"Voodoo Flossing"


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I have been wrapping and flossing a sore knee and I am sure it helps with short term pain reduction and increased ROM. I am not sure if it makes any long term difference to the rate of recovery, but it is hard to say definatively as I only have one knee (that is sore).
Been meaning to post on this too... you just reminded me...

I tweaked my collateral on middle finger quite badly last week at the wall, very sore when I got home, painful enough to wake me from my sleep that night. Gave it a day then flossed it on the hour all day.

Astonished by the results.. pretty much pain free by the end of the day, much better range of motion (generally). Did the same the next day, then have only done it occasionally since.

One week later and apart from the at the extreme end of range of motion, there is no pain at all. Fairly happy to go to the wall tomorrow and take it easy at first, but I'm reasonably confident of a good session.

Hmmm - now to try and fix this shoulder!!

PS - Sam - what were you using to wrap the knee - a theraband? or something more dedicated ?
erm said:
I have been wrapping and flossing a sore knee and I am sure it helps with short term pain reduction and increased ROM. I am not sure if it makes any long term difference to the rate of recovery, but it is hard to say definatively as I only have one knee (that is sore).

Seconding the short term pain reduction and ROM thing. I floss my wrists before and after each climbing session and it definitely helps in that respect. Difficult to comment on long term recovery, not least since I've been neglecting the necessary rehab work.
Can we not lure someone into tweaking an A2 on each hand (full crimp monos anyone :-\ ) and then get them to vodoo floss one finger and not the other. That would be muchly scientifical.
Voodoo flossing my A2 seems to make it feel better sometimes and not so good other times. Bit odd really.
Mmmh... Ok, so from what i gather, flossing usually gives short term improvements which can be handy to work around the injury until it heals in its normal way, but it doesn't make it heal faster or work in long term injuries other than the short term pain relief and ROM improvements. It may also in some cases aggravate the injury, but also short term?

Did i get that right?
It worked wonders on my left shoulder which is full of old scar tissue from a 7 years-old rotator cuff tear to 3 of the 4 rc muscles. One session of flossing gave better pain-free ROM than any physio ever has.

Flossing didn't produce any noticeable results on my injured bicep longhead tendon in my other arm/shoulder. It neither aggravated nor improved it.

The physio I see fairly regularly tried it out on her injured knee (fell-running fall) and reported it gave noticeable improved pain-free ROM. She ditched it when was able to continue other rehab stuff.

It seems good for older injuries/scar tissue - better than self massage/sports massage IMO.
andy_e said:
I shall try this out on my permafucked left middle finger. If it works, I'm moving for it to be renamed a less pseudoscientific bullshit-sounding name.

To be honest I pretty much like the name. It sounds like seriously involved in voodoo, and therefor I think about it as going to New Orleans into a hidden underground place, having a fat woman put needles in a rag doll that is incredibly looking like you despite the fact that you've never been there before, and get out fully sorted and ready for a few days out on alcohol, drugs and prostitutes, before flying back home with a big smile to climb 8b+.
petejh said:
It worked wonders on my left shoulder which is full of old scar tissue from a 7 years-old rotator cuff tear to 3 of the 4 rc muscles. One session of flossing gave better pain-free ROM than any physio ever has.

Flossing didn't produce any noticeable results on my injured bicep longhead tendon in my other arm/shoulder. It neither aggravated nor improved it.

The physio I see fairly regularly tried it out on her injured knee (fell-running fall) and reported it gave noticeable improved pain-free ROM. She ditched it when was able to continue other rehab stuff.

It seems good for older injuries/scar tissue - better than self massage/sports massage IMO.

I agree with Pete on this - I tried it on an old ankle injury and got a quick increase in pain free ROM that multiple painful sports massages had failed to achieve.
Well done everyone, your painstaking research has now confirmed voodoo flossing actually works :-\

If I claim Voodoo flossing made my Knob grow, do you think they will use that as an endorsement as well.
Any chance to get some links or something as to how to do it for the ankle, Ally?

I think i may give it a try next week since i have some days off work in case it makes it worse and i end up under home arrest :doubt:
Stewart said:
Well done everyone, your painstaking research has now confirmed voodoo flossing actually works :-\

:dance1: :dance1: :dance1: :dance1:

Step one towards world domination successful. On to step two. Anyone know what step 2 is?
Sasquatch said:
Stewart said:
Well done everyone, your painstaking research has now confirmed voodoo flossing actually works :-\

:dance1: :dance1: :dance1: :dance1:

Step one towards world domination successful. On to step two. Anyone know what step 2 is?

:shrug: I didn't think we'd make it this far.

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