Paranoid elbow question... (Read 1902 times)


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Paranoid elbow question...
March 19, 2009, 08:09:51 pm
Had a quick look and couldnt see this covered before.. anyway, I have a achy twinge on the outside of my RH elbow, but its on/right next to the tip (the boney knobbly bit) as opposed to in between the two knobbly bits where i have (in previous years) had a wee bit of an ache. Now, the paranoid part is I'm fairly sure this must just be a bruise where I have whacked myself without remembering (no visible bruise on surface) but wonder if it may be worse/tendon problems. I'm fairly sure there are no tendons running over that part so it must just be bruising - but wondered if anyone had any ideas? Its been twinging for a couple of days after a heavy session down the wall....


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