Inane boring drivel is yawning on about GrADEs
Why not do some more pulling off,

, typo, i meant ups
Do two VS's make an HVS?
Do three E9s make an E(x3)27?
I generally find qualitative action leads to greater rewards and consequently more happiness, which is in part what this game is about. Right?
One banana, two banana, three banana, four.
Creativity lies beyond pulling
There is a certain lightness, to pulling
I find the more i get jerky in my movements the more prone i am to erring.
However, throwing caution to the wind is not so clever
Anyway, sometimes one has to slap
Sometimes there is more need to master the quick step, other times the slow.
Boring drivellous RZActions are most likely born out of boredom with ones own patterns.
THinking, such as 'if i do more i will get more', generally leads to the sort of state we are currently in - GREeD and hyper-inflation of lots of things (such as eGos, the price of shoes and rum).
I'd say we are in a fine mess Stanley if we can not take a step back and really take stock of this situation.
Boring ... i think i'll do a degree in hyper-drivel.
Hum, thats a good idea, i'll post it on UKb
More tea vicar?