technical > music production

Melodyne editor?

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--- Quote from: Golt on June 22, 2010, 02:15:15 pm ---Funnily enough, the guy in question with said programme has been installing Windows 7 64 bit on his PC since 8 this morning!  :o

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 :lol: thats the sort of time I'd expect if the OS were being compiled from source/bootstrapped.


--- Quote from: Paul B on June 22, 2010, 08:57:29 am ---If you're running windows 7 it helps to use "run as administrator" for keygens / cracks / patches etc. or so I've heard  :whistle:
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Best thing to do with keygens, etc is to run them in VMWare so they don't touch your real OS. I'd avoid cracks/patches completely unless they are from a reliable source.

Paul B:
does that still allow patches to make necessary changes to files/folders and add exceptions for things like update servers?


No, there would be no use running patches in VMWare unless you just wanted to test them out to see if they did anything blatantly obvious or to see if an AV program freaked out when you ran them.

I try not to run any cracks, only keygens.


--- Quote from: Bubba on June 22, 2010, 03:25:21 pm ---I'd avoid cracks/patches completely unless they are from a reliable source.

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Elaborate, please.


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