"Voodoo Flossing"


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cheque said:
dave said:
I've tried using cut up theraband but it seems quite difficult to get it to work. For a start I can barely fit the strips between my teeth at all, and when I do it doesn't seem to shift any plaque. Where am I going wrong?

It's the little doll's teeth that you floss, not your own.

Pete, have you been wrapping your shoulder/elbow as per these videos?

Shoulder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARQqB5NBDYs

Elbow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZG_9O_mAgM

Also, have you guys mostly just been using strips of theraband?
JonB said:
Also, have you guys mostly just been using strips of theraband?

yep, chopped about 250 mm off the end of my black theraband and then cut that into a 30 mm wide ribbon. Similar to the picture in the link in the original post.
Chopped a strip about 2cm wide from the end of my theraband. The stuff is ridiculously hard to cut nicely though and I always end up with little snips along the length that eventually open up and ruin it.
andy_e said:
I shall try this out on my permafucked left middle finger. If it works, I'm moving for it to be renamed a less pseudoscientific bullshit-sounding name.

East European nomenclature is the way to go, redolent as it is of secret, hardcore and possibly dangerous Cold War training techniques.

"The Ukranian Compress" would excite me
Turkish tack'n'wrap.

JonB - yeah pretty much.

Like this for shoulder if no-one willing to help wrap you in rubber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXMzELPcP6o

I didn't have any wide therabands lying around so I bought a black voodoo band on amazon. Think you want something thick and durable, fingers would be ok with less.
I've been using an old mountain bike inner tube cut in half length ways.
p.s. you might want to cut the value out if you try this.
Been flossing some long standing A2 injuries for past 3 days and the results are remarkable. Fingers significantly less painful and feel much stronger again. I'm all for a good placebo, and this one is definitely working for me.
Having read on this a bit, if its stimulating the lymphatic system to repair injuries, does this mean it'll do any good on the type of non-trauma elbow niggles we get where its not actually an elbow injury, it'll be an imbalance/tightness in shoulder/back that manifests itself in the elbow? I've tried it a couple of times on my elbow, and aside from the initial (thank fuck that's off" when you unwrap it, it doesn't seem to have made any tangible difference.
I don't reckon it'll have much effect on elbow as they are more often than not, referred pain from your back as you said.
My understanding is that it's effective on areas which have been damaged directly and have scar tissue build up and acute swelling.
My attempts on the elbow leave it feeling good for about 10 minutes then pain returns as it's not swelling in my elbow which is the actual problem.
Them lower trapezius exercises which cofe has been 'prescribed' are helping my elbows I reckon.
Another anecdote - I told the physio who I see for sports massage about voodoo flossing, and lent her my spare band on Monday. She tried it out on her 3 month old knee injury and reported today that she found it to be the most effective treatment yet for improving pain-free range of motion. Said she was suitably impressed that she's going to research it more so that she may be able to offer it to clients.
petejh said:
Another anecdote - I told the physio who I see for sports massage about voodoo flossing, and lent her my spare band on Monday. She tried it out on her 3 month old knee injury and reported today that she found it to be the most effective treatment yet for improving pain-free range of motion. Said she was suitably impressed that she's going to research it more so that she may be able to offer it to clients.

Are you invoicing her c/o Lagerstarfish Consulting Services?
Just took delivery of some voodoo floss band - I'll have a chat with my physio when we're climbing on Sunday but if I'm looking after all my own niggles in Spain, it won't hurt to have it in my van.
So now that a bit of time has passed, anything to report from people who's been trying it? As in long term improvements, whether it definitely helped injuries, etc?
Pfft... voodoo flossing is so mid-August. ;)

I spent a week's holiday aggravating my tweaky-feeling fingers (and my girlfriend) by constantly flossing. Resting for a bit worked better.