Porth Ysgo Beta Thread


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Pantontino said:
We went over to Clwt y Fiaren first and I managed to bag a new 7A:



Then we went over to the School for Gifted block (just beyond Made in Heaven) and Owen climbed an excellent new 7A+ extension to School for Gifted:


There's a film of it here:


Saw a few people walking out later on but missed you Luke. Sounds like a bit of ground works is needed after the storms. The landing below School for Gifted has got better. I spent an hour and half building a patio under this last summer to negate a back breaking block, but the storm has just swept everything out of the way, including the annoying block.

Nice one Si! Sounds like you guys had a great day too. Drove past you on the way out (we parked in the other car park further down). Lots of people out that day, we all made the right decision!
I'm sure it was about that close when Maskell somehow snaked through the gap!

Sad if it is impossible now, but good news on the lo lo low start by the sound of it :)
Richie Crouch said:
I'm sure it was about that close when Maskell somehow snaked through the gap!

Sad if it is impossible now, but good news on the lo lo low start by the sound of it :)

It's definitely not possible now, at least not for a 'normally shaped' human being. This recent shift has occurred in the last two weeks - when I was there just after new year you could have still done it.
Thats the RH version of HS though? not the actual problem..?

EDIT just ready your NW blog.. OK it is the RH problem..
tomtom said:
Thats the RH version of HS though? not the actual problem..?

EDIT just ready your NW blog.. OK it is the RH problem..

Yes, sorry for the confusion, I forgot to type RH.

Thankfully Higginson Scar is unaffected by the recent boulder shifts, although it did occur to me that maybe the boulder is getting steeper, i.e. being pushed over forwards by the land slump at the back?
Pantontino said:
tomtom said:
Thats the RH version of HS though? not the actual problem..?

EDIT just ready your NW blog.. OK it is the RH problem..

Yes, sorry for the confusion, I forgot to type RH.

Thankfully Higginson Scar is unaffected by the recent boulder shifts, although it did occur to me that maybe the boulder is getting steeper, i.e. being pushed over forwards by the land slump at the back?

V5 then ;)
Falling Down said:
I wonder what Cilan is like. Dave L sent me a pic of waves breaking over the headland..

I would be surprised if there wasn't some fairly major rock falls. It'll be a spooky time heading out on the sea cliffs in the next few months.
Falling Down said:
I wonder what Cilan is like. Dave L sent me a pic of waves breaking over the headland..

Post it up! Our beach hut has been condemned by the council, instead of being half way up a sand dune it is now overhanging a sand cliff. :-(
They're on his Twitter feed with some spectacular pics from the Bardsey Obs gang. Look at those and you can see why Ysgo took a beating...

Sorry to hear your beach but is condemned. I wonder if the guy who paid all that money for his a few years back is also in the same position?
Yeah there's some pleasing irony in there as the guy who owns the land has been screwing everyone the last few years. Ain't worth so much now, in fact I think the Queen owns most of it!
Does anyone happen to know what isn't climbable at Porth Ysgo at high tide? More specifically is the Made in Heaven block effected? Cheers
From memory only the blocs at the back are unaffected.. But if there's any wave action they get hit/wet/sprayed too. But I've only been a few times...
Cheers guys, there's a 4m high this weekend which sounds pretty low... and as the wind is coming from the NW, so I'm guessing the waves shouldn't be bad?

Doylo said:
Yes it is.

Rough guess of how long after high it's climable?

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