Power Club 773 30 Sept - 6 Oct 2024


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Mar 22, 2007
M - Drove to May Cottage, Pembroke. Hip stretches.

T - Met up with csl at the White Tower. The crag was still quite wet from the weekend downpours. Got the motorway out of our legs on Sea Groove (VS). Tried Sackless (E1) as the less-wet of the two easy cracks in the white sheet. Slipped off a wet handhold, and nearly the route, so beat a hasty retreat. Waited for it to dry some more but felt abnormally tired and sleepy so called it a day. Held the top-rope for Conor on White Heat.

W - Feeling bleurgh so decided to have a rest day whilst csl spent more time working White Heat. Hip stretches in the hut.

T - Returned to the White Tower. Superb conditions - bluebird sky, a brisk easterly - and the rock was bone-dry. Conor led White Heat first go which was great to see. I was still very tired so didn't try anything. We relocated to Stackpole which had been my main aim of the trip. Silver Shadow and Swordfish were dripping up to the main roof so we moved over to Heaven’s Door which was drier and looked great. I led the first 5a pitch, feeling as weak as a kitten, but the next one did not go as planned. I down-climbed back to the ground to get us out of there, no gear was weighted so the onsight is still on! We alpined up the ridge between Stackpole and Mowing Word and took consolation in The Curver (VS). Not much climbing but a fair bit of walking and scrambling and I was shattered at the end of the day.

F - Still feeling bleugh. Cloudy and breezy, great for climbing but neither of us had much energy so St Govan’s it was. I followed Conor on Army Dreamers (HVS) and dragged myself up Panzer II (HVS) which felt about my limit. Several recovery stops en route made for a very slow drive home.

S - Shoulder conditioning. Lots of sleep. King’s Place (The Guardian’s offices) for Michael Wollny and Kit Anderson piano duo improvisation, Euro-jazz and Liszt-style respectively. I’ve seen Wollny with his piano trio several times (excellent) but on this occasion I didn't think the different styles complemented each other and they only intermittently sputtered to life.

S - Hip stretches. Mini fingerboard session. Lots of sleep.

Always great to be in Pembroke, the weather was excellent and conditions were great other than some seepage. We had May Cottage to ourselves for four days, met one party in St Govan’s car park and saw one other at a distance the whole time we were there.

My climbing was disappointing as I had felt quite fit last weekend and was looking to get on some E3/4s. Picked up the “10% head-cold, 90% fatigue” bug doing the rounds at the moment and possibly should have avoided climbing completely but didn’t feel that bad. Plans for next week depend entirely on how I recover from this.
Get better soon Duncan, good weather for October Pembroke!

M - am, Redpoint. Another relaxed session mainly for social. 5+, 6a, 6c, 7a, 7a+, 6c, 6b+, 7b, 7a+.
T - Attempted Cheddar with Roz but much wetter than expected/forecast, so bailed to Redpoint. Much less relaxed than recent sessions here! Doubles: 6c6c, 7a+7a, 7b+(fell)6c, 7b7a, 7b+(fell)7a, 7b+(fell a couple of moves later)6c, 7b(fell). Good to get pumped, felt destroyed after.
W - 12 hr shift. Shoulder feeling a bit impinged
T - 12 hr shift. Shoulder same.
F - Eve, Redpoint. 6a6b6c, 7a7a, 7b+, 7b7b, 7b+7a+, 7b+(fell), 7a. Shoulder same.
S - Beautiful day but errands. Shoulder same.
S - Lunch, TCA, new stuff was mostly vert or slightly slabby. 5 whites (3 flash, 2 second go), 3 blacks (1 third go, 1 with lots of effort and a slight dab, and 1 did all but the start move), 3 blues (1 with a bit of effort, other 2 just a few moves). Shoulder slightly improved I think.

71 kg.
Aye Duncan, that's a bugger!

Tuesday - am session at newsroom, warm up on circuits (which are as shite as ever and now limited to the 15* and 45*, ad the 25* panel got made into standard boulders.
Ended just doing mid grade problems on the minute. Then some conditioning work - bu
Ig session, felt Beasted after!
Thurs: Bunker. Tried to flash Flightpath 7b with not much warm up, very butch crux with a powerful clipping position. It felt quite far away! Felt a bit of cumulative fatigue after sunday/Tuesday and thought it might be a low power /low success session!
Somehow scraped through next go, but had a moment of weakness while locked off and about to the clip the chains... So RP with chain grab. :chair:
We then went do to Hirohito, which was originally given 7b, then up to 7b+ and now seems to be settling at 7c.
JB put the clips in and figured some beta. I had a great flash go, getting through the first crux, but powered out/ran out of ideas at the crozzly quartz section. 2nd go not much further, but refined some beta. 3rd, very tired, last go saw me very surprisingly through all the actual hard climbing to get totally stuck at the tricky slap to the best hold on the route. In itself it's not even a 5c move, but when the fingers are blasted (it's not really pumpy route, just crimpy PE) it's a total pig of a move! Well, I had that horribke few moments, stuck, can't clip, can't move up or down, just needs to hang there until you fall of. Balls!
I suspect it might settle back at 7b+ and it should go next time.
Sat: was down in the south lakes anyway seeing family, so went to giggleswick North. Onsights: 6a, 6b, 7a, 6c, 6c+ - shoulders were still tired from Thursday, so didn't fancy trying anything too hard.
Sunday:late start and lazy morning, weather better than expected and probably could have climbed outside again but both were tired, so did 45mins of tennis and drove back to Glasgow.
Power Club:

Weight: not sure...

Mon - Thu. nothing
Fri. Lunchtime at Awesome Walls Stoke, just trying everything I could throw myself. Have an annoying split on left index so had to tape that. Felt like I was moving pretty well but faded quickly after 1 hr.
Sat. Fairly relaxed 7 mile walk across some classic Shropshire Hills with an old mate, then a few pints at the local.
Sun. Full Dad mode - lad is 2 weeks into potty training, doing really well, so we ventured out to a National Trust with his bike, had a really nice day despite the weather.
Get well soon Duncan

M - nothing
T - Lead session at Awesome Walls with Sam, but as he’s 12 I was limited to auto-belays… did about a dozen routes 6b - 7a+ then had a play on the Kilter board
W - nothing
T - The Works, poor session, unfocused and felt lethargic.
F - nothing
S - The Tor, inspired to try Rooster Booster after Sam got on it last weekend. Oooof it’s tough, just about did all the moves but it’s flippin’ hard. Uni reunion Sat night so…
S - …nothing. Too much drink and not enough sleep.

AW session was probably the highlight of the week, felt pretty good on the routes so may have developed a hint of fitness/stamina. Kaly in 3 weeks…
Next week STG: Condition body and try to train a bit more (rollover) - No, deconditioning instead
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes - n/a. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope (fuck above a pad) - No, even further away. Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners - touched base with a few people but had to cancel a lot of plans and also some people's communication was shit. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out - yes. Look after injuries - elbow sore whatever I do, (gym x 1) - no, elbow rehab x 2 - x 1, shoulder rehab x 2 - x 1, stretching x 3 - x 1½ and not enough.

M - Nothing.

T - Rest. Elbow rehab (sore), shoulder rehab, stretching.

W - Mini Indoor bouldering @ Parthian. 9 x warm-ups, 7 x V3-4 (4 flash, 3 x 2nd go), 7 x V4-5 (6 flash, 1 x 2nd go, also abandoned 2 more that were too risky for golfer's elbow). Moving okay but felt drained. Elbow sore-ish.

T - Nothing.

F - Semi-active rest. A tiny bit of walking, a tiny bit of plucking out brambles. Half a stretching session. Tired but a bit more energy.

S - Active rest. Photoshoot at Denham. Tiny bit of walking / scrambling, 20 mins gardening, soloed 1 x Severe. Tired but a bit more energy.

S - Indoor routes @ AW. F6a, F6b, F6b+, F6c, F6c+ x 2. Good practise falls on several. The two F6c+s were good fun. Felt I could have done quite a bit more but kept it sensible. Team of 3 meant good rests. Elbow a bit sore but not too bad. Feeling a bit perkier.

A suitable cocktastic start to cocktober with the usual failure to progress / regain. Getting over some illness so being "sensible", thus things got to the stage where I couldn't tell if I had no energy because I was fighting off a coldy thing, or because my body ground to a halt due to inactivity, or because my depression stuck me in an inactive rut. Gradually ramped up micro-activity later in the week so getting back up to square zero at least.

Next week STG: Condition body and try to train a bit more (rollover AGAIN)
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope (fuck above a pad). Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out. Look after injuries, (gym x 1), elbow rehab x 2, shoulder rehab x 2, stretching x 3.
Missed a week so here's a double dose...

Kalymnos Club week 772...

M - F: Few routes at AW to prep but not a lot.
S: Arginonta Valley - few routes up to F6b+
S: Symplegades - Warmed up and then did TNT an ace F6c, mate fancied Ermix @ F7a and made a meal of it so I stupidly opted to TR rather than lead - flashed it! Sun came round so sacked it off! Doh!

Strange week... Energizer Bunny managed to have a nightmare with work and couldn't make it out til nearly a week late so I was partnerless in Kalymnos. Thankfully I was taken under the wing of a couple of mates who were happy to climb as a 3... Not ideal but properly grateful not to be scabbing around for a belay in my first week.

Kalymnos Club week 773...

M: Rest /Work - 1/2 Mile swim in some dserious chop! Felt like a day at Cayton (only warmer).
T: Griffig - Did an Ace 40m F6b+ (Griffig comes to Kalymnos) then tried a F7c+ (Gremlin Hannah). Ace route, did all the moves but not sure that it'll go this trip as I think I'll need to put too much time into it to be worthwhile. Onsighting and quick redpoints seem far more inviting....
W: Arginonta - as a 3 again, F6a+ and 2 x F6c's - Nice onsighting fun! 1/2 Mileish swim. Training to swim to Telendos.
T: Rest/Work 1/2 Mile swim.
F: Prophet Andreas - Energizer Bunny finally made it out! Warmed up on a F6b, then did the crag classic: Prophet Andreas F6c+/7a. Put the clips in the adjacent F7a/+ on the way down.... EB did it just as the sun came round, was gonna sack it off but they said it would be fine in full sun so opted for a lead... Ooops! Got through the low crux to find myself in line with the 4th clip but too far left and in no-mans-land... Completely blinded so couldn't see holds to reverse or go on and was getting pumped... After a load of faffing I ended up lobbing and caught the rope behind my knee on the way down! Cue complete invert! Smashed my head on a tufa/ledge thing... Thankkfully I was wearing a helmet which is now smashed into pieces... Probably saved my life as I firmly believe that without the lid I'd be in an induced coma in Kos hospital (or worse) right now! Went for 500ml of Mythos - Stat!!!
S: Arginonta Valley - Easy climbing day as GF came out Friday - Led some F5-F6a+ routes for her to TR. Felt good to get back on the horse!
S: Arginonta Skyline: Little Verdon - Amazing crag! The name is very apt... Super solid vert climbing. Warmed up on a F6a+, proper sandbag as felt around F6b+! Next up F6c - ace route but still tough! Put clips in adjacent F7b - EB onsights it stating it's never F7b... Go for the flash and drop it due to a silly foot slip! Come back down, pull the ropes and rinse it... Probably hard F7a or Kalymnos F7a+... Great to put Friday's trauma well behind me. Grades eh?!?!?

What a week - great climbing with probably the worst fall of my life, it feels good to be alive! Have said it before but will say it again: Thank fuck for helmets! Don't think I'll ever climb outside without one... Feeling pretty lucky right now!
Power Club

Mon - weights, BM.
Tue - boxing bag.
Wed - horrible ribs pain; arms, high pulls.
Thu - DL 6x6 110 kg. Shoulder static holds half session.
Fri - shoulder static holds, full session against all odds.
Sat - weights.
Sun - weights.
Wow, what a lucky escape Duncan and kudos for getting straight back on it!

Been MIA for more than a couple of weeks, but returned to some form activity last week after holiday and low level lay off for various reasons.

M - Nothing
T - Gym. Deadlifts etc. Light.
W - Nothing
T - Nothing
F - Gym. Deadlifts. Still light.
S - Nothing
S - Nothing

Did enough to get some DOMS, but too many nothing days. Hopefully change that after nights.
Some great reads there, especially Duncanx2 & Fultonius.

72.5kg still losing weight.

Monday -


Awesome Walls
6b, 7a dnf, 6c+ 2nd go, 6c+ dnf


Fingerboard session at home
18mm edges
3 hangs BW + 7.5kg
3 hangs total weight 90.3kg.
BW + 15kg
BW 75kg

12mm edges
total weight. 80.5kg.
Four hangs body weight plus 5kg.


Walk along Mam Tor ridge and back. Cracking day.

Rest day.
nik at work said:
Jeez Dunc!! Making sure everyone packs a helmet now


I started wearing one after a girl led a route at Castle Inn that I'd just done and binned it from the crux, inverted and smacked her head (much the same way I just did). I'm not sure I'd ever seen so much blood... Thankfully she got carted off to hospital, had a few stitches and was back at the crag to grab her stuff before we'd left...

Before that I'd been firmly in the "why would I need a helmet sport climbing" camp.... I'm a helmet evangelist now days :smart:

One good thing about smashing my old BD Vapour is I can now justify getting the new one which is even lighter (a bit spenny - but worth every penny tho)!!

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