the shizzle > power club

UKB Power Club Week 2 (Mon 15th - Sun 21st)

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andy popp:
A funny week of many family commitments and all normal training partners away

M: Nowt
T: Weighted pull-ups, first in ages but goes pretty well, some press-ups for opposition
W: Lats kill from yesterday. Repeaters on fingerboard
T: Long work day, drink plentiful red wine at work do
F: Stacks of problems up to 'V6' (whatever that means) at Manchester Climbing Centre. Not an impressive set-up but nice to climb somewhere other than my board.
S: Does shopping count?
S: Take daughter swimming, manage to fit in a few flat out lengths

Not a great week.

Forgot to add my new training mantra last week, taken from a text from Pete C the other week "we're only middle aged once, lets get our fingers out"

Three Nine:
Goals: Cider Soak, 7Bs, strong for Europe

M: am continuity 1 hour pm deadhangs 1 hour
T: rest (wanted to run but bad ankle)
W: power 45 3 hours
T: resistance problems on 45
F: rest
S: did Fighting Torque at cuttings, pretty steady, pleasing milestone for me (token 8a)
S: drizzle at cuttings, did a 7b+ in the wet

Slack week as wanted to do fighting torque. Will get on it this week hopefully. Like to start running again if ankle gets better.

nik at work:
8B, 8b(, E8)

M - At brother in-laws in Northampton, messed around on outdoors gym equipment in local park, had a curry - yum.
T - Drove home, started building extension to the 10 degree "ladies wall" on the board to aid wifey's pre-font training.
W - Finish extension to board, have a quick session, ooof! Go and see Sherlock Holmes and eat a whole packet of revels, get told off for not sharing.
Th - Board session, do some new problems. They might be hard and I strong or they easy and I weak, who knows :shrug:
F - Went out with G to look at his wet project, it was wet. Tried a different project, it too was wet.
S - Had a sociable day at Cratcliffe, got a handful of 7A-ish things done and talked a lot of shit.
Su - Tidied the house.

Not done enough climbing, training or Lego construction this week. Very disappointing.

Half-term week and off work so tried to get out as much as possible despite the bad weather and changeable forecasts.

Monday: rest
Tuesday: Cave, tried Broken Heart and did my normal trick of falling off last move!
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Wanted to go to Trowbarrow but weather sent me scuttling back to the cave and success on Broken Heart
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Ilkley and success on Ringpeace. Went to Almscliffe in evening and got shutdown on Matt's Roof and fell off top of Stu's roof in dark.
Sunday: Plans of climbing sacked due to snow. Scuttled back to Liverpool.

goals for the year - font 7b specifically onde du choc, new aim to do 7c route

m - rest
t - good session at tca, planned to work circuits but after warming up got stuck into the new whites; lots of progress but none completed
w - power session on mark's board
t - more work on the whites at tca but no real progress as so knackered
f - rest
s - 3 hours at tca working whites inc steve mac's new problems and circuit. 1 move off flashing the 7a endurance circuit
su - 4 hours at tca. got all the moves on 2 new whites and then dropped the last move on the orange endurance circuit again!

rest tomorrow, pure circuits session on tues then board session again on wed


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