Climbing life and experiences (Read 108110 times)


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#75 Summertime
May 23, 2012, 01:00:27 am
22 May 2012, 6:29 pm

Summer might finally be showing some signs of getting itself in gear this week and not before time! Hopefully it might dry the soggy lime out and people can get back on track. Feeling pretty strong right now and doing a lot of training so really hoping the weather stays like it is at the minute. I'm still working on the Germany video but check out the highlights below of the Mammut Blocmaster IFSC World Cup that was held over the weekend. Big up to Team GB who crushed it out in Innsbruck and the Juniors that kept it real at the European Youth Cup in Ratho!

Also if you've not checked out John Ellison's page yet on Justgiving, then go give him your support. I've only really met John a once or twice but I know he's a top guy and done a massive amount for the British Team over the years. Go help him reach his target!

Peace out and word to the youth chillin in Spain right now, use all that Haddon training to the max bro. x

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#76 Costa del Peak
May 28, 2012, 07:00:16 pm
Costa del Peak
28 May 2012, 10:32 am

Here are some cool shots from the weekend in the sun! Shout out to Kristian again for his re-bolting efforts on Moat Buttress. If you fancy somewhere different with some quality rigs then get yourself down to the waters edge! Cheers.

Hallowed be My Name, 7c+

Let the Tripe Increase, 7c

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#77 Team update
May 30, 2012, 07:00:14 pm
Team update
30 May 2012, 1:53 pm

Head on over to UKClimbing to find out what the Mammut team have been up to during the last couple of months.

Hot again today so we're resting up and chilling before getting back on it tomorrow. Ice cream and fresh orange juice all round!

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#78 Pump and Cheese!
June 05, 2012, 01:01:00 am
Pump and Cheese!
4 June 2012, 8:15 pm

Here are some pretty rad shots Seth took on his iphone at the weekend. This line is incredible, not usually my bag 40 meter rigs but these longer routes are where its at right now. Loving the pump! Heading to Bristol on Friday to check out Cheddar and see what the climbing is all about down there. We are stoked!

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#79 Waiting for summer to arrive...
June 21, 2012, 01:00:12 pm
Waiting for summer to arrive...
21 June 2012, 9:43 am

Currently sat with a hot brew looking through the window as I write this , watching more wet weather unfold and wondering if the summer will every actually properly arrive this year... It's been a pretty shocking last few weeks, dodging the rain and a hell of a lot of training indoors.

The trip down Bristol didn't amount to much but it was good to be somewhere different and keeping things fresh. We wasn't totally impressed with the climbing in the Cheddar but it did redeem itself in the end when we all sent the super cool line 'Valley of the Blind'.

I love my sponsors! Cheers guys for hooking me up with some more rad kit!

Right now its all about training for the long stuff for when we all go away in a few weeks time. Steep euro limestone on tufa's is the plan with amazing rest days chilling on the beach thrown in as well!

It was also my 21st birthday last week and big thanks to everyone that made it a good one! Love ya'll, peace x

Below is a cool video from the guys at Mammut, something to watch on another rainy day...

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#80 Turning up the heat!
June 23, 2012, 01:00:28 am
Turning up the heat!
27 March 2012, 7:05 pm

Since doing Offspring the other week I was really keen to try Masters of the Universe, E7 6b which is the stunning, hanging arete of the Cioch block. So last week I headed back to the place with bold grit man, Nathan Lee, who was equally syked to give it a go. We went through the moves and got set up for giving it a burn. This is another route were you have to abseil in to start climbing after tying off the ab rope at the bottom to back up the rather rusty looking old bolts! I managed to get the flash in the end, after a brief, spooky moment half way up the arete, with a large beckoning fall looming below! We got some footage of Nathans ascent so have a look. It might be soft for E7 and probably more like E6 but who cares, its another sick route and one that should get more attention! You can also get a good view below of Tom and Ed finishing up this route  after doing the traverse on Silent Scream.

Big up to Ed as well for his ascent of the 8B, Keen Roof, a few days ago. Word up home  boy!

We seem to have been suddenly hit by an intense heat wave since the start of the weekend but we still kept up the grit trad mission on Saturday and boshed out Poached Salmon, E5 6b at Bamford. Pretty tough in the heat but steady as she goes youth.

Today though we decided it was time for some more lime action, so we checked out Squirrel Buttress just up the river from the Tor! Ed and myself both managed the 7C here, Candy Kaned before blasting over to Crag X and doing another 7C Moffatrocity. Then it was time for a feet up sesh in Bakewell with bread n cheese, chillin with the old people! Got a quick video if anyone is keen for some beta on Candy.

Off up Scotland tomorrow for a couple days, building a climbing wall at a school in Edinburgh. Will let ya'll know how that goes. Going for some chocolate digestives now, peace.

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#81 Vive la France!
July 06, 2012, 01:00:18 am
Vive la France!
5 July 2012, 6:46 pm

Its still raining out there and its starting to get hard to keep motivation levels up. However we are now officially off to the Gorge du Loup in France at the end of the month for the whole of August! We're so pysched to pull on some dry rock and perfect euro tufa, chill out on the coast and forget about what a bad summer its been so far here at home. Its not like none of us haven't been making an effort to get outside here though, we've still managed to find stuff to do, in between getting incredibly soaked in the torrential downpours. Here are few snaps from the past few weeks showing whats been going on.

Cheers to Ed hanging on a rope getting wet for these

Not syked...

England lads...

Local youths out to see the torch in Bakers

Off to Cliffhanger at the weekend, hope the sun comes out! Massive good luck to all our friends competing in the British Championships over both the days as well! Allezzzzz!


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#82 Before the rain came
July 11, 2012, 01:00:39 am
Before the rain came
10 July 2012, 6:17 pm

Here are a few shots my good homie Jon Clark took at Anston before the weather completely screwed up. Cheers bro!  Its all good guys.

Dark Reservation, V12

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#83 Mammut Trion Light
July 17, 2012, 12:20:16 pm
Mammut Trion Light
16 July 2012, 3:03 pm

I've not really done something like this before but a few people have been asking me recently about various bits of kit in the Mammut range so thought I would post up a couple of short reviews on some of my favourite products!

If you're after a super lightweight backpack for those long days out on the mountains or for stashing all you need for a hit at the crag then the Trion Light is definitely up there with the best and worth investing in!

I've been using this pack now for the last few months and it is without doubt the lightest and most comfy bag I've ever owned at just 1100 grams, and can be stripped down to just the pure essentials to weigh only 620 grams! This bag is the real deal and looks freaking rad.

It also comes with a removable waterproof liner which is basically a dry bag, ensuring that all your kit stays totally bone dry. Something that has been tested to the max so far this summer...

Find out more at:

This pack is also the preferred choice for fellow Mammut athlete David Lama, check out what he's got to say about it below.

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#84 Stoney Action
July 20, 2012, 07:00:12 pm
Stoney Action
20 July 2012, 10:15 am

We spent some time hanging out on Garage Buttress at Stoney the other day, checking out a few of the routes and chillin in the sunshine! Good to be pulling on some dry rock and props to Sam on sending the full version of Little Plum. Some pics below

I also ticked Call of Nature, 8a at the Tor a few days ago. Not usually my thing these type of routes but enjoyed this for some reason... Longer rigs are where its at these days for sure.

The Big Apple

Sam making quick work of the first pitch of Little Plum

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#85 On the road again
July 27, 2012, 07:00:14 pm
On the road again
27 July 2012, 11:55 am

Gorge du Loup

We leave for the south of France on Sunday for what should be an amazing month of climbing on some of the best limestone around. The pysche is very high right now as we finish packing and get everything sorted out. As well as looking forward to heading back to Nice, which for me is one of the coolest places to hang out in.

Be sure to check in on the blog as we'll be keeping it updated with the latest lowdown on whats been happening. In the mean time here are a couple of videos we found of some of the fantastic routes The Loup has to offer! This place is the business! Peace out ya'll

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#86 Gorge du Loup!
August 22, 2012, 07:00:09 pm
Gorge du Loup!
22 August 2012, 1:19 pm


We have been hanging out in the Loup now for three weeks, climbing on some of the best tufa in France and once again meeting a bunch of awesome people along the way! I find meeting and getting to know all the different types of people on these trips equally as good as the climbing. We are super excited to be back in this part of the world again!This is the first chance I've had to upload a blog here as the internet is pretty scarce around these parts, but here is a quick rundown on whats been happening.

Some big sends have gone down in our camp, and from team Slovenia. Gasper and Izzy have both taken down two 8c's each! Big up to those guys!We have also hooked up with a super strong lad from Germany, who the other day sent 'Kickass' a 9a established by local kid Enzo the week before. Auf Gehts!

A few days ago now I managed to bust out probably one of the shortest routes at the Deverse Sector, the super powerful and bouldery 8b 'New Power Generation'. A pretty rad little route for sure with some big moves!

We also have the sickest camp setup ever, right on top of the gorge, with an amazing view of the sea! And with the crag only a 5 minute drive away it means you can just be 100% focused on all the climbing.

I'm really syked to try and send as many routes here as possible before we head off to Briancon for a short while to hang with our good friend David Falt and sample some of the local crags there.

Will upload a load of pictures soon as we get chance! Thanks for checking in! Peace x

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#87 Another summer and trip over
September 07, 2012, 01:00:26 am
Another summer and trip over
6 September 2012, 2:42 pm

We have just got back from our 5 week trip in the south of France! It   hardly seems real that we've been gone for that long, the days really do   seem to just blend into one when you have nothing to do or worry about   every day other than what route you're going to climb next. It's   taking a while to get used to being back under a solid roof every night   after all the time spent chilling in Billy Bongo the van.

We all had an absolutely rad time  out  there climbing at some fantastic crags in the gorge and hanging out  in  the Cote d'Azur, which is by far one of the coolest spots I've  visited  in France. We were joined out there by friends from Germany, Slovenia, Poland and quite a large party of Brits. There was always plenty of banter flying around the place between us all!

Some pretty sick stuff went down from everyone in  our  crew, with Ed on top of his game, ticking 3 8c's among a whole  bunch of  other impressive sends! Big waddage to me homie from Bakers!

The incredible sector of Deverse!

I   tried one of the 8c's the youth did 'Quenelle Trophy' and felt like it's   something I could definitely have a good chance of doing with some  more  time. Sadly though we ran out of this in the end and I wasn't able  to  give it some proper burns. But it got me pretty dam stoked! Next  time...

As  always on these trips we met another bunch of really  awesome people  from all over the world and witnessed some freaking dam  impressive  climbing from them as well. A short while after clipping the  chains on  New Power I watched a young girl from the French team step  up and  totally beast it. These European youths sure know where its at and how to crush!

Edwardo powering his way up 'New Power Sacrifice' 8c

So   much happened over the period we were there for that it would be   impossible to get it all down, and I know that too much writing can   start to get boring so I'll leave you with all the pictures and let those tell the story again. Big up to everyone that made it such a bossin trip! VENGAA!

Right now we are busy planning our next trip... and getting syked for the grit season again, which is fast approaching! Lets hope for a good winter...

Thanks for stopping by, peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

New Power Generation! 8b

Qoussai, 8a+

German beast Daniel Jung taking a breather from his studies...

Another sweet effort from Pinti

Hot Chilli X, 8c - Izzy on the take-down!

Nat on her way to sending her first 8b! Sick effort!

Alex on Abyss, 9a!

Wasted! Climbing these 9a's is hard man!

The Lettered Man! Training in Antibes...

Gimps at large! Starting to lose our minds...

Some pedo lurking around the camp

Gourdon crew out in numbers

Our last bit of food...




Last night, waiting in Calais, before heading home!

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#88 Times are a changin'
October 02, 2012, 07:00:09 pm
Times are a changin'
2 October 2012, 12:26 pm

 Its been a few weeks now since we got back to the home crib and we've  just about got back into the swing of Peak life. Autumn is definitely  fully here now with colder mornings, the nights closing in as  well as having to deal with freezing fingers at the crag! Me and Ed  spent a weekend checking out a few lines away from the crowds a short  while ago and sent a knarly rig on Garage at Stoney called The Big  Apple, 8a before we cruised over to do Tomb Raider, another 8a just  around the corner from the Tor. If you want something different and a bit new then go seek them out, you deffo won't be queueing for these!

We kicked off the grit season at  Millstone the day after doing the slabtastic 'Sniveling Sh*ts'. So  stoked for the grit again, got the bug back instantly and hoping we'll  be able to get plenty of stuff done over the winter.

Just spent a  sick weekend partying and chillin in Hartington for Denise and Dan's  30th anniversary! Big thanks to them for putting on a great few days  with plenty of music and amazing food!

       Some maniac caught prowling the grounds

Anyway guys the European Outdoor Film Festival is coming to the UK this November, for the first time and is being sponsored by Mammut. Here is a teaser of whats on show! For tickets and more information go to There looks to be some pretty stunning footage lined up and I can guarantee it will leave you feeling truly inspired.


Finally as well as all that, if you've not seen the  latest trailer for the Reel Rock Tour 7 then I recommend you check it out  below. This years line up looks totally radical and we are super pumped to go  and see it next weekend. Our good friend and top alpinist David Falt  will be visiting us for a couple of days as well, so we're hoping to get out on some grit and show the lad around.


Source: ethan walker


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#89 You gotta go big sometimes son!
October 24, 2012, 07:00:18 pm
You gotta go big sometimes son!
24 October 2012, 2:52 pm


Its been a good while since my last post. Time seems to be rushing by at crazy speeds at the moment its sometimes hard to keep track. The autumn so far though has been pretty decent with good conditions for both the lime and grit. I really like mixing the two up at this time of year. It keeps things interesting and means you can get totally wasted on the lime one day but still have enough left in the tank for a good day out on the grit the next.     I got a call last week from an old friend who wanted to come out with us to shoot some pictures, so I immediately thought of heading on over to Millstone to try a route that someone had shown me last winter. The line sits high in the sky, right above the famous Masters Edge, giving climbing in a slightly unusual position with plenty of exposure! It was a big relief to top out on this one and give the season a really good kickstart. We were also joined by Jerome, a good mate of ours from London, who made a quick ascent of this sketchy rig as well. Super impressed with this lads efforts, very cool given it was one of his first hard grit routes! The pictures came out pretty awesome, massive thanks again to Usherwood for these snaps!    

Mid crux on 'The Bad and the Beautiful' E7 6b

A week or two ago I also managed to do something new at the Tor, repeating 'Lets Get Ready to Rumbleweed'. It gets V11 this thing but in the end its all just training. Should have a quick video of this to post up sometime soon. Looking awful out there though today so a board sesh is calling and massive bowlful of stew! Below are a few more shots. Cheers x

Stoked after topping out!

Ted gurning on the top of 'Blood and Guts on Botty Street, E5 6b

Perfect end to the day, gotta love the grit!

Source: ethan walker

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#90 Re: Climbing life and experiences
October 24, 2012, 08:36:23 pm
good to see some pictures of bad and the beautiful, what a great move, good effort.


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#91 Loughborough Uni research proj
October 30, 2012, 06:00:26 pm
Loughborough Uni research proj
30 October 2012, 1:26 pm

 Early on this year I took part in a study at Loughborough University,  helping some PhD students out with their research into how effective the  blood vessels in climbers are at delivering blood. It was a really cool  day hanging out in the labs and checking out all their ghetto equipment.

 Here was the study overview again.

Elite rock climbers have a highly adapted forearm vasculature, when compared to the sedentary population. For example, we have previously demonstrated that the blood flow capacity, and blood flow during exercise, was much higher in the rock climbers compared to non-climbing control subjects. However, this study is not able to identify the mechanisms for this higher blood flow capacity, which could be due to structural and functional changes in the artery supplying the forearm (brachial artery), or a higher number of capillaries within the forearm.

Therefore, this study aims to examine artery structure and function, and capillarity, in a population of elite rock climbers, and compare them to a group of non-climbing control subjects.

Anyway they sent me the results a  while back and I thought I'd put them up for the people that might find  them of interest...

Source: ethan walker

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#92 Re: Loughborough Uni research proj
October 30, 2012, 07:59:54 pm
Loughborough Uni research proj
30 October 2012, 1:26 pm

 Early on this year I took part in a study at Loughborough University,  helping some PhD students out with their research into how effective the  blood vessels in climbers are at delivering blood. It was a really cool  day hanging out in the labs and checking out all their ghetto equipment.

 Here was the study overview again.

Elite rock climbers have a highly adapted forearm vasculature, when compared to the sedentary population. For example, we have previously demonstrated that the blood flow capacity, and blood flow during exercise, was much higher in the rock climbers compared to non-climbing control subjects. However, this study is not able to identify the mechanisms for this higher blood flow capacity, which could be due to structural and functional changes in the artery supplying the forearm (brachial artery), or a higher number of capillaries within the forearm.

Therefore, this study aims to examine artery structure and function, and capillarity, in a population of elite rock climbers, and compare them to a group of non-climbing control subjects.

Anyway they sent me the results a  while back and I thought I'd put them up for the people that might find  them of interest...

Source: ethan walker
More training science - loving it


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#93 Summer Shoot
November 06, 2012, 12:00:40 am
Summer Shoot
5 November 2012, 6:10 pm

Back in the middle of last summer, on a scorching hot day I headed out with Ed and Sam down the Tor to meet up with Keith Sharples for a bit of a photo shoot. Keith was keen to get some shots of Ed on Waddage for his new 2013 Calender. After this we got set up and I jumped on the 8a, Call of Nature. Big thanks to Keith for these below! Check out his website here where you can see more of his work and buy the new Calender which is out today. It looks pretty awesome!  

I'm also very syked to be joining up with a several new companies. ProBalm, HatsfortheHill and LiquidGripUK. Big thanks to these guys for all their support! They make some really amazing stuff and I'm very syked to be representing and working with them. So check out their websites and give them a follow on Twitter etc. Cheers ya'll!

Source: ethan walker


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#94 Grit grit grit
November 22, 2012, 12:00:13 pm
Grit grit grit
22 November 2012, 10:20 am

So the last couple of weeks have seen us wrapping things up on the limestone and starting to get stuck into some grit again. It doesn't seem like 5 minutes since we were doing the same thing this time last year but here we are again, round and round we go! It is a great feeling to be back out on the edges, with so many routes to try. The only downside being how short the days are at this time of year... However you just gotta get stuck in! I've written up a big list of routes that I'd love to try this winter and I'm really excited to tick off as many as possible. We will SEE!

Here are just some of the stuff that we've been up to:

Ben's  Roof Extenstion Start - V11

Weedkiller - 7c+

Pulsar  Direct - E6 6b

Moon Crack - E5 6b

The Power of the Dark Side  - E6/7/8 6b.....?

Sunset up at Higgar

Dave setting up for the crux on Pulsar Direct, E6 6b  The weather has been pretty good as well with some decent temps coming along making things nice and sticky! Yesterday was one of those perfect gritstone days, cold, crisp and were everything is just right. We found ourselves up at Bank Quarry in Matlock to give Pearson's route 'The Power of the Dark Side' a try. When you first look up, you're like " **** that's high!" but once you get your head in the game it starts to become less daunting. The landing however is pretty dreadful, and if you were to blow it then a VERY spicey drop into the abyss below is beckoning.

It was a great feeling to top out on this anyway, just as the sun was going down and one of those moments were everything just clicks and comes together.

Originally this used to be given E8 but nowadays it seems to have settled around the E7 mark. But to be honest, I have no idea about these things, so screw it dawggg! A truly classic route, on a perfect set of holds and one of the best around I'd say.  

Big thanks to Matt Usherwood for coming out again and filming this for us, have a look at the short video he put together below.

Just had this short clip sent through as well of us on 'Let's Get Ready To Rumbleweed' at the Tor. Myself and Sam had a brilliant day out down here a month or so back. Good links! Cheers to Michael for sending us this!

Sam high up, post crux on Waddage, 8b - Respect! © Michael Bate

Oh we had a great time a couple weeks ago hanging out with our good  friends Tanja and Sonja over from Deutschland. Really cool to see them  again and we had some awesome days out introducing them to a bit of grit  bouldering, fish and chips and the Sheffield party scene!  


Lastly just a quick reminder, I mentioned a few weeks ago the European Outdoor Film Tour kicks off this weekend in Manchester. There is some fantastic looking stuff lined up so if you are around or need some extra psyche come along! Tour dates are below, more info and tickets can be found here.

Here is the trailer!

Source: ethan walker


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#95 Boss day out!
December 03, 2012, 06:00:16 pm
Boss day out!
3 December 2012, 3:55 pm

I woke up early Saturday morning and immediately heard the rain hammering it down on my skylight... A lovely start to the day, so it was straight back to sleep. About an hour later we got up and after checking the Met again we had a drive out. Extremely cold and fresh but everything was dry and the sun was out! Time to shine!

About a week ago I went back to Higgar and ticked the old Neil Foster route, Block and Tackle, E6 6c. Not long after the weather closed in big time and we had to bail but not before Sam made a quick ascent of the neglected route Linkline, another E6 that takes the blank wall to the right of Bat out of Hell. I was really keen to return for a blast as well.

After warming up Saturday morning I was a bit unsure about whether it would even be possible for routes with the wind chill making it feel proper bitter, but I tied in, set off and the next thing I knew I was standing on the top of the block! I don't know why this route gets ignored, but its one of the best lines at the crag. More people should go try it and find out for themselves! Don't listen to what others say about it being heinous. IT IS FINE!

I think Higgar has to be one of my favourite grit crags, a lot of hard routes, safe, and steep!

The conditions were feeling amazing and anyone who was out over the weekend will agree that your hands were pretty much sticking like glue to virtually any hold you touched!

Later on we met up with Ted over at Burbage West. We were both up for trying Western Eyes, a full on classic fridge hugging grit mission. I had come close on this last winter falling near to the top, and after warming up again it went down! Fantastic day, just a shame it didn't last longer. But I guess we only have another few weeks before the days will start to get a little longer again.

Ted on Western Eyes, V10

It was good to hear about so many ascents over the weekend. One I was particular syked to hear about was Sam's send of Dangerous Crocs Snogging over at Ramshaw. I know he's been after the perfect weather window for this one for a while now and he nailed it yesterday! Good one bru.


If anyone is around in Stockport Tuesday night, pop into  Awesome Walls for the Mammut Test Event Tour. We'll be there running  some coaching workshops and gear demo's from about 6pm. Then Thursday  night we'll be doing the same at the Liverpool Awesome Walls.

We are all pumped up for the Climbing Works birthday party this Friday, as if its a year since the last one! Hopefully we'll be able to get out the day after... maybe. See how everyone is feeling!

Outz ya'll

Source: ethan walker


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#96 Pearls of Wisdom
December 17, 2012, 06:00:11 pm
Pearls of Wisdom
17 December 2012, 4:27 pm

 How totally inspiring was it, watching the BBC Sports Personality of the Year last night! So many world class, dedicated athletes with incredibly moving stories. "Súper emocional" as Daila would say! It has been a magical year for sport and last night did a pretty decent job of summing all that up. Unfortunately we missed the Olympics over the summer as we were all in the Gorge du Loup, but I would get texts from home each day giving us updates on everything that had been going down. Which just about kept us in touch with the world.

The amount of training, commitment and effort that these guys put in is so so motivating and really makes you want to work and push yourself harder. If you want to improve and become a better athlete then you have to really put the time and effort in. So get fired up, make sure you're doing what you're doing for the right reasons, have fun and remember... LISTEN to your body!

 Anyway enough of my pearls ya'll. Last Thursday Ed and myself got psyched to hike up to the very end of Stanage and give Low Rider a burn. Neither of us had been further than Marble Wall before and it definitely felt like a mini adventure as we trekked along and the crag slowly began to peter out. Temps were prime, around -5 degrees and we were both proper stoked to get the tick and not have to walk back up again! If you've not seen the video Ed put together than take a look below.

 Thanks to Jon Fullwood for seeking out this bloc. It feels like you're right on the edge out there, which you are really... you could stay up there for a week and probably not see a single person. A great find and great bit of grit!

I also had another sweet day out a short while back with my homies, this time up at Froggatt. Totally baltic but the sun was out, and after the odd bit of cake we all got onboard the send train. Sam made quick work of The Mint 400, E6 6b and Sole Power, V9. Ed somehow managed to fight the bitter cold at the end of the day and climb Business Lunch E5/V9, and I got a tick of Narcissus, E6 6b. Sketch, but its all in the mind, shut it out and squeeze! Grit mode is for sure in full swing right now!

Getting prepped for The Works birthday party!

Ted then did this the next day... after partying till dawn and just 3 hours sleep. Nutter!

Walk On By, V10

A lovely present...

Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone and thanks for stopping by. Lets hope the cold, crisp conditions arrive in time for the holidays. Have a mince pie on me. Happy climbing.

Peace x

Source: ethan walker


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#97 2012 highlights
December 29, 2012, 12:00:58 am
2012 highlights
28 December 2012, 6:20 pm

 It's been another rad year for my climbing! Even through all the heinous weather we've had to battle here at home, I have done a whole tonne of amazing routes.  Some took us by surprise and others I've wanted to do for as long as I  can remember.

 I have been able to break through into the next level with my bouldering, something that was a big aim for me at the start of the year, as well go on a bunch of cool trips around Europe with my homies.

I spent two weeks with Ted hanging out in the Frankenjura during the  spring. One of the coolest spots to climb I've ever been, and pretty excited  to return! I then headed to the Gorge du Loup in the south of France  with the Hamer boys for most of the summer. I love traveling with these guys, we always have a hell of a lot of fun together and always push each other to the max with our climbing. I've done routes that without their support I can guarantee I wouldn't have made it!

The five weeks in France flew by, but it felt great to escape the UK for a while and chill. We've met  loads more amazing people, from all around the world, over the past 12 months and we're looking  forward to more of the same next year!

Anyway here is a quick list  of my personal highlights of 2012, and some of my favourite photos.  Really hard to choose as there are SOOOOO many, however these are just a  few that stand out to me.

New Power Generation - 8b

Leftfield  - 8a

Wrestling With My Dangerous Soul - V12

Dark Art - V11

Low  Rider - V10

Western Eyes - V10

Masters of the Universe -  E7 6b FLASH

Nosferatu - E6 6b FLASH

The Bad and the  Beautiful - E7 6b

The Power of the Dark Side - E7 6b

Stanage  Without Oxygen - E5 6c

The Beast of Bauston - E6 6b

Happy New Year to you all and  huge thanks to everyone that stops by and reads my blog, it means a lot! Also a massive  thanks to all my fantastic sponsors! These guys give us incredible  support and I am very proud to be working alongside them all.

I  am super stoked for 2013, its gona be a big one! We have a number of  trips already planned and I'm just really looking forward to getting  back on the road, seeing more places and to keep on pushing things  forward. Bring it on boi, big up!

Peace x



Source: ethan walker


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#98 N?kd and Trek Review
January 08, 2013, 12:00:21 am
N?kd and Trek Review
7 January 2013, 7:59 pm

For the past few months most of my sessions have been partly fueled by some extremely tasty and healthy snacks from Natural Balanced Foods. They kindly offered to send me a load of their products to test and report back on what I thought. And so far, I've been really impressed. These little treats have made a lot of those cold days at the crag a bit brighter! They do two kinds of bars along with a variety of flapjacks, all packed with goodness! First up are their delicious Nakd bars. I was intrigued by the name at first and soon realised the inspiration behind it. They are in fact completely free of any additives and all the nasty stuff that is just plain no good for you. Instead they are just packed with raw fruit and nuts, and yet still taste amazing! These things give you that extra boost no matter what you're doing and come in a range of different flavours, from gingerbread to rubarb and custard! In a world when there are so many 'healthy' bars claiming to be the next best thing, Nakd bars really are the real deal. Here's what they the guys at Natural Balanced Foods have to say:

Our simplest and most beloved bars. Just raw fruits and nuts smooshed  together. Containing 100% natural ingredients with no added sugars or  syrups,  these bars are also wheat and gluten free, and bursting  with yummy goodness. With a soft, chewy texture they fill you up till  your next meal and most count towards 1 of your 5 a day too. Ideal for  lunchboxes, grabbing on the go and refuelling between meals!

Next up, the Trek bars. These again are made in the exact same way as the Nakd bars, however they come with a large helping of protein. They fill you up slightly more and I have really noticed them pick me up, especially in the middle of a long day out at the crag. Plus they are tonnes more nutritious than a pack of biscuits or chocolate bar! Which is what we usually fill our bags with...

"With 11-12g of protein per bar, these beauties are at the top of the  sports nutrition food chain! Made with a delicious combination of  fruits, oats and nuts to keep you going, these healthy snacks are ideal  for refuelling after the gym, and they also make great breakfasts on the  go."

Here is a short video taken during the BBC Good Food Show 2011 where these guys showcased their yummy treats! If you're interested in trying for yourself and to find out more information check out their website here:

Source: ethan walker

Three Nine

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#99 Re: Climbing life and experiences
January 08, 2013, 09:55:35 am
Is there some way I can punter Ethan via this thread?


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