Thanks for starting the week Duma.
Another great week.
Monday -
95% hangs. BW + 20kg. 3x10sec half crimp
95% hangs BW + 20kg. 3x10sec. 3finger open
The Depot after work
Tried 5 of the new purples. Did 1. Fingers were a bit fatigued from last night’s session.
Fingerboard session at home. New 12mm maple edges arrived. Felt lovely but desperate to hold. Will need to introduce counter weight to improve hanging from them.
Rest day
Went back to Deep Rake in the afternoon.
Warmed up on the 6a and then Lead Vein Thrombosis, by putting the draws in for Phil. Then got on Rake’s Progress 7a+. Worked the first 3 bolts, got the sequences sorted. Second tie in, I linked to the 3rd bolt unexpectedly. Luckily I had enough quickdraws and went through to the belay. Want to go back and repeat it on film. Great moves, and a great route. Very happy
strength training at the Depot
5x3 jumping pull up
5x3 pull ups +16kg
4x4 each leg. assisted pistol squats off footstool
1x10 8kg dumbbell chest flyes
3x8. 9kg dumbbell chest flyes
1x8. 5kg. Front & lateral raises.
3x12. 7kg. Front & lateral raises.