wild in me raven tor


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Sport climber, too weak to boulder
May 15, 2011
Been trying the lower bit for a while, move up to big right flake [as per boulder problem] fine, really stuck on where you put your feet to move up and left to crimp under next flake.

Have been trying with left foot on first handhold [for right] and right foot over to flat sloper, although too bunched.

Does the left foot have to be lower and right foot lower, ie not on the flat sloper.

Thanks for the reply

Ironically, the link, which was useful, presumes I have already got the left crimp...........Are you saying this move isnt the crux, if so I think more board sessions are needed

Cheers anyway.......will be their again tonight scratching my head
Few videos online of the route which could help. Also, in relation to your message if be keen for a go some of the evenings.

Nipping out soon to try the start, not tried it yet so hopefully it's not too bad....
Great let me know how you get on, will be there sunday am hopefully, and then in the week a couple of nights most likely mon wed or thurs
Apologies if this is too vague to be of any help, but I remember having my right foot on an obvious square smear and dropping my left knee. Good Luck.
simon40 said:
Great let me know how you get on, will be there sunday am hopefully, and then in the week a couple of nights most likely mon wed or thurs

Didn't get to the crimp, but the beta I was given was (from the big flake)...

Put RF on the big slopey hold and flag left.
Bump RH up too the top of the flake where you can get a thumb on for a Pinch.
LF onto starting hold, then bump it up again into an egyptian with the LF fully vertical on the left of the starting hold.
Then pull/step up onto the crimp.

Going with a rope tomorrow. And I'll probably be up for one of those days. Need to check my work rota first though. Will let you know.
Great and thanks for this, will try that sequence, just felt hard and a long way. May be able to get tomorrow although probably not, let me know evenings when you can get and would be good to get a rope on it