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Simon Lee

insect overlord #1
Mar 16, 2005
The Former Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire
Listen Up. I'm going to put up a new post each week on Sundays so anyone who wants to join in can log their training and climbing for the previous week. Its something I started on UKC as Fit Club and its run for nearly 3 years :ang:. I want to keep it going here although for climbers only (as opposed to runners etc)

Personally it helped me go from not liking training at all to becoming more than a bit obsessed. Its quite motivating to state your objectives publicly, putting your cock on the block as it were. It also starts discussions on training tips, tactics and strategy and gives an insight into what others do for their training and the volumes and intensity they work to. Over time it can provide a useful record to refer back ie what weight you were this time last year and how many sessions you were doing a week.

There are a lot of lurkers on UKB who potentially have a lot to contribute. Thanks for reading. Share the knowledge and love; be brave and get involved....

ps If you do post please commit to do it habitually each week - not just weeks where you have done something spectacular. That would give a skewed impression. With mutual support Power Club is to keep you going through the lows :wall: as well as celebrate the highs :great:.
Good idea.

I climbed for the first time in two months on Friday. Struggled up 17 problems on a 6A - 6C circuit at The Works and it nearly killed me. I'm still in huge amounts of pain from it but it's the first step back on the ladder after having no time for anything other than work for the last few months and three months off climbing (but crushing in the gym) prior to that due to injuries.

Some sort of commitment to/record of what I'm doing or rather not doing on the road back to being slightly less of a punter than I am now might work quite well.

Or I might just sack it all off, get pissed on continental lager and Cote Du Rhone and never climb harder than 7A again. Who can say? And if you want to make something of it you cunts then I'll tell you, unrealised potential may be a burden but I've left a legacy, A FUCKING LEGACY I TELL YOU and I have been an inspiration to children. Be sure, it's all about the kids. I believe they are our future.


Monday - Can't remember / still wasted from Sunday drinking. Nauseous in general.
Tuesday - Jaded. Struggled through - decent deal for some new business, celebrated with booze.
Wednesday - I can smell the weekend. Three bottles of 14% French plonk. Yeah, I feel good.
Thursday - My head, seriously. Is this some sort of fucking joke? Felt much better after vomiting.
Friday - When did 6C become this hard? Fucking cunts the lot of you. It's my ball and I'm taking it home so fuck off.
Saturday - Jesus, that hurts. Best have a drink.
Sunday - OH MY FUCKING GOD! Thought I was in pain yesterday. It was nothing. The tendons in my arms and fingers feel as i they've been removed, used to tow a combine harvester and the replaced. My abs feel like I've been in the ring with Ricky Hatton. Is this what you call good pain? You can fucking keep it.


Apparently it's popular but if you ask me it's all as dull as ditch water and as meaningful as 8a.nu.
Week 1.
Monday - rest day after wall on Sunday
Tuesday - 4 * sets encores on a crap fingerboard... (set 7on 3 off & 4)
Wednesday - Evening session at Citibloc - good, really worked my shoulders - slightly tweaky LH golfers..
Thursday - Rest and longingly look at Beastmaker
Friday - Wall (stockport) routine bouldering session - barely repeated hardest stuff done, though managed one new prob
Saturday - Rest and stroking Beastmaker...
Sunday - 3 hours at the Cliff... Good warm up, failed failed failed miserably on Satans Steves wall but did DWR first go (a first!!) and repeated Dreamland (lush problem), arms ache, LH golfers fine...

Week 2....
Oh i get it, post in the other thread... :wall:

Sloper, why not make it prole club (for you of course) and give instances of where you managed to put down the masses/put the world to rights? ;)
Dig the thread .. will highlight how little I am training.

Monday - nowt
Tuesday - nowt
Wednesday - beasted down the gym - running farlek one arm pull downs, chest and arms.
Thursday - why do I have a hangover after not drinking?
Friday - hangover marginally better
Saturday 3 hour gardening session
Sunday - pasted myself in the gym again.

God my life is so rock and roll. Consistently working til mid-night is probably not helping.

Anyone hitting a heavy session, I highly recommend the PHD VMax power. Any supplement that comes with a warning of pins and needles has to be a winner in my book.
In the words of Dense, this log is log. If UKC already has a thread for this then why do we need one?
I don't need it. I don't use it. Sometimes I like to read what other folk are up to. It doesn't bother me too much either way. if I don't want to read it I don't click on it. It's a bit 100000000pullups-ishin its polarity. I will mostly be posting sarky shit if Nik or GCW start using it though.....So go right ahead.
Good point........can i start one for Dense?

Mon: Deadhang on mono's
Tue: see Monday
etc etc
Be nice you lot. I think it's a good idea, there's a lot of focused people on here and a lot of good varied training knowledge being thrown around, if people can post about it regularly that sounds cool to me. If they can mock dense even better.
I think it's a good idea. if you don't like it you know what you can do.

Will start using it.


In the future.
I am hugely disappointed. I clicked over on this thread expecting to find someone had manufactured an electrified club for beating the ladies off with. Back to the old shitty stick I suppose.
dobbin said:
I am hugely disappointed. I clicked over on this thread expecting to find someone had manufactured an electrified club for beating the ladies off with. Back to the old shitty stick I suppose.

Something like this but with lights on?


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