Power Club 765 5 - 11 Aug 2024


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Mar 7, 2005
in the moment
M - sleep off nights, parenting
T - parenting. Snuck down to UCR for a play on the new 2024 Moonboard in the afternoon, very nice. Will be really handy having this and the new 25° woody at the end of the road for quick hits. 90 min, did a bunch of 6B+ and 6C to get going, and managed 2 7A's (one flashed) and close to a couple more.
W - parenting. Aft, run, 6k, hilly, trail, 40 min. Walked a fair chunk as wasn't feeling it. Still glad I got out.
T - parenting. Eve, UCR, 90 min, 2024 moonboard. Managed another 7A benchmark, and all but matching the finish on another. Progress on one of the ones from Tuesday too.
F - parenting.
S - 12 hr shift.
S - 12 hr shift.

71.5 kg.
Thanks Duma,

M - Hip flexibility: prone frog stretches, sumo squats, standing pancake. Shoulders/elbows/wrists conditioning: hand-stands, side-planks, reverse curls.

T - Fingers pick-ups: 31kg/70% max. short endurance work.

W - Woke to feel the room spinning around me, bleurgh. Shoulders. Hip flexibility.

T - Bleugh. Shoulders. Hip flexibility.

F - Climbing in the olympics! Inspired to do a good session of pick-ups: 41kg/90% max. strength work.

S - More inspiring climbing in the olympics but back to feeling bleurgh again. Dragged myself to Croydon where the lad was playing Dvorak’s glorious 8th Symphony at the Fairfield Hall. Proud dad etc.

S - First visit to CanaryWall. It’s a set of railway arches but they’ve opened them up to let in a good amount of natural light and fresh air in the general climbing and chilling areas. It’s pretty pleasant on a warm summer day. Their training room is a separate arch which has a couple of LED woodies and a spray wall. They use V-grades for the regular wall where apparently I can climb V4 and Font. grades on the boards where I failed on 5As that were usually called something like Warm-Up 101. No surprise this is a weakness. In theory I should work on this although I'm not convinced how relevant it is to climbing E4/5 trad. Also it felt like my shoulder was about to explode at times so progress will have to be very gradual.

Didn’t feel up to much climbing this week for various reasons. Had vertigo-type symptoms for several days which wasn’t fun. Also got threatened on the tube by a large, very wired, and extremely scary beggar wielding a 12” screwdriver. “Give me money! I need money now!” I didn't have any cash and he didn't seem like the kind of chap to carry a card reader. I tried to disappear into my seat and eventually he moved on to terrify the next part of the carriage. I called the emergency phone at the next stop. It’s the sort of thing non-Londoners think happens here all the time but I’ve managed to avoid anything like it for 34 years and it disturbed me more than I expected.

Plan: Weston for the latter half of the week so will be looking to climb in the area if anyone is around. Should try one of the Uphill E4s if it’s not too hot.
the previous week was spent in France with family on holiday. . A few days at St Malo then a few days in Chantilly. Highly rate St Malo.

Monday -
Big Depot Leeds
Went with the youngest to get him back into climbing. He last climbed 12 months ago at El Chorro during our family holiday. He completely lost interest after doing a few bouldering comps.

He prefers lead climbing so I thought going somewhere new would be good. He had a great time, top roped about 5 routes and then led five routes from grade 3 to 5+. Nothing hard but just concentrated on clipping technique and enjoying the experience.

The Big Depot is good venue but very warm inside.

I just did auto belays. Tried to Onsight every thing. Onsighted three 6bs, one 6c. Failed on two 6c+s, another 6c & a 7a.

We both had a great session

Rest day

Strength training at Virgin Gym

Fingerboard session at home
18mm edges
3 hangs BW + 7.5kg
3 hangs total weight 91.1kg.
BW + 13.75kg
BW 77kg

12mm edges
total weight. 81.4kg.
4 hangs body weight plus 2.5kg
two hangs body weight plus 4kg. New PB on these


Rest day

Strength training at virgin
Rest of the day pulling down the garden fence.
Duma said:
T - parenting. Snuck down to UCR for a play on the new 2024 Moonboard in the afternoon, very nice. Will be really handy having this and the new 25° woody at the end of the road for quick hits. 90 min, did a bunch of 6B+ and 6C to get going, and managed 2 7A's (one flashed) and close to a couple more.

Does the new set feel less sandbag grade wise? Think Sam Prior said it was meant to be on the podcast but not sure whether this has translated to reality!
With the caveat that I've only had 2 sessions, only climbed on the more repeated benchmarks, and not tried anything above 7A, I would say...


The 6s feel fairly similar I think, once you've got familiar with the new holds. The 7A's I've tried are on average a bit easier, I've flashed one and I've never done that on any other moonboard set. Didn't feel miles out compared to the low 7's bouldering I did in N Wales a couple of weeks ago.
For context I'm not great on a board normally, but the feet follow/small box style of the moonboard suits me better than the tension of a normal woody.
Power Club:

Missed previous week but was away in France on family holiday - no climbing or exercise, plenty of eating and drinking.

M. France
T. France
W. Return from France in the morning. Evening board session - surprisingly good session after holiday. Felt quite light and powerful, kept it relatively short as not wanting to overdo it.
F. 15mins of circuits - burpees, pullups, pressups.
S. 45min board session in the morning, then some front lever pull thingys.

Started monitoring my weight now, hoping to drop around 4-5 kg, currently between 79-80kg.
Even less experience here (1 session) but agree with Duma - it feels a tiny bit less sandbagged on the benchmarks I did - as long as you are comparing to real rock I think it's not far off what I would expect at 7a.

Compared to the Kilter it still feels like Moon 6C = Kilter 7B, but that probably says more about Kilter's softness than anything else.
Thanks both, be interesting to give it a try. Benchmark 7A on the 2019 set spans from problems I’ve done in a couple of goes to ones that should theoretically suit me (small moves small holds) being multi multi session projects where I’ve still not done some of the moves. If they could at least narrow these grade bands a bit that would be great!
The grade-spans are wide, and people have their own strength and weaknesses, but I think many underestimate how big difference there is in depth between holds for the moon board. It can vary by several mm, which makes a huge difference on some holds.
Power Club

Mon - DL 5x5 120kg. Shoulder static holds.
Tue - shoulder static holds. High pulls.
Wed - hill sprints, triceps, biceps.
Thu - boxing bag.
Fri - gave blood. Light weights.
Sat - loaded carries.
Sun - regular weights.
August Goals: Get set up for 6 weeks off work
- 1x day out climbing
- consistent training, try and maintain/improve fitness a bit

Had a bad week for "consistent training"

Two trips to the wall, just doing bouldering circuits and nothing structured.

This week:
- survive the heat
- endurance training
- a semblance of structure
Couple of weeks in one for me, missed last week:

Week one:

Monday was post nights, so some recovery time from this. Still shaking of the residual effects of virus.

Wednesday, long day at work. Only had a few hours sleep the night before due to not converting back to days easily. Started out feeling ok, but over the course of the morning started to lose my voice. Hadn't had this symptom the week before, but father in law had, so clearly the start of something new. Feeling more unwell by the evening but stupidly decided that a trip down to Portland after work was worth it. Really bad idea and should have slept.

Made my way down to the Bordo boulder with a thought to try the current version of Bordo della Terra, probably 7A+, and maybe the original sequence without the two new holds at 7B, just to see what it was like. Despite the sun going down the humidity and temps were still pretty high. The first move is to a shiny smooth pinch, great in good conditions, but today felt like a bar of soap. Played around on the moves, but wasn't even doing the stuff on the 6C+ I did earlier in the year. Rather than waste skin decided to sac it and try Anasazi Lost, a nearby 7A. I've tried it before and did a ~6C version of it a few years back using sans convention holds. Totally pointless, couldn't touch the crux move which really is the whole point of the boulder as every other move is easy. Felt pretty rubbish about it at first, and felt pretty foolish sat in the middle of the boulder field at midnight, sick and tired and facing a longish walk out in the heat. Don't know why I didn't just go to bed. Sacced it off and went home.

In retrospect I was a bit harsh on myself, I definitely shouldn't have gone down, should have slept and recovered, but once I was there I had too high expectations. Conditions were crap, it was humid, and I tried a problem with a big throw crux which is really unlikely anything I've been practicing recently given I've really only been doing gym stuff and finger stuff. My skin quality is totally crap too, with only training on wood, the tips are super soft and felt painful early on.

Rest of the week a bit of a write off, got a bit of elbow physio in, but not much else.

Week two:

Family visiting from America. Took a break from everything and just hung out and swam in the pool in the place they were staying. No real training, minimal amounts of wine most days, probably more than sensible over all.

Then on Sunday, I went down to Portland to sport climb with a friend of my wife who wanted to try out climbing with his climber girlfriend who needed someone else able to belay etc. Took the chance to tie on for the first time since 2022, but with no real expectations. Ended up at the Cuttings due to the morning weather conditions (fog and drizzle), had been planning Blacknor. Started out sticking the rope up some 3s and 4s and managed to not fall off a 6a with a bit of a crux at the end. Then tried Finesse, a 7a I attempted the last time I went sport climbing in 2022. Funnily enough the difference was immediately obvious, as I could place the draws on lead and last time my partner had to do it for me. After one go reminding myself of the moves had a redpoint and it felt super easy. It's not a powerful route at all, but still it's good to find it steady with no route fitness and a diet of deadlifts, pull ups and finger hangs, ostensibly just to prevent atrophy. Ticks off my goal of tying on a rope and climbing at least one French 7.

Next couple of weeks I'll aim to do a bit more training, get back to the gym and get a few runs in. Feeling like the virus(es) are finally clearing and need to just reboot the motivation.
teestub said:
Does the new set feel less sandbag grade wise? Think Sam Prior said it was meant to be on the podcast but not sure whether this has translated to reality!

I'd say the new set at 40 degrees is pretty horrifically sandbagged. Maybe similar to the 2019 set, way more sandbagged than 2016 (which feels not too far off correct for me on many problems, though a bit erratic like most things). Apparently Ben and others have been pushing benchmark grades up to try to fix this, and then getting people messaging to tell them it's too soft :lol: :wall: Having climbed on a similar angle bit of wall at Hell Moss on Saturday I'd say the benchmark 7Bs would all be 7C+ there :-\
Haha the users demand sandbags! TBH I quite like how far out the grading is, as it means I don’t try and compare board performance with outdoor performance. As long as the grades are fairly internally consistent, which they generally are (with the wide spans) then I guess it’s all good.

Anyone actually interested in climbing a certain grade indoors can just get on a Kilter instead!
Next week STG: See if I can try hard on a trad route - no, and getting further away.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes - n/a. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope (fuck above a pad) - yes above a pad, no on a rope. Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners - some affable and possible useful networking on Tue / Wed. Would be nice if established friends stayed in touch more.. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out - n/a. Look after injuries - seem to be okay / not worse, (gym x 1), elbow rehab x 2 - x1, shoulder rehab x 2 - x1, stretching x 3 - x1.

M - Rest. Moping.

T - Active rest. 3 x E1. Looked longingly and sadly at an inspiring E3 from a distance.

W - 8 x 6B-C (mostly flashed), 1 x 7A (worked). Digestion wonky in morning but better later. Surprised how (relatively) well my body worked once I got focused. See summary below.

T - Can't remember. Going to assume rest and probably rehab.

F - Active rest. 40 mins walk. 1 x E3 5c new route (headpointed). Cool route but gigapunting as usual.

S - Indoor bouldering @ Blochaus. 10 x V2-4 (9 flash, 1 x 2nd go), 9 x V3-5 (8 flash, 1 x 2nd go), 12 x V4-6 (8 flash, 2 x 2nd go, 2 x 3rd go). Many cuddles with a pair of bordoodles. As per Wednesday, I was surprised how well I did (despite being in a mopey mood after outside plans fell through). Blochaus setting has got better with more proper cranking and less "3 holds per problem" neanderthal lurching. Good workout and good fun.

S - France. 38'C. Gym session. Stretching.

Weird week. Still so shockingly timid on trad it's hard to believe. However it was an interesting experience trying bouldering again. I had guessed that a depression relapse was stopping my muscles firing and me actually pulling on anything, and with that slightly alleviated, and a bit more focus on the bouldering sessions, it seems I was correct, as I felt no weaker nor heavier than usual. This was somewhat reassuring, I now want to try to bridge the massive gap to applying that to routes....

Next week STG: Keep body active and see what happens.
The usual STG: Stay focused and don't make silly mistakes. Do something challenging and inspiring on a rope (fuck above a pad). Keep in regular contact with suitable friends and partners. Falling practise if I do routes indoors or out. Look after injuries, (gym x 1), elbow rehab x 2, shoulder rehab x 2, stretching x 3.

duncan said:
They use V-grades for the regular wall where apparently I can climb V4 and Font. grades on the boards where I failed on 5As that were usually called something like Warm-Up 101. No surprise this is a weakness in the idiotic mentality of the twats who set and """grade""" problems on boards. In theory I should work on this although I'm not convinced how relevant it is to climbing E4/5 trad.
Warm-Up 101 lol. 2nd time you've given me a good laugh recently after "(12)" in a previous post.

As a general thing, the moonboard grades are utter dogshit with a grade spread of +/- 4 grades in the mid/high-6s. Utterly useless for training as you spend the entire session trying to find problems that are only +/- 2 grades and wasting time trying things that turn out to be either farcically graded or crap problems or usually both (with the numbers of holds in use often corresponding to the number of brain cells of the setter).

On the other hand, board climbing is often pretty relevant to climbing E4/5 trad because it really does help having massive amounts of strength and pulling ability in reserve. Obviously stamina is more important but the benefit of having a huge sport / bouldering buffer (even if you're not aware of it because you've not really pushed hard on sport / bouldering) is very important.
Fiend said:
F - Active rest. 40 mins walk. 1 x E3 5c new route (headpointed). Cool route but gigapunting as usual.

Weird week. Still so shockingly timid on trad it's hard to believe.

A new E3 isn’t too shabby! I’m not surprised to hear you’re not at your most go-for-it at the moment. It’s not always been the case but, these days, I find trad. climbing confidence is highly related to my mental health. This can become self-reinforcing which is a problem when trad. climbing competence is an important part of your identity which is true for both of us I think.

Fiend said:
duncan said:
They use V-grades for the regular wall where apparently I can climb V4 and Font. grades on the boards where I failed on 5As that were usually called something like Warm-Up 101. No surprise this is a weakness in the idiotic mentality of the twats who set and """grade""" problems on boards. In theory I should work on this although I'm not convinced how relevant it is to climbing E4/5 trad.
Warm-Up 101 lol. 2nd time you've given me a good laugh recently after "(12)" in a previous post.

As a general thing, the moonboard grades are utter dogshit with a grade spread of +/- 4 grades in the mid/high-6s. Utterly useless for training as you spend the entire session trying to find problems that are only +/- 2 grades and wasting time trying things that turn out to be either farcically graded or crap problems or usually both (with the numbers of holds in use often corresponding to the number of brain cells of the setter).

On the other hand, board climbing is often pretty relevant to climbing E4/5 trad because it really does help having massive amounts of strength and pulling ability in reserve. Obviously stamina is more important but the benefit of having a huge sport / bouldering buffer (even if you're not aware of it because you've not really pushed hard on sport / bouldering) is very important.

This wasn’t a Moon board but same principles apply.

Thanks for the encouragement. I have to be super careful with steeper indoor bouldering and the risk of injury versus possible rewards. A bit more power/snap would go a long way however.
teestub said:
TBH I quite like how far out the grading is, as it means I don’t try and compare board performance with outdoor performance. As long as the grades are fairly internally consistent, which they generally are (with the wide spans) then I guess it’s all good.

I think on the MB specifically, the feet follow approach often means things are pretty morpho one way or another, so grades can feel pretty ridiculously wide, but that's just another reason to stop worrying about them.
duncan said:
Fiend said:
F - Active rest. 40 mins walk. 1 x E3 5c new route (headpointed). Cool route but gigapunting as usual.

Weird week. Still so shockingly timid on trad it's hard to believe.

A new E3 isn’t too shabby! I’m not surprised to hear you’re not at your most go-for-it at the moment. It’s not always been the case but, these days, I find trad. climbing confidence is highly related to my mental health. This can become self-reinforcing which is a problem when trad. climbing competence is an important part of your identity which is true for both of us I think.
Wise words as usual, prof. I very much agree with the self-reinforcing mental health issues.

Although....E3 headpoint is about equivalent to E1 5b? So shabby enough, pretty much hillwalking TBH. Although it is a good route for a smaller grit quarry.

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