M - Shoulder/elbow rehab.: one arm locks at 120 elbow flexion, with some assistance x3s. Two arm lock-offs at 120 x10-15s. Handstands. Walked 10km. Plumbing: fitted isolation valve to bathroom cold water supply.
T - Shoulder/elbow rehab. as above. Plumbing: fitted new ball valve to the toilet cistern.
W - Shoulder/elbow/wrist conditioning: as above plus reverse curls. Hip flexibility.
T - Shoulder/elbow rehab. as above.
F - Westway 4x 4a, 4 x4c. Elbow pretty sore after this, not ideal. BBC Symphony Orchestra and chorus playing and singing Haydn’s Nelson Mass and Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben, wonderful.
S - Shoulder rehab. conditioning
S - Shoulder rehab./conditioning. Hip flexibility.
Not the greatest of weeks, elbow was improving with the one-arm locks then got worse again. Three weeks til I'm off to Jaén, need to forget training and focus on rehab.ing to make sure I can not feel too frustrated on the trip. Will rest for a couple of days then try to very gently ramp things back up.
T - Shoulder/elbow rehab. as above. Plumbing: fitted new ball valve to the toilet cistern.
W - Shoulder/elbow/wrist conditioning: as above plus reverse curls. Hip flexibility.
T - Shoulder/elbow rehab. as above.
F - Westway 4x 4a, 4 x4c. Elbow pretty sore after this, not ideal. BBC Symphony Orchestra and chorus playing and singing Haydn’s Nelson Mass and Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben, wonderful.
S - Shoulder rehab. conditioning
S - Shoulder rehab./conditioning. Hip flexibility.
Not the greatest of weeks, elbow was improving with the one-arm locks then got worse again. Three weeks til I'm off to Jaén, need to forget training and focus on rehab.ing to make sure I can not feel too frustrated on the trip. Will rest for a couple of days then try to very gently ramp things back up.