Thank you for the further replies.
I'm just going by what I've read on here including from the horses mouth. I'm pretty sure there's a full range of training protocols available from very prescriptive ones with timed pure rung-based training sessions on an overall weekly/monthly plan, to more flexible ones about general concepts and training principles. The latter will simply work better for me. HOWEVER I do agree with the importance of "being willing to adapt and constantly challenge yourself" - that's exactly why I started doing inimical stuff like the Moonboard, which I took to like a cat to water, and also doing linked circuits on the Depot stamina board, which felt perversely sadomasochistic but when I felt the same sort of pump on routes outside, it inspired me to continue. I think further challenging my body could be useful, hence exactly why I'm looking for a professional to guide me with that. BUT there has got to be a balance with what I personally am able to tolerate mentally overall.
MRJR, will look at that video in a bit, ta.