significant repeats

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Drew said:
duncan said:
Sounds like Hazel might be the first female ascentionist.

Obviously I have no idea how accurate this is, but the Rock & Ice magazine at work, from Dec '97 claims on the contents page "Lynn Hill does Bachar-Yerian", then goes on later in the mag to say she "led the key second and third pitches...". it doesn't go into any more detail than that.

I've climbed with Lynn and the idea that she'd bail on a route of that difficulty sounds improbable to me. can't add any real info though.
yorkshirewarcry said:
High Fidelity got a repeaty today at Caley - not sure who the climber was, but there were some very vocal celebrations...

Mark Katz I think.
It was indeed Mr Katz.
It's not that reachy but he did have to lay one on for the pocket, which is intimidating as hell for everyone involved his feet were about 5-6m up at that point. One fail on that move saw him nearly miss the mats altogether :eek: but he manned right up and finished the job after a quick brush of the holds 8)
Was awesome to see him get it ticked!
Is he coming to Wales, or is he another one that thinks Stanage is the UK (I take it we are talking about the same Paul Robinson)?
According to his blog, Paul went to the peak just for a day. He went to the Castle in London too. Shame he didn't go to the lakes to try something very hard.

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