Muenchener said:
But that small crew of regulars is also why I largely stopped trying to contribute. Afaik I've actually met & climbed with only one person who has posted on this thread so far, and I've never lived in Sheffield. And there is a definite feel, I assume not intentional, that if you're not part of the clique you're not part of the conversation.
That's interesting. I'm not sheffield based, and I don't actually know anyone on here - very much not part of the clique. But I haven't at all found it exclusive or exclusionary, quite the opposite tbh - if you say something worthwhile, you'll normally get some engagement.
fatneck said:
e.g., Dead Fit Birds Who Go Climbing thread.
On this... has it been considered that these threads get deleted? I'm only a more recent member, but heard them mentioned and found that they are still accessible, and I would say it's in nobody's interest to have these threads still visible in any way. I'm sure someone may want to argue about erasing history etc etc but many of the posts are extremely tasteless and it does not give a good look to the forum that such threads still exist.
Fortunately, that kind of stuff would not fly now on here, but if a non/new member did come across it, I'm sure their opinion of UKB would be tainted significantly.