[Peak][[various routes and bouldering]


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Seriously what are you on about?
What use would preplaced cams be on Moonwalk andWhere is this E4 thread on UKC?
But mostly, why do you care how different people climb different routes? It's all just messing about on some rocks!
Aaannyway. The point, if one is even needed, is:

Will Hunt said:
That makes sense, though when I've thought about this before I didn't see any reason not to give a !!! route/problem a trad grade - or better a hybrid grade like E5 6a (Font 6A+) or whatever.
Which is exactly what M20 has done above, in accordance with the totalitarian BMC-authorised guidebook protocol, which does indeed give the most useful information over, depending on what style of ascent you go for, or indeed which grading system you're most familiar with for these sorts of grey area routelets. Although I'm not sure (!!!) gets used much.

And it's a nice round-up of some cool exploration and questing.

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