technical > music production

Melodyne editor?

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Look for a release from one of the reputable cracking groups, e.g. Core/Embrace/etc. and run the CRC check to see if it's as originally released.

Never use anything like this from a public torrent site or rapidshare sites, only from somewhere where you know somebody will have tested the release before offering it for download, and where there is a reliable community that will post up if the release is dodgy.

I was hoping to use this melodyne to extract clean vox minus the chaff around it.

I don't think that this is one of the things that melodyne can do, and at best, you could spend ages manipulating for poor results.

I'm going to try a few plug-in s I know to EQ out the unwanted material, well, as best as I can.

What's a CRC check?


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