Peak Bolt Fund discusion/suggestions

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I notice you did ouijaboard recently Jon. Does that mean it's been re-equipped and I can carry out my promise of a wad point, or did you think the old bolts were ok?
No, the bolts are still really bad. Probably the worst on the crag (except for maybe on crap routes that never get attention). Needs sorting really. I've got the kit if anyone's got the time.
It would appear that the reequipping has ground to a halt this year.
We can put that down to a few points:

Last year’s 2 most active bolters have gone road tripping or given up climbing (temporarily I hope). A lot of the obvious classics have been done already and willing volunteers have not been inducted into the dark art. We need not say what the main reason is though DO WE :furious:

In a vain attempt to keep the stone rolling I would like people to at least suggest routes that still need attention. Let’s create a list:
Cry of Despair and the odd one on Roof warrior
Armistice Day needs doing properly
The Egyptian Bizarre
42 (on second thoughts don’t bother)
Lightweight & 7 pounds
Any more….
The shit season is upon us now so I suspect all this will be forgotten when the masses return in the spring.
I've got a big bag of bolts that the BMC have donated, for re-equiping only of course. If anyone needs any send me a PM.

Abracadabseil's pull tester is also available to borrow if anyone wants.
I think Cry Of Despair has been done. The fourth looks a bit rusty but I think most people skip it anyway. I clipped it rather than fifth and it held me though.
If anyone wants to be getting on with kristans list or anything else then my drill is sitting in Sheffield while I'm away travelling. PM me if you want to borrow it.
nai said:
I think Cry Of Despair has been done. The fourth looks a bit rusty but I think most people skip it anyway. I clipped it rather than fifth and it held me though.
Well that's OK then? I get the impression that the person who tried to bolt that route didn't have a clue what they were doing, looking at the way the bolts were SMASHED in.
I think we should do a proper job on that route as it is rather popular and spends most of the year under water.
If anyone can get hold of the good shit Hilti HIT-HY 150 or such like for next year.
Using resin bolts at the cornice is good but I would rather just use A4 expansions on places like Two tier.
Minos & Buster
Johnny Brown said:
I've got a big bag of bolts that the BMC have donated, for re-equiping only of course. If anyone needs any send me a PM.

Abracadabseil's pull tester is also available to borrow if anyone wants.
Would you be willing to hold the PBF drill at your place? My house is right on the edge of the city and not the most convenient place for people to pick stuff up from. Bransby has it currently and could pass on to you when he's finished with it.
Re-bolt suggestions:
Scum Manifesto very good 7a+ at LTQ
All the routes at Bend Tor
Quite a few things on Long Wall Cheedale
I think The Spider could do with big resin bolts, the 10mm bolts in that rock gave me the fear, especially the one on the crux where the rock behind the hanger is falling to pieces!

In an ideal world some young blood with heaps of time and enthusiasm could take over the PBF and inject some life into the effort (all offers considered!). In all honesty me and Paul haven't done the cause justice at all this year.
Was meaning your work. It's pretty central. I suppose the main downside would be that folk would have to make collections during office hours. Maybe I should ask the Works instead.
I have 13 hangers and a lower off as part of some instructional get up that's cluttering up our stores. The hangers are screwed into a piece of plywood.

I'm happy to give them away to someone involved in re-equipping routes in the Peak if you're willing to take the whole piece of ply (need to be collected from Jagged Globe at the Foundry Studios next to the Foundry within the next week.

Photo here:

P.M. me if you're interested

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