Winter Sessions Now Up On YouTube

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That will be great, Mike. I've never managed to see Stonnis, so will definitely look out for it online.

I hope you post the footage of Fiend on that route under the Crown Mines in Cornwall in the Seaside Extras (Shining Path?). I bought Seaside a couple of years ago, hoping it would be included in the Extras, but no luck. I was hoping to glean some beta having been down to do the route, only to get chucked off by the National Trust warden. In fact having established that she was talking bollocks (usual liability nonsense), and securered a written apology, we returned the following year and did the route. So now it's more academic interest than beta that motivates me...!

Seem to remember attending the launch of Seaside too. Was it in Outside...?

Thanks Mike. Really looking forward to watching Stonnis again. I can't think of any better climbing footage than of Mark in Gaia.
For anyone wanting to access the view only film drive, the link is here. You’ll need to request access:
cheque said:
cowboyhat said:
Do you think in time you could come round to uploading Stonnis Mike, for the greater eyeballs etc....?

Yeah as I said above Stonnis and The Seaside will be online for free once I can get some sense out of Vimeo. My account’s trapped in a kind of limbo currently. I have bonus features for The Seaside that I’m planning to post over the spring/ summer too.

I absolutely think that films that have ceased to be commercially viable should be online for free if their creators want them to be and I’m happy to do it with mine.

Stick it on YouTube and maybe get some ad revenue?
Bradders said:
cheque said:
cowboyhat said:
Do you think in time you could come round to uploading Stonnis Mike, for the greater eyeballs etc....?

Yeah as I said above Stonnis and The Seaside will be online for free once I can get some sense out of Vimeo. My account’s trapped in a kind of limbo currently. I have bonus features for The Seaside that I’m planning to post over the spring/ summer too.

I absolutely think that films that have ceased to be commercially viable should be online for free if their creators want them to be and I’m happy to do it with mine.

Stick it on YouTube and maybe get some ad revenue?

Seeing as I can’t find his YouTube channel neither via google nor YouTube search itself I’m gonna hazard a guess that he doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to join the YouTube Partner Program which is the prerequisite to serve Ads on videos.
Dingdong said:
Bradders said:
cheque said:
cowboyhat said:
Do you think in time you could come round to uploading Stonnis Mike, for the greater eyeballs etc....?

Yeah as I said above Stonnis and The Seaside will be online for free once I can get some sense out of Vimeo. My account’s trapped in a kind of limbo currently. I have bonus features for The Seaside that I’m planning to post over the spring/ summer too.

I absolutely think that films that have ceased to be commercially viable should be online for free if their creators want them to be and I’m happy to do it with mine.

Stick it on YouTube and maybe get some ad revenue?

Seeing as I can’t find his YouTube channel neither via google nor YouTube search itself I’m gonna hazard a guess that he doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to join the YouTube Partner Program which is the prerequisite to serve Ads on videos.

Shouldn't you be out climbing 7C?
Bradders said:
Dingdong said:
Bradders said:
cheque said:
cowboyhat said:
Do you think in time you could come round to uploading Stonnis Mike, for the greater eyeballs etc....?

Yeah as I said above Stonnis and The Seaside will be online for free once I can get some sense out of Vimeo. My account’s trapped in a kind of limbo currently. I have bonus features for The Seaside that I’m planning to post over the spring/ summer too.

I absolutely think that films that have ceased to be commercially viable should be online for free if their creators want them to be and I’m happy to do it with mine.

Stick it on YouTube and maybe get some ad revenue?

Seeing as I can’t find his YouTube channel neither via google nor YouTube search itself I’m gonna hazard a guess that he doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to join the YouTube Partner Program which is the prerequisite to serve Ads on videos.

Shouldn't you be out climbing 7C?

It’s my day off :no: