Sharkathon 2025

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Day 20
Walked back from work 1 hour.
Short sleep to enable transition from nights to normal life.
An hour skating the bowl at The House. I had it to myself, which was just as well as I was fucking shit. Coordination, timing and strength were lacking. Got some decent height and speed at times. Bailed a couple of times due to failing to rotate properly. Obviously the board bit me.
It's a good thing that the tendon at the back of my heel isn't a weakness or vulnerability that could lead to failure or death
19 - 2 hours at the wall. Got warmed up and felt very uninspired and unmotivated, nearly just left but decided to give the boards a go and had an absolutely brilliant time trying hard on the 30 and 40 degree boards.

20 - body feels battered (in a good way) 2 school runs
21 - beefage from Sunday, just had a nice walk over lunch and some Yoga with Adriene. Very very gentle. Woke up on day 22 excited to get cracking at the wall/gym this evening!
20- Inspired by Wellsy I did supersets of bicep curls and shoulder press, 5 reps each with a 10kg weight, 5 sets. Felt pretty tired after that. Filled the time in between doing some stretching and then some back rehab at the end. Good to do something, felt better afterwards.
21- played squash in the evening. Hadn't met the guy before but had heard tell that he was a dickhead. This was completely factual. Had the match in the palm of my hand at 12-8 in the decider only to lose it 15-12. Gutted to let him off the hook, but I'll be gunning for him next time.
19 - 8k treadmill easy.
20 - 1 hour shed board at lunch, 5k run later.
21 - Circuits at the Depot, sets of 3 x 7a+ with 2 mins rest, 5 mins between sets, 3 sets (failed at move 35 of 40 on last rep). Track session in the evening.
21 - Edge lifting, just limited myself to 40kgs today, am going to do a progressive overload. Climbed, didn't feel mega energetic and also the Works was crazy busy but did do some hard-ish moves? Benched 77.5kgs for 6 sets of 6, then did 4 supersets of 8 x 10kg plate presses and 12 x 8kg chest flys. Then some 15kg dumbbell single-arm rows. Felt much better for working out at the end!
21 - 30 minute walk and 2 and a half hours at the wall - monster session that I loved and I climbed pretty well.

22 - absolutely knackered! 1 X school run and some gentle stretching/rehab exercises.
Day 22
I really really would have liked to skate or climb in the sunshine. There has been no sunshine and everything is wet.
Barely scraped a pass with 30 mins table tennis.
In better news, I also weighed myself and now have a BMI below 30. Goal for the month achieved.
22: Theraband shoulder conditioning, fingerboard and foot on traverse warmups (last 2 caused sore ribs) 25mins. Pickups - 25kg@20mm 30s L/R, 30kg@15mm 30s L/R, 35kg@20mm 30s L/R, 40kg@20mm 10s L/R, 45kg@20mm 10s L/R, 47kg@20mm 10s R, 46kg@20mm 10s L, 47kg@15mm 10s R. 35 mins (no pain)... 40mins steady bouldering V2-V4 range (sore ribs!).

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