Monday - did some Yoga for Sharkathon go me
Tuesday - Big day. Edge Lifts up to 70kgs for each hand. Tried some Murples at the Works, did one, and did a lot of moves on others. Felt good! Following that benched up to 62.5 for 8 for 6 sets, then did 5x5 pullups, then supersetted 4 sets of 12 pressups and 4 sets of 30 second superman plank holds
Wednesday - Board. Felt good,relaly good. Made progress on a big proj, all the warm-ups were cruised. Mint session very enjoyable. Then squatted, 4 sets of 8 at 77.5kgs, followed by 4 supersets of 45 second side planks and 25 second single leg glute bridges per side. Then 6 supersets of 16 dumbbell reverse lunges with 25kgs and 12 hanging knee raises. Big session. Core is feeling like steel.
Thursday - Did all the new Purples no problem, then some other chill volume, then benched. 4 sets of 6 at 67.5kgs, then superset of chest flys and seal rows, and then hammer curls and skull crushers. The most ghetto seal row set up in the works gym lol
Friday - few hours walk, ease the nice aches
Saturday - Edge Lifts up to 70kgs. Chill climbing as feeling a bit beasted from the week, Benched, 4 sets of 4 at 75kgs, then 6 sets of 3 weighted chin ups, then 4 supersets of 12 overhead dumbbell presses and 4 sets of Arnold presses. Pretty beastly.
Sunday - Snatched. Return to humiliating weights, practised Snatching up to like 40+ kgs, but think that I could maybe get to 70 for a 1RM soon ish? Then squatted 80 kgs for 3 sets of 8 and then did 5x 30 second planks and 6 supersets of 32.5lgs barbell rows and 30 sec superman holds.