The Rich Simpson Nostalgia/Revisionism Thread

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krymson said:
So Rich actually did Perky, right?

No actual proof he did (the vid is an edit). I don't know if anyone saw him do it? He's a colossal fibber, so I'd assume not. Malc was supposed to have done it with a weightbelt!
Even if that video was an (or the) actual ascent, he doesn't match up at the top, and he's finished on the wrong hold anyway. In fact most if not all of the ascents in that vid are invalid for similar rule infractions. As if his reputation wasn't in tatters already.
Three Nine said:
krymson said:
So Rich actually did Perky, right?

No actual proof he did (the vid is an edit). I don't know if anyone saw him do it? He's a colossal fibber, so I'd assume not. Malc was supposed to have done it with a weightbelt!

It's a 3 move boulder problem that he does from 2nd move to end and the first move a few times for the camera 5th day on and you still don't believe it?
Doylo said:
You believe in God though, plenty of evidence for that isn't there. Where's his unedited footage?

I'm sorry your videos are now the subject of ridicule. I like them, even the ones with Rich in. He might have been a liar but there's no edit on the 9 one armers on his left arm. Being that strong and resorting to lying seems an awful shame as he could have probably done most of it. Anyway, this can of worms is better kept shut and put next to Johnny G at the back of the cupboard...
shurt said:
Doylo said:
You believe in God though, plenty of evidence for that isn't there. Where's his unedited footage?

I'm sorry your videos are now the subject of ridicule. I like them, even the ones with Rich in. He might have been a liar but there's no edit on the 9 one armers on his left arm. Being that strong and resorting to lying seems an awful shame as he could have probably done most of it. Anyway, this can of worms is better kept shut and put next to Johnny G at the back of the cupboard...

This ^^^

The biggest disappointment is that he just didn't have a bit more moral fibre and the resilience required to actually do the routes he said he did. Because I'm sure he could have...
Fultonius said:
shurt said:
Doylo said:
You believe in God though, plenty of evidence for that isn't there. Where's his unedited footage?

I'm sorry your videos are now the subject of ridicule. I like them, even the ones with Rich in. He might have been a liar but there's no edit on the 9 one armers on his left arm. Being that strong and resorting to lying seems an awful shame as he could have probably done most of it. Anyway, this can of worms is better kept shut and put next to Johnny G at the back of the cupboard...

This ^^^

The biggest disappointment is that he just didn't have a bit more moral fibre and the resilience required to actually do the routes he said he did. Because I'm sure he could have...

How do you know he didn't?
masonwoods101 said:
God was 6 days on before his rest day....


To be honest despite the whole Simpson bullshitting thing ironically of all the top end things he claimed its PP that I would be most prepared to believe he did. But as we all know being strong enough isn't the same as doing. Given the context of the other claims, the running, the boxing, the mystery hard grit sends, the elusive vids, the brandler hasse, I think we have no option but to strike PP from the record book do we? That is of course unless any of the school regulars at the time saw him do it, I genuinely have no idea what folk saw him get up in there. I would love for him to have done PP.

Having said that, even with all this, even with the wrong finishing holds etc etc I still love that video. Might be a bit of willing suspension of disbelief, but it's still great. 9 one-arm pullups, I mean fuck me.
That's the hardest thing about him. All his ascents have been tarnished but there must be lot of good ones in there. What did you see personally Chris or dyou not want to go into this again?
Didn't see any of his top ascents in a oner but it cracks me up when people state it as fact that he didn't climb those hard routes. . Sure there's doubt because of the boxing/running/dolomites nonsense but you can't state he didn't do those hard routes because you don't know. He was a full time climber for about 3 years, training 6 days a week and more than strong enough. I can't vouch for anything significant but I spoke to Dan Townley who Simpson told me belayed him on Liquid Ambar and Hubble and he confirmed that he did.
That's the thing though, once the context is set as "this guy is making stuff up" then how do you know what to believe. Hard to give the benefit of the doubt in that situation.

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