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June 04, 2010, 03:59:50 am
Another new link-up – Perfect Crime Extension, 8a+/8b
14 April 2010, 3:03 pm

Malcolm Smith put up another new link up at Dumby yesterday. The problem starts as for The Serum of Sisyphus at the foot of Railings on Suckers boulder and then joins Perfect Crime which traverses the cave and finishes up Sabotage. Malc reckons that Perfect Crime is now maybe just 8a+ and not 8b as a result of the new beta for Sabotage and his new extension takes it to 8a+/8b. He felt that is was not hard enough to warrant 8b although this same extended start into La Saboteur will hit the 8b mark.  

It’s all quite confusing really with the various downgrades recently of things but i’ll update the topos on the site and for any of you that are interested and it might make a bit more sense.  

Malc has a video of the ascent that he is going to send my way so I should hopefully have that up shortly too.  



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2 new Font 8b link-ups for Malcolm Smith in an afternoon
20 April 2010, 9:57 pm

Malcolm Smith sent two new boulder problems today at Dumbarton both weighing in at 8b! The first was ‘Grande Tour’ which links ‘Perfect Crime Extension’ into ‘La Saboteur’. He then followed that by climbing his other project down at the Eagle boulder cave. Named ‘Firefight’ this new problem links ‘Pressure’ into ‘Firestarter’  

There is footage of both of these ascents so should hopefully have some vids with you shortly. Will Atkinson who was also down this afternoon gave ‘La Saboteur’ its second ascent. That’s a lot a hard sending in one afternoon!!!



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#2 Firefight, 8b First Ascent
June 04, 2010, 03:59:55 am
Firefight, 8b First Ascent
21 April 2010, 8:09 am

Here’s a video from Will Atkinson of Malcolm Smith crushing his new 8b problem at Dumbarton linking Pressure into Firestarter. Impressive, very impressive!!!  



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#3 La Saboteur, 8a+ Second Ascent
June 04, 2010, 03:59:55 am
La Saboteur, 8a+ Second Ascent
21 April 2010, 8:13 am

Here’s another video from Will Atkinson of him nabbing the second ascent of La Saboteur which links Sabotage into Le Tour De Technique. Crushed!!!  



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#4 Dumby News April
June 04, 2010, 03:59:56 am
Dumby News April
26 April 2010, 10:59 pm

Here’s another little update of things going on at Dumby. The obvious news of late has been Malc’s new 8b’s but it seems conditions of late have been lending themselves to some more sending. Sabotage continues to attract the crowds with three more ascents in the last week or so from Andy Shanks (who has set the bar with a 3 session dispatch), Chris Houston and myself.  

A couple of weeks ago Will Atkinson put up a new 8a sport route called Endurance. The route links Tarrier into Sufferance which is a worthwhile link that straightens Sufferance out and is a good addition to that wall. I’ll get some photos next time I’m down at Dumby and make a topo of the main sport wall.  

Here’s a video of Will’s new route. Quite hard to make a nice vid when you need to put your camera on a tripod and the piece of rock you’re climbing on doesn’t ever get the sun but it’s a good video none the less.    



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#5 Dumby News May
June 04, 2010, 03:59:56 am
Dumby News May
14 May 2010, 12:25 pm

A few things have been going down at Dumbarton in the last few weeks, not quite keeping on par with the end of April but the weather and conditions have been about as good as they get so visits to the rock have been pretty frequent.


On that note, the number of climbers down at Dumbarton seems to be growing very quickly. The heart of the Glasgow/West Coast climbing definitely seems to have its roots firmly planted at Dumbarton just now. A part of me likes to think that this may be in some part down to and the blog which people seem to be visiting more than I ever expected but who knows??? If any of your are interested in the numbers, the main site has had over 3,600 visits since December, from 34 different countries, the average time spent on the site is 4:30mins, and the site and the blog combined are still getting around 70 visits a day.


Back to the climbing. The race for the second ascent of Will Atkinson’s new 8a is well and truly on, with Ross Henighen and Mark McGowan both trying to get in there first. Malcolm Smith is currently trying to add a desperate extended start onto Firefight which, when it goes, will come with a big number attached. Silverback, 7c, has seen a couple of ascents recently with Ross Henighen and Chris Everett both getting it done. Chris hasn’t stopped there and is now only a visit or two away from making are relatively rare ascent of King Kong, 8a.


And finally, although this blog was never intended for my self-indulgent ramblings about my climbing ability,  the last couple of weeks have been about as good as I’ve ever had. With my ascent of Sabotage at the end of last month, I also got a couple of projects that have been hanging around for quite a while, Totality and Neil’s extension and on Fri managed get myself up Pongo SS with the original beta for my second F8a in as many weeks. Perfect timing for me to go to Font for 8 days and get brought back down to earth due to my distinct lack of technique, height and skin preservation abilities!!




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#6 Nice and Sleazy, 7c+, First Ascent
June 04, 2010, 03:59:58 am
Nice and Sleazy, 7c+, First Ascent
24 May 2010, 8:56 am

Mr Atkinson has been up to his old tricks again putting up a another new problem at Dumby. Graded at 7c+ the new problem links the start of Mestizo SS into the Mugsy rail and continues left to finish up the very rarely travelled Malky. Here’s a video of his new problem.  



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#7 Glasgow Kiss, 7c+, First Ascent
June 04, 2010, 03:59:58 am
Glasgow Kiss, 7c+, First Ascent
26 May 2010, 8:59 pm

Yet another new problem from Will Atkinson, this time linking Spam in Malky. Hard 7c+ is the verdict. Here’s the video.  



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#8 F8b for Will Atkinson in a day
June 04, 2010, 03:59:58 am
F8b for Will Atkinson in a day
1 June 2010, 12:21 pm

On his first visit to the Anvil Will sent Fire Power, F8b for only its fourth ascent. The Anvil is a massive free-standing boulder on the east side of Loch Goil with collection of very hard steep sport routes up to 8c+.  Here’s a video of the ascent which Will made look very, very easy. Definitely time to get on the big crack now Will!  



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#9 Latest going’s on at Dumbarton
June 04, 2010, 03:59:58 am
Latest going’s on at Dumbarton
3 June 2010, 10:29 pm

Lots of people have been down at Dumby lately and quite a lot of stuff going down despite the surprisingly un-Scottish rise in temperature of late.  

A couple of weeks ago Ross Henighen made the second ascent of Endurance, 8a which was only very recently established by Will Atkinson.  

The latest addition to the bouldering at Dumbarton, Glasgow Kiss, 7c+, has seen a couple of quick repeats from Andy Shanks and Mike Lee. Malky, and its new variations have now become problems of choice recently with repeats approaching double figures on a problem that, until being cleaned up, had possibly only seen two or three ascents ever.  

A quick update wouldn’t be complete without a few more ascents of Sabotage, with Stuart Lyle and Dave Redpath both getting their way to the top.  

Will Atkinson has started his ground-up ascent of Requiem this evening and going on tonights performance in awful conditions (really hot) it shouldn’t be too long before he’s topping out. Here’s a photo I took of him on it. Click the photo to view it full size.  




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#10 Requiem, a couple of photos
June 13, 2010, 01:00:35 am
Requiem, a couple of photos
12 June 2010, 11:04 pm

  Here’s a few photos I took the other night of Will Atkinson on Requiem. Click the images to enlarge.




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#11 Climbing by numbers
June 22, 2010, 01:00:27 am
Climbing by numbers
21 June 2010, 8:35 pm


Here’s a new topo I’ve made to try and explain the new link-ups problems (5 and counting) that seem to be appearing faster than the returning midges. Click on the topo to enlarge it or open the image here.  

I’m not sure if will clear up anything for most of you but for the few people who can make some sense of it, it should at least shed some light on the new additions.  

For years the Home Rule boulder been home to some of the Dumbarton’s classic lines: Mugsy, Mestizo, Physical Graffiti, Home Rule but on the whole new problems on this boulder have been few and far between in the last decade with the main additions have coming from Dave Mac Leod 3 years ago in the shape of Hokku, Soshu and Set in Motion.  

So why in the last month have 5 new problems been put up? There’s a couple of reasons for this really. One, Malky and Headbutt have both recently been cleaned which has opened up another couple of possible ways to finish problems on the boulder and two, the local faithful are down at Dumby far to often and finding new problems to throw themselves at is an obvious way to whittle away the long summer evenings.  

With the adddition of all of these new problems there has been some chat about these link-ups are becoming a bit stupid or pointless but I’m all for it. Are some of the best bouldering venues in the country not also covered in eliminates and link-ups??? Why should this boulder be any different, especially when it lends itself so well to it with multiple starting and finishing points and, in nearly all of these problems, really good bouldering.  

Thoughts anyone? Enough rambling for now. Here’s a video on one of these new link-ups, Nice and Sleazier.  



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The Climbing Academy – World class bouldering and good coffee!
21 July 2010, 1:10 pm


I had a chance yesterday to check out the site of the new Climbing Academy bouldering wall and have a chat with Paul Twomey, one of the men behind the project. First impressions…. it’s absolutely massive!!!! This can only mean one thing, an obscene amount of bouldering from training boards, slabs, verticals and overhangs up to 50 degrees. On top of all that, there will be a cafe that I’ve been assured will sell good coffee. What more could you ask for?  

Work has started on the wall now and should be ready for another Scottish winter, although no date has be set for opening. I’ll have more photos and updates as the build progresses.


Rest assured, in a few months time Glasgow will have one of the best bouldering walls in the UK, if not Europe and its only 5 minutes drive from my work. Sweet!



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#13 It’s been a while….
August 23, 2010, 05:10:30 am
It’s been a while….
19 August 2010, 12:41 pm


Pretty much a whole month in fact but I’ve always been an advocate of the saying ‘If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all’, that said, I feel I should say something.


Due to the damp nature of Scottish summers there’s not been much going on at Dumbarton in the last month. Even on the dry days its been pretty humid and low on friction with a dose of the Scottish midge thrown in for good measure which is far from ideal conditions but there are a couple of things to report.


I got an email a few weeks ago from Donald Macrae  saying he’s done a few new link-ups. I say new, but he did say, and I agree, that they will have more than likely be done before but it’s good to give these things names and grades so other people will go and and try them too. So here you go:


Treasure 7b *

Zig Zag SS to the break, traverse left and finish up Bust My Chops Left-hand.


Treasure Hunt 7b *

Zig Zag SS to the break, traverse left into Bust My Chops Left-hand, finishing left into Kev’s Problem from the large right-facing sloper.


Fool’s Gold 7a+ *

Zig Zag SS to the break, traverse left and finish up Bust My Chops Right-hand.


The names are a reference to the large TREASURE graffiti on Bust My Chops, which no-one seems to notice despite the size of the lettering! I’ve not added these to the site or the topos yet but will in good time.  



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#14 Dumby Sport Photos
August 23, 2010, 05:10:30 am
Dumby Sport Photos
22 August 2010, 8:06 pm

  Here’s a few photos myself and Mike Lee took yesterday sport climbing at Dumbarton. Click the images to enlarge.













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#15 Catapult repeated
September 14, 2010, 07:00:20 am
Catapult repeated
23 August 2010, 1:04 pm

 Mr Atkinson is back doing what he does best, namely, jumping a very long way between very bad holds. On Saturday he repeated Chris Graham’s test piece dyno at Kyloe in the woods , Catapult, which weighs in at 8a+.


It’s thought that this is it’s first repeat having stood up to attempts from some very strong climbers, although there does seem to be a repeat logged on UKC from a hidden user but no-one seems to know or can confirm anything about this.


Will managed to send the problem on his 3rd go, second session and under 20 attempts in total which is pretty quick making his own dyno at Dumby, Mr Tickle, 8a, seem pretty stiff for the grade as it took him a good few weeks to get done!


Here’s a video of the send, although you really need to have seen the holds and distance between them to appreciate how impressive this really is!

And here is Will’s very own unrepeated extended start to his dyno Mr Tickle, which also goes at 8a+.  



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#16 Dumby’s calling…again
April 29, 2011, 05:18:48 am
Dumby’s calling…again
14 April 2011, 11:08 am

So, I’ve not really been doing much blogging here of late and some people have been asking what’s going on with it, okay one person (thanks Mike), so with the Scottish spring almost upon us if the past weekend is anything to go by I thought I’d start back posting again.


I don’t know everything that goes on a Dumby so if I’ve missed anyone or anything apologies but here’s a very quick mention of a few of the more notable ticks claimed at Dumby over the winter.


Rob Sutton, Alan Cassidy and Dan Walker all made quick ascents of Saboteur, Font 8a+. With Rob Sutton also repeating Dave Mac Leod’s Hokku. Nic Duboust did Tolerance, the meandering and currently hardest sport route at Dumbarton at 8b.


Will Atkinson’s put a a few new problems over the winter too. First, aptly named Ladderman, is a dyno from a big jug at the start of Dressed for Success and straight to the lip of the boulder where you find a very slopey top-out. Sent second go, Will reckoned it’s around the Font 7c mark and is still waiting a second ascent.

Ladderman 7c by Will Atkinson

He also put up a new Font 8a called Spam Dagger on the Home Rule boulder. It starts by climbing Spam to the jugs, goes into Malky and finishes in headbutt. Although only put up a couple of weeks ago has already seen a few repeats from Chris Everrit and a couple of strong climbers from the Lakes who were up here last week.


Only this week Will added one more. Sabotaged, is another alternative finish to Sabotage. His new problem climbs Sabotage and finishes by climbing BNI direct which is essentially a very hard couple of move mantle onto the slab. Hard 8a is Will’s proposed grade for this and he reckons it is harder than both Sabotage and Saboteur which really confuses things as Saboteur was given 8a+ by Malcolm Smith when he put it up last year. Having only done Sabotage myself and only one other 8a I’m not in a position to comment on the grade so come and try them yourself and see what you think!

Sabotaged 8a by Will Atkinson

In a bid to not just put up one post and then forget about this again for 7 months again I thought I’d decide on a few changes I’d make to the site to get myself motivated again.


Things I’ll more than likely do include: Adding a Sport climbing page with topos to the site; update all the of the topos; and put on a top 50 or hardest problems list.


Things I’d like to do but might not include: adding ratings polls to the topos pages; adding a trad section; make a Facebook page; possibly create a forum; and make a mobile version of the site (I may at least create a highly optimised pdf topo that at least won’t use up all your data allowance when viewing it down at the crag).


If you have any more requests for features or things you’d like to see on the blog or site post a comment and I’ll see what I can do.


See you down there.  



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#17 King Kong crushed!
April 29, 2011, 05:18:48 am
King Kong crushed!
19 April 2011, 4:31 pm

Here’s a couple photos I took of Chris Everett on King Kong, 8a, last Friday. He went on to send it on Saturday. King Kong is one of the best lines at Dumby and climbs the steep over hanging prow on the bottom of the Eagle boulder. Good work Chris!  Click the images to enlarge.




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#18 A view from the headwall
May 31, 2011, 11:25:43 am
A view from the headwall
8 May 2011, 11:40 am

  I had the pleasure of hauling myself up Mr Cassidy’s static rope on the headwall yesterday to get some shots of Will as he continues his ground-up assault on Requiem. You can’t really get much closer than he did without sending it but it made for some good photos. Attempt two of the day was abandoned when the heavens opened leaving me a little wet 80 feet off the ground. Click the images to enlarge.












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#19 Requiem ground up for Will Atkinson
May 31, 2011, 11:25:43 am
Requiem ground up for Will Atkinson
9 May 2011, 9:10 pm


Once Scotland’s hardest trad route back in 1983 when it was established by Dave Cuthbertson, Requiem and its newer variations have played an important part in Scottish climbing for nearly three decades now. At E8, 6b (around F8a+) it’s had a fair number of repeats but until today it hadn’t had a ground up ascent. Well, it has now, courtesy of Will Atkinson.


Will commented on his UKC log book:

Get in!, first ground-up ascent since it was put up in 1983!, probably the most physically and mentally challenging thing I have ever done. I didn’t think it was going to happen before I had to move back down to Yorkshire but it all came good in the end. Has to be one of the best routes in the UK without a doubt, now who’s going to on-sight it?  

Having first tried last summer in the heat, he’s been back on it this spring and made relatively quick work of it. After each fall Will pulled the rope but left the gear in situ from the following attempts but is still it’s best ascent to date. This gets Will into the triple 8 club too!


Is six weeks enough for a second ascent of Achemine, E9 6c, before Will moves back to Sheffield??? Only time will tell. Awesome work Will.  





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#20 Another dumby vid
May 31, 2011, 11:25:44 am
Another dumby vid
23 May 2011, 12:56 pm

 Here’s a short video of some problems at Dumby from Chris Houston. It’s part 3 of 3, part 1 and 2 to come shortly. Enjoy  



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#21 Ticked off
July 14, 2011, 01:00:16 am
Ticked off
13 July 2011, 9:28 pm

 It’s funny how quickly your priorities change.


About 7 weeks ago, with my girlfriend back home from uni for the summer the plan was to train as much as I could and get out to Dumby and Dumbuck as much as possible and to tick as many of the sports route there, not too much to ask really but this hasn’t really turned out to be the case. I wish the reason for this was the classic “Scottish summer” that we seem to be experiencing but sadly not. At least if this were the case I could have retreated indoor or at least to my beastmaker. Nope, the reason is a lot less talked about that and a hell of a lot smaller. Ticks, or one tick to be precise.


Lyme disease is muttered about now and then by the climbing community most years when summer comes around, usually on climbing forums, but it’s not something I’ve ever really considered being much of an issue. I’m sure you’ll see where I’m going with this. I think I have Lymes disease, as does my doctor and a couple other doctors I know who I’ve talked to. I say think only because there’s not really an accurate test for it but I’m pretty certain.


About 8 weeks ago I got bitten by a tick at Dumbuck of all places, so if you are venturing up there keep any eye out for them. Think this is really more of a warning for Dave Redpath since, as far as I can gather, he’s one of its only regular visitors. Anyway, I found a tick a couple days later and then 3 days after that starting to feel pretty rubbish. Symptoms came on slowly for the next couple of weeks until was feeling awful. Symptons included: Aching muscles, joints, headache, chest pain, back pain, stomach ache, dizzyness, tiredness, shortness of breath and the ability to do pretty much nothing other than lying on my bed watching films, which is fine for a little bit but gets boring surprisingly quickly.


So, I’ll give you the quick version from there. I went to the doctor and told him I thought I had Lyme disease, so after a bit of persuasion he gave me two weeks of antibiotics which made feel better after about three days but the minute my two weeks was up, I instantly felt worse again. He then gave me some more, and then after some research by myself, I told him I needed a stronger dose. He agreed, doubled the dose for another 4 weeks. This takes me to now, just under 3 weeks into the second lot of antibiotics. Still some symptoms kicking around but feel okayish. The main problem is I have no energy to anything, which means no climbing and has meant no climbing for the past month. To be honest, I really don’t think the dose I’m on just now is going to be enough to get rid of it either, both by how I feel almost 3 weeks in and by the large amount of reading I’ve done on the subject (albeit on the internet).


So I’ll see what happens in a just over a week’s time, I’m not holding my breath. I’ve been referred to the infectious disease department to see some men in white coats (this is how I envisage it anyway and will be a bit disappointed if it is not marginally like the end of E.T.) So hopefully they know what they are talking about. I say hopefully because the chances of catching Lyme disease is tiny, so trying to find good sources of information on the subject and doctors who have even come across is easier said than done. I found only one clinic (private sadly) in England who specifically say they treat Lyme so I may even make a trip down south to try and track down some proper advice. You can’t put a price on your health I think the saying goes.


So, my new priority for the remaining part of the summer is to get better, the getting myself up font and french 8a+ this year will just have to wait.


Looking on the brightside, I’m not dying and no, you can’t catch it off me. I don’t even look ill, which is something I’ve heard from a few people which I guess is a positive. On the antibiotics I’m really not feeling too bad either, I’ve just not been able to climb or do anything that requires any amount of energy.


Another good thing is that from suddenly stopping from climbing about 5 nights a week to none, leaves you with a massive amount of free time on your hands. To be honest I don’t know what non-climbers do with themselves. So with my reclaimed hours in the day I have been getting through lots of work I’ve been putting off for a very long time, websites for various people and myself as well as some design work for Lyon Equipment. I’ve even got around to updating the Dumby site although, to the untrained eye, it just looks the same, but trust me it’s better. I’ve even half-created a Sport climbing section for the Dumby site too which I now need to just make some topos for so watch this space.


I think I might go and lie on my bed now and watch a film or something.


SA Chris

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#22 Re:
July 14, 2011, 09:20:58 am
A friend of mine here in Aberdeen is just recovering from it now. if you pm me I can put you in touch with her if you want any advice. The medical support she got was pretty dire to say the least.


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#23 Scaffolding never looked so good
July 15, 2011, 01:00:25 am
Scaffolding never looked so good
14 July 2011, 8:18 pm

  Here’s a few (quite average) photos I took today down at The Climbing Academy. Hope they give some kind of impression of the size of the place. It is simply massive. I’ll get more photos as the build progresses. Click the images to enlarge.









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#24 Sport Climbing Topos
September 11, 2011, 06:58:51 am
Sport Climbing Topos
29 July 2011, 11:00 pm

Sport Climbing Dumby

I’ve created a Sport section on if anyone is interested. Nothing too fancy, just an intro and a few topos but should give a good overview of the sport routes down at Dumby. You can find the new Sport section HERE.

Let me know if you spot any errors in any of the topos and I’ll get them sorted.



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