Training for a one-armer

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2021
Does anyone here have any good experience in terms of training for a one armer? I fancy it, and I know it's not necessarily great for climbing but it'd be cool.

I can lock off on the right arm for like, 7 seconds and the left for about 3.5 max. My recent max pullup weight was 36kgs for 3 and 46 for 1 (I weigh about 77/78). What kind of training is best? Loads of weighted pullups? Any particular accessories? Anything to avoid? All input welcome
Wide grip pull-up 3RMs and 2 arm lockoff isometrics at 90 and 120 degree angles 30 second holds.

I did these on creatine so was heavier and then cycled out creatine, lost the water weight and found I could do a clean, non-kipping one arm pull-up. YMMV.
Wide grip weighted huh? Interesting. I've never done those now I think of it. How frequently? Twice a week?

Wide grip would mean reducing weight but honestly that might not be a bad thing.
I'd disagree slightly with the wide grip pull up. I think it's potentially more useful for transfer to climbing, but if you're trying to do a 1 armer you want to maximise force production and you'll do that best with a natural (narrower) grip. Do weighted pull ups twice a week as your primary exercise for building strength somewhere in the 2-5 rep range, alongside pulley assisted 1 armers as skill practice - do these at around RPE 8 for singles and get plenty of sets in, spread across the week.
Tbf i had already done almost 2 years of solid normal grip weighted pull-ups so I think going wide just helped me develop slightly different muscles but the strength was mostly already there.

I think the technique to doing one armers is somewhat underrated too. All about positioning your body at the right angle below the bar and twisting into it to activate the correct muscles.
I'm surprised you're not pretty close with those stats, you're quite similar to me (probably a little stronger on 2 arms but a fraction heavier) and I can do a one-armer from a slightly bent arm with shoulder engaged. Going from a totally straight one-armed hang is still a bit beyond me but I'm not particularly interested in specifically training for that.

If you can't be bothered with a pulley system for weight off just do a one-armed hang with minimal assistance from the other arm eg one finger or pinching the bar or something. Make sure you're in the one-armer position - stand with feet parallel to the bar, grab bar and try to get your (right/left) cheek to your (right/left) palm.

One-armed lock-and-lowers are also a favourite tool in terms of progression. Two arms up, lock off and lower on one arm as slowly as you can.

Recruitment also makes a big difference, do a couple with minimal assistance and then try one with no assistance.
PeteHukb said:
I'm surprised you're not pretty close with those stats

I must say that I think OP is pretty far out from a strict one arm. But probably quite close to be able to do what I like to call a ‘climbers one-arm’, i.e. a one-arm with a jumpstart.

Most people need to get to about 170-180% bw pull-up to be able to do a one-arm from deadhang
Seriously, do something else with your time OP. Most of the folk I know who used to bang these out (properly) avoid them like the plague these days.
jwi said:
PeteHukb said:
I'm surprised you're not pretty close with those stats

I’d say that’s about right, I’m around 179% atm and can one arm clean on my left but not my right arm.

I also think Paul is right, tbh it’s no more than a party trick which can injure you quite easily haha

I must say that I think OP is pretty far out from a strict one arm. But probably quite close to be able to do what I like to call a ‘climbers one-arm’, i.e. a one-arm with a jumpstart.

Most people need to get to about 170-180% bw pull-up to be able to do a one-arm from deadhang
Last year I could do one on my right arm strict from the bottom up to about 90 degrees while I my knee was fucked and I was doing loads of weighted pullups, I think I was a little lighter and pulling a little less but I did do the little start yes

I reckon being able to do them is a skill and rather specific and not that useful to climbing but I'd like to try anyway
Eccentric/negatives works/ed for me. Done at first with body weight then with a little extra. Dropping at approximate speed you'd be going up at. If the negative can't be controlled then shouldn't really be trying.
edit... this is on one arm, and may be with a finger of other hand place somewhere to help control positioning
edit.. then we got a bachar ladder and the world was our oyster forever after
Paul B said:
Seriously, do something else with your time OP. Most of the folk I know who used to bang these out (properly) avoid them like the plague these days.

Despite my previous post I do kinda agree with this. Best to regard one-armers (whether strict or not) as a fun by-product of safer, structured weighted pull-up training rather than an end worth pursuing in itself.
Massively! I remember at first it was a bit 'sketchy' in terms of form, but being young, soon built enough strength & stability to use it controlled. Very similar movement to a one armer, and the trailing hand just giving assistance/a bump up into a one armer... soon the trailing hand did very little. I got best gains from reversing. It got a bad rep hey for injuries, but i never suffered.
I also made a ladder from chain with two different rung distances, one was similar to 147 and the other about 1 4.5 8.. not sure how now, but it was spot on. No bounce either. Up the 147 and down the wider spacing I seem to remember doing a lot. Come to think now, I left it hidden at Cliffs Barn down the back of the wall, I wouldn't be surprised if its still there 20 years on :)
Cheers Probes. I have a ladder, but siting it is the issue. It’s set up for Pex, but it’s quite a drive from where I live now and the tree I used to secure the base has been cut down.

The old bolt at Minus Ten used by Basher, Pollitt etc has deteriorated but might be worth redoing. kc kindly offered to lend me a drill. I think I might take him up on that.

For injuries, I always believed coming down with poor control was the killer. So long as you’re in control it should be ok.
Wellsy acknowledged that training for a one armer isn't going to make him climb any better, but zoomed out from the world of climbing, it's a valid goal to have, and likely to be less injurious than actual climbing too.
Yeah it's a strength goal. Having a powerlifting total of 400kgs wouldn't help climbing much either but I'm aiming for that this year too.

I did 3x3 pullups at 30kgs added weight yesterday and cruised em, so reckon I'm ready for a nice new block. I think my weekly sessions will be;

3x3 weighted pullups at perhaps -4kgs below my 3RM i.e RPE 7-8. 3x3 assisted one armers at RPE 7-8. And then 3x8 unweighted wide grip pullups and 3x12 low rows for general pulling strength. I think that's a good mix of beneficial for climbing and pushing towards my one armer goal.
Wellsy said:
Yeah it's a strength goal. Having a powerlifting total of 400kgs wouldn't help climbing much either but I'm aiming for that this year too.

I did 3x3 pullups at 30kgs added weight yesterday and cruised em, so reckon I'm ready for a nice new block. I think my weekly sessions will be;

3x3 weighted pullups at perhaps -4kgs below my 3RM i.e RPE 7-8. 3x3 assisted one armers at RPE 7-8. And then 3x8 unweighted wide grip pullups and 3x12 low rows for general pulling strength. I think that's a good mix of beneficial for climbing and pushing towards my one armer goal.

I think that'll

Looks like a good set of protocols mate, as always, keep it consistent and you’ll no doubt see those gains :great:
Wellsy, if I can get a ladder set up for Stoney you’re always welcome to join me. If you could avoid burning me off too blatantly that would be appreciated ;)
I don't really get the it's just a strength goal, no use for climbing thing.. I've had numerous occasions, especially trad and on ice, dragging 2 ropes and big rack, when having that strength in one arm has got me out of trouble.