Peak Bolt Fund discusion/suggestions

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:-[ :lol:

(for a moment I thought you meant the brownish/orange gate one on the right - which is a Fixe Draco)

Need some suggestions for where they can be put. I was thinking some loweroffs at Rubicon could do with replacing - e.g. dragonflight, tribes, Dan Bro, too old, miller tale, bigger tail etc etc etc.

Its a pity that there are two crabs on the one ring. The screw gate could be removed and put on another ring but would then no longer be captive and subject to theft. :-\
SamT said:
Need some suggestions for where they can be put. I was thinking some loweroffs at Rubicon could do with replacing - e.g. dragonflight, tribes, Dan Bro, too old, miller tale, bigger tail etc etc etc.
They all sound good to me. Maybe lower offs on Pirahna and Whitebait too and the singular bolt on Jezebel also needs replacing
fine by me - and whole heartedly agree about the chains. Perhaps I can swap them for some BP ones.

Kris - pm me with your address/mob number and I'll pop round sometime soon and pick up some kit. Keen to get on with the Rubicon ones.

I realise relations with the natives are sensitive to say the least but is my understanding correct - that anything between Rubicon and Salar is OK at the moment.
Yes at the moment everything is fine. Although I suspect the C&LFF/mafia will be looking for excuses as they are already making things difficult upstream.
Anyone itching to do some re-bolting ?

I have bought a new Hilti drill which I can lend out (not for too long please - I use it for DIY) and have some PBF/BMC bolts and glue too though needs a 16mm drill bit for these.

I also have an old Hilti drill (but defunkt batteries) that can be lent indefinitely if someone wants to get properly stuck in.
Apparently there is now a lower off on whitebait and possibly one on Piranha to follow using kit I have supplied from the PBF.

Also some info to note is the state of the bolts on the Flow 8a+ on Two Tier. All the washers have been removed as they were bleeding rust on the stainless bolts. All the hangers were loose and the 3rd and 5th bolts could not be tightened and are rattling around in there holes and therefore need to be replaced.
Not sure if this is the right place but just thought I would post that the lower off for Jive Turkey/Bullet the Blue Sky isn't great. Currently there is a peg and two old bolts, hangers look okay but the bolts themselves seemed pretty rusty.
kc said:
Apparently there is now a lower off on whitebait and possibly one on Piranha to follow using kit I have supplied from the PBF.

Whitebait has been retro-bolted, rather than just new lower off. There is a new double bolt lower off at the top of the crag and a double bolt lower off above the bulge. In addition there is a new bolt next to the peg (which is also new I think).

Bolt at the flake of Piranha , anyone??
Whitebait has been retro-bolted, rather than just new lower off. There is a new double bolt lower off at the top of the crag and a double bolt lower off above the bulge. In addition there is a new bolt next to the peg (which is also new I think).

Bolt at the flake of Piranha , anyone??

sorry , just meant to copy bit of kc's post
This is a suggestion for cleaning/stabilisation as opposed to re-equipping. On The Road at Lorry Park Quarry is a masterpiece of a route in a rancid location. It seems to be getting loads of traffic since the new guide came out:

There is a big block near the top (on the right wall of the corner, near the lower off) which looks a bit perilous and you end up pulling on it quite a bit. It might be quite stable, but it looks like it might deteriorate in a few years time. The line of the rope is directly under the block and I suspect it would quite happily chop the leader's rope if/when it does go. Would this be a candidate for some crowbarring (you'd have to hope there were could holds behind) or slapping a load of glue down the back of it?

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