Mostly plastic, some wood, no rock.
M - Hip flexibility: frog stretches, standing pancake stretches, sumo squats. Shoulder/elbow/wrist conditioning: reverse curls, lock-offs, hand-stands, side-planks.
T - CroyWall. This is a long way from north London and with public transport delays I could have driven to Forest Rock in a similar time. It’s a good wall with lots of space, there was still plenty of room after 20 school kids turned up. They have a moon board, woodie and good gym area. Setting is decent although with more (n>0) dynos than I would prefer and a few sketchy final moves. The locals were friendly and it was fun sharing beta with someone 1/4 my age and from an entirely different social background.
Shoulder conditioning to warm-up then a good session with multiple V4s including some flashes.
W - A bug of some sort, no vigorous exercise. Hip flexibility.
T - Still Bleurgh. Hip flexibility.
F - The Reach with csl. Shoulder conditioning to warm-up. Still a bit under-par so didn’t go mad but tried fairly hard onsighting a blobby 6b+ and falling off another.
Ride at the Roundhouse, lots of blokes like me behaving like it was 1994 again, great fun.
S - Shoulder conditioning. Light fingerboard session.
S - Shoulder conditioning. Continuing my tour of London walls with EustonWall. This one looks like an office atrium for a management consultancy with the holds standing in for the vaguely abstract artwork. The clientele appear to be mainly UCL students, mostly younger than my shoes. They have weights and boards rooms with a kilter and a 30 degree woodie. I had a good session on the latter, managing several 6As. One crimpy number felt like the crux of a Cornice 7a+ and would be great to lap for sport training. It’s my localest wall and I expect I’ll be back.
A decent training week, tweaks under control, but no climbing. Dodgy weather forecasts have meant cancelling two trips now, it's the time of year when it would be good to live closer than 3 hours from rock. Will be heading down to Weston next weekend for a few days and hope to get something done whilst I'm there. Best scenario would be some Devon DWS or tacking on a Pembroke trip. Get in touch through the usual channels.
M - Hip flexibility: frog stretches, standing pancake stretches, sumo squats. Shoulder/elbow/wrist conditioning: reverse curls, lock-offs, hand-stands, side-planks.
T - CroyWall. This is a long way from north London and with public transport delays I could have driven to Forest Rock in a similar time. It’s a good wall with lots of space, there was still plenty of room after 20 school kids turned up. They have a moon board, woodie and good gym area. Setting is decent although with more (n>0) dynos than I would prefer and a few sketchy final moves. The locals were friendly and it was fun sharing beta with someone 1/4 my age and from an entirely different social background.
Shoulder conditioning to warm-up then a good session with multiple V4s including some flashes.
W - A bug of some sort, no vigorous exercise. Hip flexibility.
T - Still Bleurgh. Hip flexibility.
F - The Reach with csl. Shoulder conditioning to warm-up. Still a bit under-par so didn’t go mad but tried fairly hard onsighting a blobby 6b+ and falling off another.
Ride at the Roundhouse, lots of blokes like me behaving like it was 1994 again, great fun.
S - Shoulder conditioning. Light fingerboard session.
S - Shoulder conditioning. Continuing my tour of London walls with EustonWall. This one looks like an office atrium for a management consultancy with the holds standing in for the vaguely abstract artwork. The clientele appear to be mainly UCL students, mostly younger than my shoes. They have weights and boards rooms with a kilter and a 30 degree woodie. I had a good session on the latter, managing several 6As. One crimpy number felt like the crux of a Cornice 7a+ and would be great to lap for sport training. It’s my localest wall and I expect I’ll be back.
A decent training week, tweaks under control, but no climbing. Dodgy weather forecasts have meant cancelling two trips now, it's the time of year when it would be good to live closer than 3 hours from rock. Will be heading down to Weston next weekend for a few days and hope to get something done whilst I'm there. Best scenario would be some Devon DWS or tacking on a Pembroke trip. Get in touch through the usual channels.