Sharkathon 2025

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22 - Had a board session which was pretty good, did all the warmups and made progress on the big proj. Then a squat session; 5x5 at 92.5kgs, feeling pretty chill tbh even with minimal rest. Then it was 6 sets of 6 assisted pistol squats per side and 4 sets of 8 side plank leg raises per side, and then 5x5 reverse quad nordics and 5x 20 seconds superman plank hold. Then some cheater rows at 15kgs which were piss so did em strict.

Doing a lifting program designed for, well, lifters is interesting. Some of the accessories that I can see people find hard I find piss (weighted pullups, rows especially) and some of the accessories they find a lot easier (mostly the pressing and lower body stuff) I think I find a bit harder. Still getting everything done though.
21: Leeds Wall routes. Fun. Did better than I'd expected.
22: Slim pickings. In the office all day then busy in the evening. About 15 mins brisk walk!
23. Had plans for the day, woke exhausted and in pain (no, no reasons except I went to the gym yesterday and didn't sleep brilliantly, my body just does this fairly randomly), had to drink four cups of coffee before I had the energy to brush my teeth, finally dragged myself through half an hour of yoga/stretching to make it legal. So it goes.
23 - Went to the works planning on lifting and then climbing, knowing I had a truly awful bench press session coming (4x4 at 90% of 1RM). Warmed up, did the first two sets, but sets three and four were genuinely awful, left pec v unhappy. Not injured just ugh. Horrible. Reckon I could do 6 reps for sets on a good day though as a few days on at the moment plus got ANOTHER cold. The constant cold and damp of winter is fucking me over.

Anyway then 5x5 weighted pullups with 6kgs, piss, then face pulls and sloth curls. Bit of a rubbish cold damp sniffly session, truly the works gym is one of the worst places to train in winter but hey ho.
23: 1.5 hours walk back and forth along The Very Fucking Big Depot, plus 8 routes.
24: 1.5 hours walk
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22- fingerboard, Anderson hangs. Completed the set at bodyweight this time...
23- squash. Won.
24- Wellsy superset again, with some press ups and L sits on the bar thrown in. Followed by stretching and some back rehab.
25 - Hour and a bit at the works before a chance to get out came up, then went up to Burb South to try Little Gem. Struggled on the move but I think it's still in me. Then some easier stuff in the valley, then back for 6 sets of 2 at 87.5kgs on the bench. Was a bit naughty and did 90 for a triple as my first set, just for fun. Hopefully my 1 RM day in the next couple of weeks will get me to 105 or someone?
Day 25
Walked home from work 1 hour
40 mins furiously tidying a neighbours garden.
Walked to work 50 mins

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