El Mocho
Well-Known Member
James Malloch said:T_B said:teestub said:Worth watching out for those caterpillars in Bleau too, a friend’s dog just had a bad encounter with them there.
Loads at Cuisiniere.
We’ve been climbing around Isatis today so probably loads here too then. Maybe it’s something to worry less about and just be more diligent about checking/walking on a lead until we get to the area we’re going to…
If you do end up heading further South in the summer also watch out for the fox tail grass, I seem to remember you have a spaniel and if it enjoys charging through the grass/undergrowth it could run through this stuff. It's essentially has a 1 way barbed head which roots into the fur, then flesh of the dog. We managed to dig 1 out of our boys paw but our girl had some in her ear and she needed to be sedated to get it out. Ours picked it up in the Ardeche when swimming in the river - grass on the bank and from then on we spotted it everywhere!