Wanted - 35mm slide projector/slide scanner


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Nov 1, 2002
Anyone got a 35mm slide projector kicking about gathering dust that I can borrow medium term. (One that takes the Kodak carousels).

Got a lot (and I mean of lot!) of my dads slides to go through. There are some carosels already loaded up, so could just do with having a quick scan through them.

Can collect Sheffield area. No massive rush.

Ditto a scanner, as I'll no doubt want to scan a load in, once sorted.
Sam I have a scanner that scans 4 at a time and a projector but it probably won't take Kodak carousels.
Hi KC. The scanner would be cool cheers. You still up near high Storrs?

Will scout about for a projector still though as the point really is that I can just go through the carousels quickly if I can just slot them straight on.
I have a very good scanner but it is quite big and requires an old operating system and quite a lot of operator input. If you are just scanning for screen viewing it would be overkill but if you want to make a print it might be worth trying. Also be aware services like mrscan.co.uk are very good value (~55p a slide for 50) and probably good eneough for most uses.

Also got a projector but not carousel compatible.
Cheers JB. Will bear it in mind, though I doubt I'll need anything that gucci.

Looked at getting them scanned but have estimated 10,000 slides to go through :blink: (late dads lifetime of slides) Too costly to get them all scanned, given that 80% are probably random shiz that don't have any relevance, but there'll be a reasonable number of family shiz that will be good to get scanned to share.

There a probably some amazing landscapes etc, but what do you do with them all :shrug: :no: :'(
If there's that many I'd sit by the projector and pull out any you like as you go through, put them in a box and send them off. Home scanning is a ballache for any numbers.
Thankfully, my father scanned all his old slides a few years ago. On my recommendation he just set up a projector, a good flat screen, and a digital camera on a tripod and spent a few days going through them all.

I appreciate that you are probably looking at 3-4 days of work for 10,000 slides (assuming you can scan every cassette of 24 slides in 3 minutes), so that might not be doable.

My father spent much more time tagging and sorting the photos after scanning than with the scanning process in itself.\

[edit]What JB says[/JB]
Johnny Brown said:
If there's that many I'd sit by the projector and pull out any you like as you go through, put them in a box and send them off. Home scanning is a ballache for any numbers.

Yeah, that was the plan, got a lightboard and loupe, to sift through all the drop files he has, plus all the boxed ones. and projector for the carousels.

Whittle it down to the ones we're interested in - (I think many many will be work related stuff, though this could extend to the good/interesting landscapes). Closer look on the projector if need be then fire them off for scanning.

Or, if there don't turn out to be that many, then use the projector to just take snaps as jwi suggests. My father in law did this and its perfectly adequate for holiday/family snaps etc, He has them all on random loop as his screen saver on the PC which sits the dining room which is great for just seeing random historical family stuff.

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