Reasons to be cheerful (about ukb)

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Fiend said:
3. Some very high level climbers who can talk the talk to back up walking the walk.

This was nearly in my original post; that there is space for genuine wads and the rest of us mere mortals, with both being celebrated equally.
Slight counterpoint: I was a regular poster on here a while back, but have mostly just lurked for the last couple of years. I still find a lot of stuff worth reading, largely for reasons others have already mentioned - compared to any other internet climbing forum, there's an awful lot of high end climbing experience and knowledge among the small crew of regulars here.

But that small crew of regulars is also why I largely stopped trying to contribute. Afaik I've actually met & climbed with only one person who has posted on this thread so far, and I've never lived in Sheffield. And there is a definite feel, I assume not intentional, that if you're not part of the clique you're not part of the conversation.
andy popp said:
Fiend said:
3. Some very high level climbers who can talk the talk to back up walking the walk.

This was nearly in my original post; that there is space for genuine wads and the rest of us mere mortals, with both being celebrated equally.

I'm not ruling you out of that bunch LOL ::).

I do find some of the better climbers do have some entertaining and interesting things to say from the depth of their focus and experience - and I value that over a big number climber with less to say. I never get bored of a carlisle slapper wall of mic-drop, El Mocho's blend of philosophy and anecdotes, Johnny Brown's banterous back and forth with his peers, etc etc.

andy popp said:
And yes, I wish there were more female posters too. I have to accept that some people see and experience this place in a much less positive light than I do.
It is a pity yes. Slabs does make up for the shortfall in terms of quality posts at least! I also see this place in a positive light for all the reasons given and the characters involved, I find it a pity that people choose to leave it due to some - surely ignorable - bickering. My view is that if there is a couple of people or issues spoiling the overall tone, we can all make a change by ignoring those and posting more about entertaining / interesting stuff.
I'm 12 years in. I think UKB has been instrumental in maintaining my pysche for climbing, especially over the past 3 or 4 years in which I've been able to do very little. But I'm hooked on the updates, it's kept my hand in, and every now and then comments (directly or indirectly) really resonate and reignite the passion.

Two examples that come to mind that changed my climbing/mindset:
1) there was a comment from Will Hunt years ago to someone else about the joys of low grade grit, and just getting out there and doing the mileage, which completely changed how I approach those bouldering days and my enjoyment from them (and vastly improved my grit climbing!)
2) Liam Hutch's recent reply to me, after laying out my climbing career on the climbing progression thread - 'so the best is yet to come then'. Proudly now written on the wall of my woodie shed.

I'm not peak based and only know a handful of posters in person - but I find this all the more reason to keep reading.
I'm 20 years in!! First signed up in a uni library whilst I was meant to be studying. I think I was looking for info on buildering as i was carless at the time and absolutely desperate to climb! I did finish that degree but without honours ;D

The undoubted highlight of my time as a UKBer was my 40th birthday party when loads of people made the effort to get over to the Llyn. Currently planning my 50th in a similar vein....

I love everything others have posted about and whilst I don't post that much these days, I still climb pretty regularly and enjoy catching up on stuff when I do have a few minutes. Really diverse set of opinions and knowledge on nearly every subject! I also love how UKB has self policed itself on occasion e.g., Dead Fit Birds Who Go Climbing thread.

Currently in the very messy throes of a redundancy situation at where I've worked for the last 8 years. Its been really shitty - I got told that I was being made redundant on the actual 8 year anniversary date! But I have something else to look forward to and a few weeks off not to mention a modest redundancy payment. It's nice in the midst of all the shit to have a space to go and just be kind of anonymous and read stuff.

Thanks UKB!
I’ve been here for more years than I’d care to mention. Probably more a lurker than regular contributor nowadays.
It’s generally a small-ish core of contributors, that tend to be thoughtful and informed (to varying degrees…) with diverse views. There’s a regular trickle of new young bucks throwing their weight around, some settle in and some move on.
Mostly bad behaviour gets called out. Some characters seem to attract more policing than others but I like that nobody is above the law. Despite how it might feel to some I don’t think there is any sort of core group that are protected from criticism.
I’d disagree with the notion that it is Peak/Sheffield-centric. I mean it is, almost inevitably as a UK based climbing forum, but there’s no shortage of very regular posters that aren’t Sheffield based.
Is it cliquey? I guess it kind of is. But, as with all cliques I suppose, the members change and move on. The original “clique” I remember from when I first posted is almost entirely gone. Like all these sorts of places, if you stick around long enough you become part of the clique…

It’s a place of good humour, good banter, amazing breadth and depth of knowledge. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best I’ve found.
Muenchener said:
But that small crew of regulars is also why I largely stopped trying to contribute. Afaik I've actually met & climbed with only one person who has posted on this thread so far, and I've never lived in Sheffield. And there is a definite feel, I assume not intentional, that if you're not part of the clique you're not part of the conversation.
That's interesting. I'm not sheffield based, and I don't actually know anyone on here - very much not part of the clique. But I haven't at all found it exclusive or exclusionary, quite the opposite tbh - if you say something worthwhile, you'll normally get some engagement.

fatneck said:
e.g., Dead Fit Birds Who Go Climbing thread.
On this... has it been considered that these threads get deleted? I'm only a more recent member, but heard them mentioned and found that they are still accessible, and I would say it's in nobody's interest to have these threads still visible in any way. I'm sure someone may want to argue about erasing history etc etc but many of the posts are extremely tasteless and it does not give a good look to the forum that such threads still exist.

Fortunately, that kind of stuff would not fly now on here, but if a non/new member did come across it, I'm sure their opinion of UKB would be tainted significantly.
Excellent thread and well needed. Thanks Andy. :2thumbsup:

UKb was born on 7th October 2002 (or at least that's when Bubba, who set it up registered. I registered November 2002.

By god. Cant really say much other than to echo all that's already been said. I still lurk mainly, chipping in with anything pertinent.

My life has changed massively over that time and its intersesting to reflect on the way UKb has changed (or not) over that same time.

Its brought me to tears both happy and sad.

As Lukeyboy said

Long Live UKb :bow:
edshakey said:
Muenchener said:
But that small crew of regulars is also why I largely stopped trying to contribute. Afaik I've actually met & climbed with only one person who has posted on this thread so far, and I've never lived in Sheffield. And there is a definite feel, I assume not intentional, that if you're not part of the clique you're not part of the conversation.
That's interesting. I'm not sheffield based, and I don't actually know anyone on here - very much not part of the clique. But I haven't at all found it exclusive or exclusionary, quite the opposite tbh - if you say something worthwhile, you'll normally get some engagement.

fatneck said:
e.g., Dead Fit Birds Who Go Climbing thread.
On this... has it been considered that these threads get deleted? I'm only a more recent member, but heard them mentioned and found that they are still accessible, and I would say it's in nobody's interest to have these threads still visible in any way. I'm sure someone may want to argue about erasing history etc etc but many of the posts are extremely tasteless and it does not give a good look to the forum that such threads still exist.

Fortunately, that kind of stuff would not fly now on here, but if a non/new member did come across it, I'm sure their opinion of UKB would be tainted significantly.

Absolutely not defending the DFBWGC thread, glad it’s gone.

But, it obviously wasn’’t what was keeping the women away…
SamT said:
UKb was born on 7th October 2002 (or at least that's when Bubba, who set it up registered. I registered November 2002.

I must have joined in the tiny window between Hong Kong Stuey's brother and I meeting Bubba at Slipstones and him telling me he has set it up, and me leaving for the States that December. Back then there was even a photo gallery of some sort with pics from that day in it. I think there was also a UKB mini meet of sorts up at Earl Crag too, with Bubba, Lucien, HK Stuey and others. When I got back in the next summer my login was lost and forgotten so I set up a new one.

Generally most people on here are great, and the broad and helpful level of knowledge is amazing. Everyone of the few folk I have ever met have been sound, but NE Scotland is a bit of backwater, even Fultonius can't be bothered coming up. Or maybe he's just avoiding me.
This place is a goldmine. I value it a lot, not least the lack of snide.

I stumbled in 2011/late 40s, after searching for info on Harmer's Wood, then under the radar and without a guide. To my delight it was a hotline to people poking around and new routing and sharing the psyche (hello Andy, Tom, everyone else!).

It's been nice to share a YYFY with other folk, whether it's 6A, 7A, 8A, new job, new house, or whatever. I'm firmly upper edge of mediocrity and after a decade plus off, restarting was definitely uphill. My first Font 5 took multiple visits. I've more or less regained my pre-kid plateau but with a spikier profile of success and fail. Now pondering if I can get better than before, with a possible retirement on the horizon.

I don't know anyone much in real life but I reckon a lot of us are under the illusion that everyone know everyone. But a lot of those everyones, actually mostly know each other digitally. Hands up, who's not from Sheffield.

The digital world is an odd sort of village, there are people on insta that give and take heart emojis, whilst avoiding eye contact at the wall or crag. But that's ok. And I've had good chats with people I recognise online after a slightly awkward 'ah @madeupname, I knew I recognised you!'

Also, books, film, telly.

And fatneck, pop over for a run if you find yourself with free time.
Piling on to echo the thoughts of many, I haven't been a regular poster in many years, but genuinely value this corner of the climbing internet. Registered in '08 when at a loose end after my undergrad, and have found UKB to be an absolute goldmine of info, psyche and advice. Still a great place to go for the nichest of topics and locations. Have met a few people from here in person over the years and its always been a pleasure (frequently ending with some very memorable days climbing). Not based in Sheff, but I'd like to think some of the Irish climbing info I've nattered on about has been useful to someone along the way.

Still find it funny that UKB sometimes gets referenced as some kind of festering hive of negativity and spite. Theres always moments to not be proud of, but 99.9% of the time its been one of the most honest, interesting and enlightening source of info on climbing/life I've found. Thanks all, and long live UKB
Muenchener said:
But that small crew of regulars is also why I largely stopped trying to contribute. Afaik I've actually met & climbed with only one person who has posted on this thread so far

Make that 2 - I'm still grateful for that trip to Boulderwelt West back in .. 2015? This is my first post from a new account, mainly because I can't find the login details for my old one, not that I ever posted much, but I've been lurking and occasionally posting for what must be 20 years now. Having done a search, god, it is 20 years -;u=376

I'm grateful for the ongoing quality of dialog on this site - despite having an on and off relationship with bouldering, I've always followed UKB because it's interesting, engaging and civil, and I've watched the Dans and Houdinis and others unsuccessfully try to disrupt it and enjoyed how it's always remained true to it's spirit (F.O.A.M, anyone remember him?) - and I'm also grateful for the small but meaningful connections I've made with people through this site - meeting Dense at Gardoms North and realising he's actually a really nice dude (and grumpy), burning Saltbeef off a problem in my old local area Topside in Cape Town, going for a boulder with Muenchener in Munich, connecting with SA Chris over being South Africans - and I lurk because it's full of smart, thoughtful people. The book, TV and film recommendations have definitely made me look a lot smarter than I am for a long time.

And, finally, I love bouldering in the Peak, and UKB always connects me to that.

Also, fuck, 20 years...
Miss his down to earth grumpiness. We’re mutual follows on insta and I’m still a bit bemused to see him as a family man with young kids. Happy, but somehow surprised.
I definitely miss some of the old timers of dense, DPiddy, Scouse, Cofe, Jim etc. Sure there was a mini-clique there but dense cut through people's nonsense without mercy.
Ooo. Been here 18 years. Somewhere to gather info, dump info, and safely let my eccentricity show.
Also the whole aims for the year has been good accountability.
Also the support for my blog, while I still had time to do it.
Plus I got wad points for posting a picture of a sea slug
16 years since I first signed up and posted ("are these 2 Alpkit pads for £100 a good deal" :eek:)
The place has been a big source of inspiration and it has been nice to put some faces to the names over the years.
I used to love the non-quality bouldering videos, before the throwaway Insta vid times we live in now. Lagers in his hi-top boots rinsing classic 6C-7As ! Still some gems on there though.
Lagers was kind enough to lend me some old climbing VHSs which were a big inspiration , especially the Consumed stuff, when I first got a car and psyched for headpointing all those grit routes. Loads of good beta threads from climbers in the know then too. Then binning said car when 205Chris told me to accelerate through the ploughed snow across the Burbage layby, and smashing straight through it into a large rock. Guided tour of Simons Seat, Lords Seat and Hen Stones from Will Hunt. KC bolt workshop arranged via this forum. Jonboys bumper new problem threads and the odd tip off (thanks). Kingholmsey kindly sending Cornwall beta when I briefly moved down there and welcoming me into the scene. Met Dan via this forum after enjoying his videos and still consider him a friend! Bumping into DT90 on our evening owl walks in Sheffield. Even fiend is actually quite a nice guy and I have a photo of him toproping a well protected E5 I'm saving... :2thumbsup:
It's the people for me: knowledgeable and passionate, usually about climbing but often on things I only look at and marvel from the sidelines.

I can't think of many places where threads like "UK men who have climbed 8B or harder" would get so many responses, and everyone's interest in that kinda stuff was the catalyst for putting together.

Long live UKB.
mark20 said:
Then binning said car when 205Chris told me to accelerate through the ploughed snow across the Burbage layby, and smashing straight through it into a large rock.

:sorry: I still feel bad about this
February 02, 2005, 02:13:09 pm - A date that will live in infamy....

Over 19 years in, climbed and/or met more of you than I can remember, from longtime compadres to random encounters in Kalymnos/Font/Peak to brief nods at walls or in supermarkets...

Always surprised when I meet new keen folk and they're not on here or are either ambivilent or disparaging about UKB - my experience has always been positive, welcoming, knowledgable and has definitely helped me keep the psyche, even when I'm injured/cbfa/doing things other than climbing etc.- big up your bad selves!!

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