Routes cleaned or re-equipped

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El Mocho

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
Body in the peak, soul at Almscliff
Good effort Graham, I keep thinking about going to clean routes down there but never get round to it. The last two times I have been down the things I tried were pretty bad (Autobahn - got up it by the skin of my teeth, and Midnight Summer Dream - failed) I did give M S D a clean afterwards so I think it is a climbable state now (the top was wet and dirty so I didn't climb that bit after cleaning)

I think the state of insitu gear is even more of an issue down in Pembroke and Cornwall as there is often a similar reliance on fixed gear which rots even quicker.

Maybe we need to start a cleaned/re-equiped thread:

Opium (great zawn, Bosi) is now clean(ish) and the pegs not replaced but unnecessary as they are easy to back up.

West face route (just to the L) pegs are stainless so in good condition and easy to back up (so maybe they should be taken out??)
I've moved this post from the Chee Tor thread.
As suggested by El Mocho please use this thread to report cleaning and re-equipping carried out.
I clean up Fishing Without A License on sunday (15/06/08). It's the 7c at the far right of The Embankment and needs a bit more popularity to keep the ivy at bay. It's short but climbs really well. powerful and fingery. It was midge hell yesterday eve, so best to wait for a breeze.
That reminds me, I cleaned and did the next route right Barefoot in a Pool of Sharks back in May. Quite a worthwhile 7b+.
pete D said:
I cleaned this on sunday (15/06/08). It's the 7c at the far right of The Embankment and needs a bit more popularity to keep the ivy at bay. It's short but climbs really well. powerful and fingery. It was midge hell yesterday eve, so best to wait for a breeze.

I take it you were the guy on 'Fishing without a licence'. It was my head you nearly dropped a tree on while i was changing my shoes. :)
Rab and Al had a quick go on this yesterday.
The verdict was like you say, powerful.
mickb said:
I take it you were the guy on 'Fishing without a licence'. It was my head you nearly dropped a tree on while i was changing my shoes. :)
Rab and Al had a quick go on this yesterday.
The verdict was like you say, powerful.

Sorry Mick, I got a bit carried away with the ivy removal and didn't notice you get covered in shit! I didn't put the route's name in my original post, it is as you say "fishing without a license".
You did put the route name in your original thread title but it was lost when I merged your post with this thread. I have editted your original to include name now.
El MO gave Midsummernight's Dream a brush last week. Its not perfect, still a little dusty (and the webs will be back soon enough) but its clean enough to climb, even if you have no stamina. Top tat could do with replacing if anyone is doing it.
Is this thread peak only? I gave Skyjack at Malham a bit of a brush and chalk the other week, was very dusty now clean. nice moves!!
Gareth Parry said:
Anyone got any info on The Ogre, clean or dirty, new or old bolts?


Still old bolts I'm afraid and hasn't been cleaned in a while. If you fancy re-bolting it let me know and I can get you some PBF bolts etc
I cleaned up Weedkiller the route at the Snore recently. Was very dusty, cobwebs everywhere - now chalked up and climbable....but still desparate! :lol:
It appears that much re-bolting has been done at Rubicon. Nice new bolts in Zeke, Hot Fun, Too Old and Dangerous Brothers (plus a belay) and possibly others I've not seen.
Effort to whoever has done this.
Maybe this has been posted elsewhere and I've missed it?

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