22 - Had a board session which was pretty good, did all the warmups and made progress on the big proj. Then a squat session; 5x5 at 92.5kgs, feeling pretty chill tbh even with minimal rest. Then it was 6 sets of 6 assisted pistol squats per side and 4 sets of 8 side plank leg raises per side, and then 5x5 reverse quad nordics and 5x 20 seconds superman plank hold. Then some cheater rows at 15kgs which were piss so did em strict.
Doing a lifting program designed for, well, lifters is interesting. Some of the accessories that I can see people find hard I find piss (weighted pullups, rows especially) and some of the accessories they find a lot easier (mostly the pressing and lower body stuff) I think I find a bit harder. Still getting everything done though.
Doing a lifting program designed for, well, lifters is interesting. Some of the accessories that I can see people find hard I find piss (weighted pullups, rows especially) and some of the accessories they find a lot easier (mostly the pressing and lower body stuff) I think I find a bit harder. Still getting everything done though.