Top rope venues

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Aug 31, 2011
Hi, I fractured my spine badly (hemilamectomy and four level fusion T11-L3) in March following a bouldering fall. I am getting to the point where I am going to start climbing again.

Plan is first on auto belays inside to build strength back as well as some confidence on rope as I have only been bouldering for over 20 years.

After that I am looking to start outdoor top roping (partnered and then maybe solo depending on how it goes) and was hoping for some recommendations for optimal venues in the uk. I would want it where the top is accessible to set up the anchor and there are fixed anchor points (ideally) or at least trees to which safe anchors can be set up.

Any advice greatly appreciated.
The main wall at Horseshoe quarry is the first place that comes to my mind- you can walk up above it, reach down and put the draws and rope on the anchors easily then just walk back around. I went there when I was recovering from injury although I was just jugging the rope and abbing down from successively higher points to adjust to being high up again.

Almost every grit crag has an accessible top and belays which are slings around boulders so you can put a toprope on loads of routes if you have a length of static to equalise them to the right place. If you have a small trad rack as well you can put one on pretty much any route.

Sorry if these are a bit Peak-centric!

If you climb with a stronger partner of course then you can get a top rope on anything they can lead… all route climbers need belayers and people are very patient with those returning from major injuries in my experience.

Good luck with this. I had to bin bouldering following spinal injury and I’ve never enjoyed climbing more than I do now.
A long clip stick will make it easy to set up top-ropes on sport routes where you can't get in via the top. Portland would be a great place for that in the South. It can be nice climbing there throughout the year.
Thanks a lot for the responses. I will check horseshoe out as sounds promising. Trad anchors seem too scary at present but you never know in the future.
The Portland idea is appealing as I have bouldered there a lot and there are some short routes on the new cuttings I could take on with a clip stick I hope.
Thanks again
I've set up top ropes on long sport routes using a clip stick by going up in stages -so clip say the fourth bolt, then the eighth, then the belay.

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