Dumbell workout. Bike 2hrs 50 mins caught in hail storm 10 miles from home.
Fri. Nothing other than wine, pasta and loads of chocolate partly cos its friday also due to shit at work.
Sat. Board repeat lots of problems in pretty good style i.e. no dabs. Bike 1 hour 30 mins get caught again in hail storm. This one made thurs storm pale in to insignificance.
Sun. Board. Easy mirror session. Dumbell workout. Turbo 40 mins 1 min on 1 min off x 10 hard.
Weight today Tues. 11 st 4.6 lbs still going in right direction.


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Quite late this week.

STG: full mobility in fingers, grit trad fun.

M- Old school compound strength: pull-ups, bicep curls, pushups. Up to 16kg on the bicep curls now.  :strongbench:

T- Core.
W- Notts wall. First time on a rope since October, pleased to find that it didn't feel weird at all, which is good as I was a nervous wreck on the lead after last winter's lay-off! Climbing only on big holds but got creative with ways to make it both hard and interesting: Notts Wall still has lots of Bendcrete panels so did some "feet on features" business as well as one-handed on the vertical autobelays- never tried climbing one-handed and it feels as useful as The Self-Coached Climber suggests. More than 20 pitches altogether.

T- Rest.

F- First go at weighted pull-ups. 27 in total including non-weighted ones to start and finish. 1 rep max appears to be with 11kg, which means if I weighed 70kg I'd only be able to do one pull-up!   :look: Watched "The Wolf of Wall Street", the only positive bit of which was the chance to stretch my dodgy fingers for 3 hours non-stop.

S- Rest.

S- Core and reverse wrist curls.

No rock climbing this week but still getting stronger and felt good to get on a rope. Stretching and icing regime for fingers is steadily working- very close to full (if stiff) movement on right one by Sunday.

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M - BM session, sticking with the front lever and general two handed stuff, elbow still a bit sore.
T - BM session, as above elbow feeling better.
W - BM session. Elbow feeling ok so have a play on the one-armer stuff. One armers on middle row pockets all feeling fairly steady now. Managed a very poor sort of one armer on the bottom row two finger pocket, not good enough for me to tick the STG yet but getting frustratingly close.
T - swimming, stretching and short BM session. Nothing spectacular.
F - BM session. Try and make some progress with the mono one armers. Manage to do a pull-up with middle finger of one hand in the mono and pinky finger of the other hand in the bottom row slopey two finger pocket. Do this both ways round. My pinkys are VERY weak so don't think they are adding much lift, but make a big difference to balance and stabilisation (a la the hand on the wall theory on to toms one armer thread)
S&S - Nothing, daddy daycare all weekend.

Pretty good week. STG is almost there, MTG feels achievable although still a way of. Also hoping to get a bit more time over the next few weeks so might even do some actual climbing...


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STG - Don’t get injured; 2 sessions a week with a rope on, emphasis on endurance.
MTG - 7b RP this winter; E5 OS next summer; LH&F BHAG in Yosemite
June 2014.
LTG - LH&F BHAGs in Dolomites, Alps etc. summer 2015 and beyond.

M - Building site fitness.
T - Pull-ups. Stretches, shoulder and elbow preventative stuff.
W - Hilly run.
T - Building site fitness.
F - Biscuit factory: easy problems 'on the minute' (c.65 V0-V2 in 1 hour). Little finger a bit sore after.
S - Hilly run, nearly 4km, get me! Family celebration of Mum’s very big birthday.
S - Building site fitness. Stretches. More family stuff.

More catching up with family and finger(s) still a little tweaky. Another quiet week for climbing but good for general fitness stuff. Not doing very well on the STGs. Plan: get on something with a rope on.


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STG - get up to speed without reinjuring anything
MTG - keep niggles in check, run regularly, get out more. If I do any hard stuff that'll be nice too.
LTG - 8A, 68kg

M - AM: setting at TCA, 4hrs, tiring. nights
T - nights
W - nights
T -  nights
F - sleep, beer
S - take daughter round zoo
S - sleep, walk dog
68kg  <--  :)

Very poor week, and wrist feels a bit tweaky, but light.

I really am going senile - forgot all the fun at work last week:
my boss has suggested a "fitness challenge" to motivate people this year, consists of following events:
2k row
20 min run
max pull ups
max press ups
max dips
max time plank
max time wall sit

Had a go at most of these:
run: 4.89 km
pull ups: 21 (also did 10 with 15kg on for bet with boss - unfortunately the 2 boxes of chocs I won may be detrimental)
press ups: 42
plank: 109s
wall sit: 120s

Bit shocked by how bad I seem to be at the plank...

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M - nothing much
T - bouldering on the board. Good long session though I didn't quite manage to tick any of the current projects
W - nowt
T - Become officially VERY OLD. Bouldering on the board in the evening - OK but going backwards on projects. I've been climbing almost continuously day on, day off for about three weeks and I don't think I can sustain that volume at the moment, plus I feel a bit creaky in the shoulders, so decide to do nothing for a few days (plus drowning in work at the moment), hence ...
F-Sun - nowt

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Started last week ill, caught some sickness bug off the little one!

Monday: ill

Tuesday: ill

Wednesday: ill

Thursday: Felt better later in the day so headed to Nesscliffe. Didn't expect much after illness but found myself falling off the last move of Northumberland Wonderland (7A+) about 15 times... Last time I was on it I could barely do the first move, feels easy now... No idea what's changed! Keen to get back for it soon.

Friday: Parisella's Cave - Only managed a couple of hours, felt very tired. Just worked the moves on Shothole Start and made no progress on the previous session.

Saturday: Yoga and Stretching for 45 minutes

Sunday: 45 minutes Aerocap


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Monday - Decent stretching session.
Tuesday - Birmingham bouldering centre after work, not too hard a session lots of V3/V4s done.
Wednesday - Boulder central after work. Tried a bit of hard (V5/V6) bouldering but was quite knackered from yesterday's session! Moved onto circuits instead for fitness.
Thursday - nowt.
Friday - nowt.
Saturday - Stretching.
Sunday - secret garden/ mother's pet

Seem to be losing motivation daily for this shit :-/ so far this week done nothing, why can't I work hard towards my goals? so depressing meh!


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