Largely broken. Obsolete spares and scrap only.
Ok, background.
I cracked 3 vertebrae when I was ~14, getting thrown off mats, playing Judo.
Cue temp paralysis of left leg + tons of physio etc and a life time weak spot between L3/4.
In ‘96 @ 25 years, a surfing accident aggravated/re-awoke the sciatica and lead to a complete collapse a few months later (on a small yacht, in a storm, off the channel Islands). I ended up (via a long ambulance ride from St Peter Port) in Derriford hospital, where I was told the paralysis would be permanent.
It wasn’t, of course. I was introduced to a great physio, who specialised in Race Horses, and she in turn, introduced me to an Anaesthesiologist. Between them, and after an epidural, I was walking again after 4 weeks.
Four years and another three epidurals later, I had a self help routine down pat. Essentially, maintain an incredibly strong core and back.
I tried all sorts at the time, including most of the “alternative” routes. Nothing helped.
I have had some issues, occasionally, since then. But, careful management always suppressed it rapidly.
The only thing that I can absolutely state (having tried three different practitioners) is the Chiropractic makes it far, far worse and prolongs my recovery by weeks (I was introduced to the idea by an American friend, during a relapse, and eagerly trotted off to see the fella he used every week. One Star, do not recommend).
Anyway, I have not had an episode since before my daughter was born, so 14 years or so.
Until a couple of weeks ago. Having spent a few days prior, doing some very heavy DIY, but after a day off, I got up feeling a little DOMS, made my morning coffee, walked over put it on the coffee table. As I bent down to place the cup. It went.
I mean it really fucking went and I’m only now starting to cope with it, two weeks later.
Now, I’ve been doing all the usual exercises, trying to keep active, avoiding stress positions, juggling pain killers etc. I have not bothered with the GP, yet, because I don’t believe there is any new wonder treatment etc (at least Google hasn’t found any).
My problem, and I’m hoping someone here might have some experience, is sleeping.
By 8/9pm I cannot find any position that I can put up with, except bed.
By 4am, I cannot remain in bed or find any position that isn’t agony, without an hour of roaming the house muttering and sighing, until it calms down.
Now, I keep being recommended Diazepam to deal with this, but I am reluctant to try it. I’ve not used it before and the people recommending it are doing so as second hand knowledge of friends/relatives who used it. I’m told it acts as a muscle relaxant, acts very quickly and relives the spasm caused by the sciatica.
Any idea if this is true? Is it worth bothering the quack for a prescription? Is it easy to stop again?
PS: Yes, I tried Acupuncture.
PPS: No, it didn’t work.
I cracked 3 vertebrae when I was ~14, getting thrown off mats, playing Judo.
Cue temp paralysis of left leg + tons of physio etc and a life time weak spot between L3/4.
In ‘96 @ 25 years, a surfing accident aggravated/re-awoke the sciatica and lead to a complete collapse a few months later (on a small yacht, in a storm, off the channel Islands). I ended up (via a long ambulance ride from St Peter Port) in Derriford hospital, where I was told the paralysis would be permanent.
It wasn’t, of course. I was introduced to a great physio, who specialised in Race Horses, and she in turn, introduced me to an Anaesthesiologist. Between them, and after an epidural, I was walking again after 4 weeks.
Four years and another three epidurals later, I had a self help routine down pat. Essentially, maintain an incredibly strong core and back.
I tried all sorts at the time, including most of the “alternative” routes. Nothing helped.
I have had some issues, occasionally, since then. But, careful management always suppressed it rapidly.
The only thing that I can absolutely state (having tried three different practitioners) is the Chiropractic makes it far, far worse and prolongs my recovery by weeks (I was introduced to the idea by an American friend, during a relapse, and eagerly trotted off to see the fella he used every week. One Star, do not recommend).
Anyway, I have not had an episode since before my daughter was born, so 14 years or so.
Until a couple of weeks ago. Having spent a few days prior, doing some very heavy DIY, but after a day off, I got up feeling a little DOMS, made my morning coffee, walked over put it on the coffee table. As I bent down to place the cup. It went.
I mean it really fucking went and I’m only now starting to cope with it, two weeks later.
Now, I’ve been doing all the usual exercises, trying to keep active, avoiding stress positions, juggling pain killers etc. I have not bothered with the GP, yet, because I don’t believe there is any new wonder treatment etc (at least Google hasn’t found any).
My problem, and I’m hoping someone here might have some experience, is sleeping.
By 8/9pm I cannot find any position that I can put up with, except bed.
By 4am, I cannot remain in bed or find any position that isn’t agony, without an hour of roaming the house muttering and sighing, until it calms down.
Now, I keep being recommended Diazepam to deal with this, but I am reluctant to try it. I’ve not used it before and the people recommending it are doing so as second hand knowledge of friends/relatives who used it. I’m told it acts as a muscle relaxant, acts very quickly and relives the spasm caused by the sciatica.
Any idea if this is true? Is it worth bothering the quack for a prescription? Is it easy to stop again?
PS: Yes, I tried Acupuncture.
PPS: No, it didn’t work.