DavidM said:I’ve had a second child recently
Surely we've hit on the big issue here? How recent is this?
My personal experience is that at least the first 8-10 months of fatherhood, where for various reasons I was doing the majority of nighttime care, really knocked me in terms of interrupted / lack of sleep. It's one of those things that's hard to quantify, in that I could seemingly function somewhere close to normally during the day, go to work, drive, climb and train etc. And clearly some days / weeks were better than others. But overall I was consistently, deeply, fatigued and it's only more recently (at c. 16 months now) that I've started to recognise how much it was affecting me, and how different I feel now that she sleeps through the night more often / goes back to sleep more easily.
Obviously every parent is different and I don't know what your set up is with your partner, but this seems like it must be having an impact?