Apart from all the other ills in the world, one thing that does piss me right off is the amount of rubbish at crags. It is not always bad, eg Apparent North today was spotless, but it is very common to find a light smattering of rubbish around whatever venue one visits (Peak, at least). And don't get me started on the plastic bags full of dog shit at the Roaches the other day! Fume.
Anyway. In the spirit of "Donkeylines/Tickmarks Hall of Shame", I offer you the "Other Peoples Rubbish" thread.
Pick it up and post it up.
Roaches on Sunday.
Anyway. In the spirit of "Donkeylines/Tickmarks Hall of Shame", I offer you the "Other Peoples Rubbish" thread.
Pick it up and post it up.
Roaches on Sunday.